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Monday, May 17th is the final day to vote.

1) "Jaslyn (https://twitter.com/Awesomevan99/status/1290675214771261440?s=20) after a growth spurt, shirt barely clinging to life, disappointed and wishing she had grown more."

2) "(https://twitter.com/Okazilla/status/1111015337800200192?s=20) Things get out of hand in her DJ booth as she forgets to take her BE medicine"

3) "Elizebeth from bioshock infinite meeting her super busty alternate dimensional self and being very jealous."

4) "Not Rosie, for a change, but how about https://twitter.com/RoundThings4RTs/status/1354279750454423554 Chounerd, perhaps shopping for more D&D dice and missing the best deals cause things are in the way :B"

5) "Stelard's new job as a living boob-blimp has drawn the attention of the media. So now she's pressed into the backs of her own gigantic floaty tits partly by their size, and partly trying to hide in them out of embarrassment as she gives an interview to a cute TV journalist.

6) "I'll propose again GargantuAnne Surpassing Sierra. Who is GargantuAnne you may ask (I know Icy knows her, but maybe his fans don't?) is an amazing character created by Ryver8 and with so little fanart https://www.deviantart.com/ryver8/art/The-Endowry-Pageant-Part-01-824530855"

7) "Maddie with her "rival," my other OC Jasmine. Jasmine is "cursed" (she literally asked for it) to constantly grow larger (very slowly), and Maddie, being the boob witch she is, likes to torment her by being larger than Jas is. So, Maddie looks smug while very obviously bigger than Jasmine, who looks a lil grumpy. Maddie refs (https://imgur.com/a/83iWm) and Jas design refs (https://imgur.com/a/ICwkChG)

8) "I'm submitting an idea featuring my OC Judy Wall (references arranged most to least representative: https://bit.ly/3urHNyv). I propose a scene of her reaching back for something on a shelf that is JUST out of her grasp. She'd be arm-outstretched, straining, and pulling against her anchoring boobage as its weight keeps her just that last tantalizing bit out of range from whatever she's trying to grab."

9) "My character Cristalyn's containment ceases in cramped castle creating cleavage cascade. https://sta.sh/29qunx1mbxn"

10) "Nothing goofy comes to mind, so how about my OC Lemminisca just SOL-ing about, tilling a field? Comfy =w= [Reposted from April; No new ideas :L ]"