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I'm going to go ahead and post this here for a sort of WIP thing. This is the first version of page three for Too Many Cooks: ultimately I don't like the framing and structure of this-

what that means is that I don't think the structure of the page works to convey the ideas I am going for: there are  a few elements I wanted to put across here and it's missing the mark. The basic "flow" of the panels is fine, if paced a bit badly, but some of the action does not focus the way I want it to: such as the way their exchange should feel like a practiced ritual or how Barria just kind of goes along with what Kat picks. Little details in the action that are missed because the way the characters and action are framed lacks focus.

Anyways, its stuff to work on with next draft - and I might need to break up the panels more and spread this bit out on two pages if I can't nail the pacing.




I think this is the first time I've seen either of the girls talk at all. Certainly the most I've ever seen them talking. Good times.


Verbal interactinnnng aaa, it can happen :B Good luck with version 2 ^^


Barria's face when she asks about breakfast pizza is still A+