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Roster :

As the Order of Endless Rooms grows, tracking our membership numbers becomes more confusing and more defiant of simple spreadsheets.  What is a member?  Someone who spends time at the Lair?  Someone who has an active day-to-day list of tasks?  Someone who works for us in an auxiliary fashion and isn’t fully read in on the magic?  What’s the line between liberated dungeon life that we’re taking care of, and people who are part of our ranks?

All excellent questions.  All very hard to answer.

This list is a broad overview, and not granular demographics.  Everyone who is affiliated with, contributes to, or is dependent on, the Order of Endless Rooms in some way.  Recovery’s ongoing census, and our now-standard quarterly evaluation of roles and job duties can be found in its own document.

By Species - Adults :

Humans - 281

Camracondas - 62

Inhabitor | Human - 6

Inhabitor | Dog - 1

Strider - 14

Drone - 1

Paper Dragon - 1

Ratroach - 7

Stuff Animal - 1

Infomorph | Assignment - 10

Infomorph | Navigator - 8

Mimic | Obligate Friend - 1

Mimic | Shifter - 2

Camille - Camille

By Species - Children (Or relative presenting maturity level)

Humans | Adolescent - 19

Humans | Young Adult - 11

Dungeon - 1

Camracondas - 23

Ratroach | Young Adult Analog - 43

Ratroach | Child Analog - 2

Crow-Wasp - 2

Frog-Dog - 1 (Technically this is a frog-bat, it is unclear if the spell is temporary)

Stuff Animal - 13

Infomorph | Assignment - 3

Infomorph | Navigator - 2

By Species - Non-sophont / animal intelligences

Paper Dragon - 4 (High potential for growth)

Potted Plant - 8 (Unknown potential for growth)

iLipede - 20

Mongausse - 1

Shellaxy - 15

Step Crab - 1

Raincloud - 1

Vending Machine - 1

Infomorph | Authority - 48

Dog - 1

By Primary Non-Delver Role (Adults Only)

Recovery - 58 humans, 7 camracondas, 1 navigator, 1 assignment, 2 ratroaches, 1 inhabitor

Outreach and Distribution - 8 humans

Response - 140 humans, 15 camracondas, 2 navigators, 1 assignment

Ethics Oversight - 9 humans

Research - 28 humans, 3 assignments, 18 camracondas, 2 ratroaches, 2 inhabitors, 3 striders, 1 stuff animal
Rogues - 15 humans, 1 camraconda, 1 Camille, 1 obligate friend

Schooling - 6 humans, 2 camracondas, 1 assignment, 1 strider

Security - 20 humans

Misc Staff | Lair - 11 humans, 5 camracondas, 3 ratroaches, 1 inhabitor

Misc Staff | Officium Mundi External - 4 humans, 1 camraconda


Ongoing Projects

This list is only meant to encompass active Order projects that meet certain qualifications.  An estimated duration of over a month, a general need for staff beyond five people, and a potential impact on the operations of the Order itself or a shifting in the experience of daily civilian life on a large scale.

Response :

Overview - Response is an attempt to address issues of underserved communities and police brutality by circumventing the need to involve the police in an increasing number of disputes.  On a more diplomatic level, Response also aids local police departments by easing the burden of addressing certain concerns such as mental health crises or search and rescue, freeing up police time and resources.  Daily activities include taking emergency calls, and moving to assist civilians where possible.  Response is not a legally recognized agency, and has no authority to make arrests; instead, the primary goal in any interaction is deescalation, prevention of harm, and addressing root causes of issues. 

Area of Operations - Response has the capacity to operate globally, and occasionally does so, but due to limitations on the spread of information, the majority of activity takes place across the western half of the US and Canada, northern Mexico, and, for unknown reasons, two rural areas of the Jailin province of China.

Primary Assets and Allocated Resource - Response is by far one of the biggest money sinks in the Order, which makes sense because its job is not to generate profit and never should be.  Responders and hotline operators are given a 20 point increase over Order baseline for salary.  Additionally, Response has access to a steady supply of telepads and shield bracers to facilitate smooth operations, as well as multiple potion types for training and safety.  Other dungeontech in use includes multiple methods of inducing calm, translation and communication tools, and a number of mild conveniences like a wallet that can spawn car keys.

Staff and Recruitment - Response hires outsiders regularly in batches, ensuring that new recruits have acclimated and will perpetuate their service culture before hiring anyone new.  To apply internally, contact Harvey or Marcus.  Despite a currently majority human roster, Response is happy to have anyone who wishes to join, regardless of species.

