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A nice smug goth to help you through your December. The Smoth here is actually a character idea for a possible comic to start after Twins finished up. I had intended to just use this as a practice for some new color pallets and the end result was basically finalizing the personality and appearance of the character.

Short version is a goth metal pop idol. I'll put in some more details later on with a more "character design" post after I get caught up on patreon work.

She saved you HQ versions of both covers down below but only because you are such a big fan <3

Edit: added an alternate for the masochists.




Nothing against the idea of new characters as such, but focusing on your existing characters would be my preference...


Understood, and the NEU cast are still getting comcis after I finish with Twins, but I plan on them being more of a page by page thing.


I for one, welcome more goth girls!


All hail Smoth! Queen of the Resting Smugface! :3c


Boy, her roadies have a lot of work to do...


Looking very smooth, er and Smoth I guess :B Smug doot

Ahzi Dahaka

None of her fans have even noticed her hit single is just Baby Shark shifted to minor key.