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Dear Patrons, 

A happy 2021 to you all! Fingers crossed for less 'interesting times' ahead. 

As promised, here's an exclusive 8 minutes of extra content from the interview with Prof. Tom Shippey. Topics include Ragnarr's death song, Hrolf's were-bear, and did the Vikings really believe in Valhalla? There's also some more clips of Tom reading Old Norse poetry. I hope you enjoy. This video will remain a Patreon exclusive for the next few weeks. 

Back with more updates soon, and thank you for your support!



5 Great Viking Deaths - Patreon Bonus Content

Exclusive Patreon bonus content



What browser settings?


Usually privacy settings. But this is normally if you cannot access the video. If you can see the video, but not hear the audio, it is another issue.


Yeah I can see but not hear I tryed on My phone with Headset without nothing works


I've double-checked the video on Vimeo and the audio is working fine. Sorry, I think this must be either a problem with your settings or hardware.