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Hey everyone!

Just a couple quick notes today.  First off, I've switched this Patreon over to up-front payments for pledges.  This may have some mild changes to pay dates, but all tooltips being accurate, shouldn't be any different for anyone already pledging.

Second off, the *reason* I did that is because it is *time*.  It is time for more Daily Grind.  Book Two begins on October 1st, and will be posting one new chapter publicly roughly once a week, with one major exception: patrons of $5 or more get all the banked chapters, right now.  And since I'll be posting a new chapter every time I finish writing a new chapter, that means that patrons will continue to enjoy being reasonably farther ahead in the story for as long as it's running.

Third off, in slightly less dramatic news, there's now a Patron tier at the $15 level where I will run a tabletop RPG once a week for up to four brave souls.  Maybe D&D, maybe Shadowrun or Stars Without Number, hell, maybe some kind of Daily Grind-esque dungeon crawl thing.  Whatever we settle on, now you all know it's there.

That's all the update for now.  I'd like to thank everyone who's been sticking with me for the last couple months of quiet, even if I have been having fun writing short stories every now and then.  I'll see you all in a little over a week when TDG starts up!


Nathan Emerson

Are you posting the banked chapters now?