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Dear Patrons, 

First a quick production update - work is underway on our two big naval projects, HMS Victory and the Battle of Salamis. These are both large and complex videos, and  are still a few months away. 

Second, I'll be holding TWO polls next week, in which all Epic History TV Citizens and higher tiers will get a vote. 

(Just to remind you, these are both Napoleon-free polls - but I have promised the Emperor will be back with his own poll after these projects are complete). 

Poll No.1 will decide the next short series (4-5 episodes). 

I have already picked two poll options (of four): WW2, and Anglo-Saxon England. I will pick the other two options from your suggestions here (in the comments to this post), and seeing which get the most likes and support (and which I feel able to produce to a suitable quality). 

Poll No.2 will decide a 'one-off', single video topic. 

As above, I've already picked two poll options: Venice Part 2 (the long-awaited), and a sequel to the 'Greatest Speech in History' Alexander video. The other two poll options will be chosen from your suggestions here.

So, I hope this it not too complicated and all makes sense! Now please feel free to hit me with all your suggestions in the comments to this post. (I won't be able to reply to all, but I will read them all). Think about whether your idea works better as a single video or series, and do read and react (perhaps with a 'like') to other Patrons' comments, so I can gauge overall popularity of the ideas. 

And here's a few ideas (in no particular order) from my own notes to get you in the mood...   Rise of Rome, Belisarius, East India Company, Greek Gods, WW1 air war, American War of Independence, 2nd Crusade, Roman explorers, Ibn Battuta, Battle of Tsushima, remote islands of the world, and possibly a list-type video, eg top 10 battles of the ancient world... 

Polls will open next Friday. 

Thank you all again for your support, and look forward to reading all your ideas!





I'm defenetly voting for Belisarius


30 years war for me. Then Belisarus, then Venice, then 1948