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EDIT: Someone requested a reduced version of Tama so they could see the whole outfit, so added a Portable Pumpkin Princess Tama to this set... I really like Pumpkin Princess and might need to keep it around.

Today's stream was mostly just seasonal doodling before I start focusing on this month's comic work and second illustration.

Alternate Earth AU Loot Chest, Pumpkin Princess Tama, and Barria is really regretting this costume because its way more embarrassing than she expected.



Matthew Chua

Tama is just so wonderfully big~


Omg, Loot Chest is soo freaking cute!!


Switching back and forth between portable and less-portable sizes is what I like most. Seeing girls stuck in less-portable positions is a bit uncomfortable for me, so posts like this update make me feel a lot happier. Thanks, Icy :D


Yeah. I mean, I don't want to kinkshame anyone; I can see an appeal in a properly cared-for immobile lifestyle, but I 150% can't deal with any loss-of-agency scenario, so regardless those aren't for me... Anyway, enough srsbsns. Really nice work on all of them, Icy, and thanks for letting Tama show off her lovely costume a bit more :D

Chibi Biscuit

I love these. Loot Chest in overalls is the wholesome adorableness I needed in my day.


Oh my gosh, this, all of this, it's so aaaaa nwn. Loot's the icing on the cake, a super adorable smols in the best hat :3