Leipzig 1813: Battle of the Nations early access! (Patreon)
Here it is, the long-time-coming next video in the Napoleonic Wars series. This is probably the longest and most complex one so far - four days of battle, nearly half a million troops, seventeen music tracks... Here's what it looks like in the editing software, for those interested in such things...
I think I'm also right in saying - this is the most detailed English-language video about the battle that's ever been produced. (Let me know if you know different). And it has been possible thanks to your support.
I hope you enjoy the video, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. One thing to mention - you are the very first people in the world to see this video apart from me - so if you spot any typos or little mistakes that I've missed, do please let me know, and I shall try to correct them before the YouTube release. (But don't tell me about any pronunciation mistakes - we did our best, and now Charles is on holiday!)
Don't forgot to follow Epic History TV on social media for regular posts about history, usually related to our videos.
Thanks again for your support. I'll be back with more updates soon.
Here's the link for the YouTube version (with various fixes thanks to eagle-eyed Patreon supporters, plus a 5% better bridge explosion (added a bit of camera shake)). Not live until 1600 GMT so please keep private until then!