Outbound Aid :

Overview - The Order of Endless Rooms, among other capabilities, has two different ways to cure cancer.  Hoarding that is unacceptable, and Outbound Aid is the tool by which those cures are distributed.  Daily activities include identifying and selecting patients to reach out to, making arrangements with hospitals, and continuing tests on long term effects.

Area Of Operation - Global, primary headquarters on the second floor of the Officium Mundi External branch.

Primary Assets and Allocated Resources - Outbound Aid receives an average of 500 purple orbs each week that cure one cancer per year, and a further 7,500 doses of the lung purification potion that can cure lung cancer.  Orb production is relatively stable, while potion production is gradually increasing.  Language orbs are available on demand for outreach agents, but the majority of travel performed is mundane.

Staff and Recruitment - Short term assistance is often brought on from among patients cured for help with cure delivery.  For permanent positions, contact Justine in her main office.

Bright Future :

Overview - An application of mundane technology and Winter’s Climb magic is capable of producing something similar to free energy.  This project is the primary group working to facilitate getting the resources to apply it on a large scale, and preparing for regulation and competition with entrenched electric companies.

Area Of Operation - No large scale operations currently active.  Testing is still in progress, with negotiations to build a first main facility in Oregon largely complete.

Primary Assets and Allocated Resources - Beyond mundane material aid, all that is required is access to at least one Winter’s Climb spell slot.

Staff and Recruitment - Anyone with electrical or mechanical engineering experience or skills should contact Bill.  Anyone with a free Climb spell slot, or who is willing to make the introductory delve to acquire one, will be critically important for large scale application over time.

Garden State :

Overview - The city of Townton, Tennessee, is still largely empty in the wake of its destruction by the Horizonist cult.  Garden State is the ongoing attempt to save what can be saved, salvage what value is left, and restore the city to a living state.  As part of that process, the city is being rebuilt to facilitate a multi-species way of life, and to take advantage of Order dungeontech such as the previously mentioned infinite free energy thing.  Currently, roughly fifteen downtown city blocks have been restored, using a combination of magical aid and controlled demolition.  Fire and rot are the main problems in the dead zones of the city, as well as the necroad population that continues to roam the area.  Part of the Garden State project is making peaceful contact and establishing friendly relationships with these creatures, as well as being good caretakers of the chanter population that has been moved there for their own safety.

Special Notes - Four of the primary staff on this project are ex-members of the group responsible for the calamity that hit this city.  They have expressed their wish that this be made public information, and their time with the Order is largely focused on restorative justice through the rebuilding and restoration process.

Area Of Operation - Townton, Tennessee

Primary Assets and Allocated Resources - A permanent logisticor route links the Lair and the delivery zone in Townton for supply runs.  A constant supply of blue orbs for manipulating asphalt is needed to continue to remove spikes from the buildings and cars.  All recovered Route Horizon restoration gas goes toward repairing destroyed vehicles so the streets can be cleared.  Dungeontech power sources keep the lights and AC on.  Mundane heavy weaponry is allocated in the event of a necroad or other dungeon life attack.  Long term staff have an additional 5 point allocation for skill orbs specifically, to cover needed knowledge gaps.  Language orbs and other potential means of translation are available on demand to help with opening lines of communication to either the necroad or chanter populations.

Staff and Recruitment - Anyone who wishes to help is welcome, and can be assigned daily tasks through Recovery.  Permanent residents require approval and time for a place to be prepared.  Multiple living spaces are kept ready for ratroaches or other survivors that need a quieter place to recover, and are available at any time.

Education Test Initiative :

Overview - As the Order’s population of younger and less mature individuals grows, it becomes important that we are able to provide a stable education for them.  Skill orbs and .mem files are amazing, but they don’t actually teach some of the critical underlying skills that are both needed to thrive, and incredibly difficult to package into a skulljack transmissible format.  This initiative is the first year of organized mixed-species schooling that will be attempted at the end of this summer.  Focusing on critical thinking, learning how to learn, and adapting to new social situations, the program is modeled in many ways after the Montessori plan, with different strategies and lesson plans adapted based on current research on child developmental psychology.

Special Notes - Nonhuman life does not map perfectly to human child minds.  Camracondas, even ones that are less mature, still know bizarrely specific things in high level fields.  Still, our own research shows that socialization, structured learning, and the availability of adult teachers, all work to improve their quality of life.  Similar studies with the ratroach population are underway, and lesson plans involving their species are modified to have a focus on managing trauma, and learning to process emotions and accept help and social contact from others.

Area Of Operation - Multiple sites being considered.  Only one will be selected to begin with.

