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I'm usually not this quiet for this long so just letting you know what is going on. The crash at the end of April was pretty bad so I have been trying to give myself a break (that hasn't worked out very because you know how I get if I feel like I am not working hard enough). Even after getting pretty sick I still have been getting regular tension headaches and fatigue. Basically, I overworked myself. I will probably have to crunch to get illustrations done for the month, and comics will probably not resume until next month (though I'll try and at least get some thumbnails up). But I am definitely just suffering the side effects of really pushing myself too hard in too many areas for too long.

I'm sure I'll be fine, but that's what's been going on the last couple weeks.



Go back to bed, Icy. Go back to bed, take care of yourself, stay safe and above all, stay awesome, you wonderful being.


Please continue to take care of yourself and take time. I'm happy to wait as long as you take


Ya I agree 100%. We choose to subscribe to your Patreon because we want to support you, not only financially. You're personal health, both mental and physical is #1. You take the time you need to get back to normal. I will gladly wait however long for your top shelf content!! Get some rest buddy!!

Travis Arnold

Icy, PLEASE don't crunch. I am certain that anyone else waiting on something from you is okay with waiting longer. Burnout is absolutely no joke and can leave DEEP scars. Please take care of yourself, rest and fight against the urge to overextend yourself.


I'd say don't crunch now, we're here for the top notch illustrations, yeah. But your health goes above work, that's the case for everyone.


Crunch bad, look at the gaming industry ;o; please take your time


Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Icy! Please make sure to take all the time you need to get better!


Not everything can be job and chores. Please take time for yourself, take it easy and relax, you will always have my support, no matter what!


Hang in there! Take care of yourself.