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Welcome! Each and every pledge, big or small, means so much to me. You have my heartfelt gratitude, thank you for helping me live my dream!

I've created a small information and FAQ post located here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/information-and-32645429

Hopefully this will answer some questions you might have, but if not don't hesitate to reach out to me via private message here on Patreon or through Discord. ^.^

Please feel free to join us in our Discord server : https://discord.gg/mTjvREu  

If you've connected your Patreon and Discord accounts, you'll immediately gain access to the private Patreon channels where I post updates, pin previews and sketches. (If you joined via the link, please feel free to ping me in Discord so I can grant you access. ^.^)

Added: 2023-10