Primary Assets and Allocated Resources - Mundane material resources only.  Students are discouraged from using skulljacks for learning until a proper foundation can be built both for the skill, and for the emotional influence.

Staff and Recruitment - Contact Rufus via Recovery to see what is still needed.  Anyone with teaching skills or experience working with children is welcome.  Outside recruitment is ongoing as well.


Known Magic Types

This list, as many of these lists are, is not comprehensive.  There are a number of different systems of magic that the Order has access to, and there are also a number of forms of magic that are very, very difficult to categorize.  This is simply a broad overview of most of what we have available.  Entries are sorted by their source, dungeon or otherwise.  Lists of specific available spells or items that are in common use can be found in their own sections below, not in this list.

Officium Mundi :

Yellow Orbs - The most common form of magic and the origin of the Order.  A yellow orb can be broken (cracked or popped, in the vernacular) to add a skill to the user’s mind.  This knowledge does not mix with normal memories, unless actively used.  It can, however, be shared across skulljack links, and yellow orb skills survive at least two known forms of memory loss.  These orbs can also be absorbed to provide ‘uptime’, during which the condition of the body will not change unless acted upon by an outside force.  This can be used to stave off otherwise fatal injures until help can be found, or to simply avoid needing to eat, sleep, and breathe for a while.  Additionally, yellow orbs are the source of most dungeon life, and can be used to create new life from inanimate objects.  Note : yellow life, once created, follows the guidelines of what has come before.  As an example, after Pendragon’s creation, creatures that are similar enough to a paper drake tend to shift and grow along the same path.

Blue Orbs - Dropped from broken dungeontech, blue orbs can be broken to solve a problem.  Most of them also provide a skill rank as well.  The problem solved is consistent in copied orbs, but if the ‘normal’ problem is unavailable, they will shift along predictable lines until they find something to change.  Blue orbs can be absorbed for limited-cast spells, often ones that are linguistically abstract, and always ones cause organ and nerve damage with repeated use.  They can also be infused along with yellow orbs into mundane objects to create dungeontech.

Orange Orbs - When cracked, they provide legal licenses and permits, which are inserted into government systems seamlessly and without suspicion.  Absorbed, they add repeating tasks that spawn various materials upon completion.  And they can be crafted into ‘totems’ that create predictable spatial warps.  This is considered the most valuable use case of an orange orb, as it allows for mass replication of usable spaces.

Green Orbs - When cracked, enhances a space.  Smaller orbs stop at improving a single room, while larger ones can improve buildings, or potentially larger zones.  The larger a space a green orb is affecting, the more ‘stretched’ the bonus is.  Similar to yellow orbs, using copies in the same place leads to diminishing returns.  Green totems appear to be exclusion fields, though research is ongoing.   Absorbing greens or making life with them is banned, due to the risk of mental control from Officium Mundi.

Purple Orbs - When cracked, improves the body one is currently using.  In the fringe case where multiple people are acting as a hive mind or gestalt using the skulljacks, the purple orb will treat the complete person as one body; meaning that the effect will vanish when they are not connected, and reappear when they are.  Purple orbs can be used to create infomorphic life in the form of mental compulsions.  Referred to as ‘assignments’, these compulsions have the capacity to grow into thinking people, provided they are supplied with food and attention, much like a human child.

Red Orbs - Dropped by disarmed traps in the dungeon, red orbs provide emotional resonance when cracked.  This does not change a person’s emotional state, instead it allows for better complex processing of the associated emotions, leading to better self-control, and an internal sense of growing maturity.  Absorbing red orbs grants limited use spells that scry hyper-specific pieces of information from targets.  Much like blue orbs, using these causes headaches and eventual organ damage.  Red orbs can also be crafted into totems that broadcast single pieces of information to every mind within their range.

Rituals, Various - A number of the cubicle towers in Officium Mundi contain overhead projectors which are the focal points for different expressions of ritual magic.  By tracing a design in specific dungeon-made coffee grounds, and activating the projector, an effect is applied to the objects on its surface.  So far, rituals have been discovered for duplicating, upgrading, and emailing the contents of the target zone.

Skulljacks - Less a specific magic, but still from the Office, skulljacks are an organic cybernetic that allows for mind-to-machine or mind-to-mind interface.  They take standard Ethernet cables, and have a litany of specific corner cases in how they are used.  The majority of useful applications are enabled through custom made/grown programs, and personal wi-fi hotspots.

