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Hello all, 

This is a completely new type of poll and a bit of an experiment, so let's see what happens... 

The idea is this: you can propose any topic you like for a future video simply by posting a comment on this thread and telling us what it is, and you can vote for a topic another Patron has proposed by liking it (click ♥️ ).


1. Be brief in your description - you don't need to summarise the whole topic for us, just enough so we clearly understand what it is!

2.  Please read existing posts to see if someone has already proposed your topic, and if so, please ♥️  it rather than create a new post - otherwise it will get very messy, and you'll just end up splitting the vote and making your topic less likely to win! 

Of course, feel free to reply to other Patrons' comments to add your thoughts on why (and how) a topic should be covered. This poll is open to ALL Patrons, and runs for several weeks, so hopefully we can get as many ideas and votes in as possible. (Plus it's going to take that long to finish Napoleon).

When the UK government ran an open poll to find a new name for their Arctic research ship, they ended up with Boaty McBoatface. (and then ignored the results). I put my faith in you to chose a great idea, and promise not to ignore the result! (although I may adapt it a little bit), and will be looking on with great interest to see what you guys come up with...  




Follow up to Alexander the Great series: Wars of the Diadochi


Spainish civil war beginning of ww2