WW1 All Parts - third time lucky?? (Patreon)
Dear Patrons,
As some of you know - after 1 year, 14 million views and no complaints that I am aware of - our WW1 video was recently age-restricted by YouTube (again!)
They never give a precise reason, but presumably because of a very small number of photos in which human remains were visible. As anyone who saw the video knows, these were always in a clear historical context, and never very graphic. This is very bad news for the video, because YouTube then stops recommending it to anyone! You can see the impact on viewer numbers...
So the video has been re-edited and re-released, and you can watch it here:
Hopefully it won't get closed down by YouTube again.. It's this element of unpredictability that makes your support via Patreon so important, and reassuring for me and the channel. So thank you again!
Enjoy the weekend.