Enchanted Items - Commonly called dungeontech, the Office is one of the only places that consistently produces items with their own intrinsic supernatural properties.  It seems to be limited to items that are common to offices, or at least possible to show up in one. Though the effects are not required to be ‘thematic’ to the items themselves, closer matches are more common.  Unnatural forms of mobility are common - moving too fast, through certain things, or being restricted in a way that could be useful - as are objects that convert one thing into another, and objects that enhance perception.  Also, the dungeon clearly has a grasp of writing, as a large number of these items are pens that alter how they write, or paper objects that do something specific with what is written on them.  There are also enchanted programs on the various computers in the dungeon, which appear to operate like normal apps with the exception that they cannot be copied.  All enchanted items break if they sustain damage, dissolving away and leaving a blue orb behind.

Enhancement Coffee - A number of the magic items discovered in Officium Mundi are coffee machines that produce coffee which improves the function of the body in one way or another.  There are three of these in the Order’s possession currently, which can improve reflexes, speaking ability, or decision making respectively.  The coffee effect lasts for about five minutes per cup, and is at its best if the coffee is still hot.  Cold coffee, including intentionally iced coffee, has the opposite effect.  Drinking too much of any given kind of coffee will cause unconsciousness, and sometimes memory loss.

Akashic Sewer:

Lesson Books - Each Akashic Sewer lesson takes the form of an academic subject, often one that is common at the high school level.  Lessons have a target number for things learned, and when reached, the bearer is offered a choice of one out of three different aspects of their self to improve.  Lessons do repeat fairly often, despite the books they come from not looking similar or having anything to do with the lessons they start, and each lesson always offers the same three aspects.  Measuring the effects of an aspect is difficult, but it is safe to say that they represent an improvement of between 50-200% in their specific field.  Lessons have a specific interaction with being duplicated: individuals who have used copies of the same lesson book are referred to as a ‘class’, and in order for progress to be made, the entire class must learn the same facts.  If four out of five people all learn something, but the fifth person does not, then it will not count toward the lesson’s progress.  Orbs (and crystals, though this is less relevant) that provide skill ranks do count toward lessons, often in very large bursts.  Copied orbs will always provide the same knowledge, and so can be used to accelerate a class in unison.

Symbiotes - Earned by opening ‘eggs’ with purple sparks, which are themselves gained by completing physical trials within the Sewer, there is limited knowledge of what symbiotes can fully do at this point.  Currently, it is suspected that they feed on certain emotions, feeding back strength to their host.  Testing is in progress, it is not advised that anyone acquire new symbiotes until more can be learned.

Shaper Substances - Not technically a reward, this fluid is produced by the dungeon and can be harvested carefully.  When applied to organic life, it allows a reshaping of the body.  This process can be guided, and is easier the more one knows about their own body, but it requires focus and is extremely painful.  The shaper substance will fill in any gaps in biological knowledge with processes that technically work, but also cause long term chronic pain.  Repeated uses have a higher and higher risk of permanent chronic pain as well.  Do not use without professional medical aid.  Consultations are available.

Clutter Ascent :

Relationstick - When two individuals break one of these carved wooden dowels between them, it opens a potential link.  If they experience a shared emotional moment from the same general stimulus, that link is filled, giving the two the ability to pass an aspect between themselves as long as they are within range.  The emotion that fills the link does not matter, the range and shared aspect appear to be determined randomly, and copied relationsticks do not share traits.  Sharable aspects include everything from rest to strength to patience, and can include esoteric magical traits such as the Climb’s Breath mana pool, but only if both parties already have it.  The connection is two way, and there is no way to resist the trait being pushed or pulled by the other party, so it is advised you never, ever, use one of these with someone you do not trust.

Book - An enhancement to the relationsticks, only one has ever been found.  It allows the connections to bridge between whoever is ‘reading’ the book at the time.  Meaning, if person A and person B both share something with the reader, then they can now share that thing with each other as well, though at a loss and not with perfect efficiency.  This book is a key part of allowing Order knights and paladins to punch above their weight class in combat situations, by focusing the combined strengths of thirty or more people into a single individual.  The book seems to resist copying, as this sentence has been typed multiple times, and then deleted, and forgotten.  It is suspected this is for our own protection, as it is only when that benevolent intent is acknowledged that the information sticks at all.

Winter’s Climb - Breath Magic :

The magic of Winter’s Climb comes in two parts.  It is also unique in that an individual must be an active delver to use it.  The first part is the Breath mana pool, and the number of available spell slots, both of which are gained through climbing higher in the dungeon.  Every thirty feet of upward progress provides an additional point of Breath, every thousand feet provides a spell slot.  If you return to the Climb additional times, your Breath capacity will only ever be evaluated based on your highest single delve, and any gains are only applied upon leaving.

