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Hello. Welcome in. So nice to see you here, in the place where people give me money to do the thing I love. Not just because of the money thing, either!

As you may have noticed, what I called 'book four' of The Daily Grind just wrapped up. As you may have also noticed, it was clearly not the end of the story, and just to get this out of the way, I absolutely plan on writing more. I like this world and these characters, and I hope you do too, and I'll be back with more of their nonsense in the future.

When in the future? Excellent question, hypothetical reader.

Over the last year of posting, I have taken seven breaks in the weekly schedule. And of those, three of them were while I was editing books for publication, and NONE of them actually functioned as breaks because I kept writing the whole time anyway. I know I write slower than some authors, but that work is still mentally exhausting, and I haven't really eased off in a while. I wrote an entire extra book, just cause.

Incidentally, if you haven't read Sublife Crisis, it's all posted here, and I'd love it if you checked it out. It'll be public on RR eventually, I'm still planning on that. But that's a tangent.

I'm going to take a real actual break.

This is a lie. I'm going to take a break from the Daily Grind, for about two months. I know I'm not going to stop writing, because I am working on yet another different project, and also still plan to keep adding chapters to Apparatus when the mood strikes, and, I dunno, I'm bad at taking breaks. I don't know how they work.

But as much as I love this world and characters, I need a little time to decompress and do something else. If you're here for The Daily Grind and you want to pause your subscription, that's cool; I'll send out a public notice when it gets started again just for you. If you do read publicly, I'm not pausing the public chapters, I'll just be finishing out the current book, and then starting up again on Patreon first, so there'll be the same amount of break time for each side.

And whether you're here for the early chapters of TDG, the other stuff I write, or just to support me, thank you, again. Cause you really do make it possible for me to do this, and I appreciate every one of you.



Sublife was one of the best stories I have read in years. (Plug to other readers here, who haven’t tried it.) - Any chance that and AOC would be in Kindle editions some day?