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Another illustration for a member of my game group: this time for Oka of their part time vampire magical girl who hunts vampires and full time goth, Tabitha (guest appearance by Princess). I wanted to also use this to continue my practice of working on coloring techniques: this time focusing on not using lighten or multiply layers at all and try and maintain full control of the color pallet. Good learning experience but definitely much harder than my layer method I'm used to.

Bow down to see the HQ image



Stelard Actek

Awesome work, and an interesting character concept :)


All hail fluff-bat :3


Really cute!

Ahzi Dahaka

You mean you color with blending modes!? Maybe I shouldn't feel quite so bad about using linear burn and color dodge...


I don't think you should feel bad about using tools at all. But I DO think its useful to try other methods to make that toolbox bigger,