The second part is the spellbooks.  Mostly manifesting as textbooks, Climb spells are unique in that learning them does not consume the book.  This allows for incredibly consistent applications of magic without the need for uses of the duplication ritual, which frees up more coffee for things like cancer cures.

Breath is a finicky source of power.  If you are below your capacity, your body will slowly build up Breath by sapping oxygen and warmth from each breath you take until the mana source is full.  Casting a spell consumes Breath, and comes with another associated burst of cold and oxygen deprivation.  The cold is not metaphorical or imagined, it is a direct reduction in the temperature around you.  Climb spells with higher costs are either impossible to use without killing yourself, or require a medical professional on hand.  Oxygenation potions, breathing masks, heat packs, and other sources both magical and mundane, can alleviate the symptoms.

If someone does not breathe, such as by absorbing a yellow orb, they will not generate Breath.

Spellbooks that are more damaged appear to have higher costs or lessened effects, relative to what would be expected.  Sources of repair for the spellbooks are being investigated.

Route Horizon :

Velocity Magic - Again a magic in two parts.  The first part is that there are artifacts discoverable within the Route that appear as gears of varying size and complexity.  They are all instantly identifiable as sources of magic, and can be absorbed with focus.  Doing so unlocks Velocity, which appears to be physically stored just above the heart.

Velocity builds based on your relative speed, and the percentage of control you have over that speed.  E.g., being a driver gives you 100% of the normal amount, being a passanger reduces that to 50%, being a passanger who is messing with the radio raises it back to 55% for reasons unknown.  As your active store of Velocity increases, the amount of speed required to continue to raise it at the same rate increases.  Driving at 60 MPH will bring you to 1 Velocity every five seconds, but will take twenty more seconds to raise to 2 Velocity, and a minute after that to raise to 3.  As the size of a potential reserve increases, the amount of sustained speed needed goes up, though in general it is safe to assume that more and faster movement that you are in control of will generate more and faster Velocity.

The other half is the spells themselves.  Within Route Horizon, scraps of various maps can be discovered.  If any two pieces of map can be successfully overlapped, it will add that to a person’s internal globe in the form of a specific spell.  The name, function, and const of the spell are instantly known, and the map scraps are consumed.  Spells consume Velocity to activate, sometimes a cost over time. Many of them are focused around the operation of motor vechiles.

Map scraps can be copied with no ill effects, and their relatively small volume makes this an excellent way to add a repeatable tool to the Order’s arsenal.  Gears can also be copied, but individuals cannot absorb more than one or two copies of each specific gear.

Gas - Route Horizon has gas stations that often have active pumps.  Two forms of gas are known, one that heals whatever vehicle it is put in, and one that prevents injury or death to the occupants of whatever vehicle it is put in.  ‘Vehicle’ is a loose definition, but the bare minimum is that a combustion engine that is capable of operating at least one attached mechanical component is required.  For the repair gas, it will actively regrow missing parts, but only up to the quality of what was once there.  Regrown parts are more organic than mundane counterparts, but function just as well.

Ceaseless Stacks 

Yellow Orbs - Appearing almost identical to the Officium Mundi yellow orbs, this variety does not provide knowledge of a skill.  Instead, when broken, these orbs permanently improve how well the user learns about, and possibly works with, a specific animal species.  Measured with Officium Mundi skill ranks, the improvement is 30%, but that is not a useful way to measure hands on skill with an animal.  It does appear to improve the creation of potions that use animal components, however.  These orbs can also be absorbed in a manner that is identical to the Office yellows, though it provides a different sensation with the same effect.

Blue Orbs - Again appearing identical, but with a wildly different effect.  These blue orbs do exactly what the Stacks yellow orbs do, but for flora and not fauna.  No other effects are known.

Green Orbs - Identical in form, but for materials instead of flora or fauna.  Still unclear how much this improves the ability to work with a given substance, but it does definitely improve learning speed in regards to crafts that use the material.

Purple Orbs - Same look, same trend, these ones improve the speed of learning with a type of tool.  Unlike the others, this orb type directly acknowledges humanity and its influence by focusing on human made devices.  Sometimes very, very specific devices.

Living Ink - Throughout the Stacks, small moving words in various languages can be found on surfaces.  Speaking them in any other language, I.E., provin you can translate them, will cause them to move to your body as a still-moving tattoo.  So far, there is one known use for these words, which is to use them to produce a specific  Library type of magic item at a ritual torus.

Logos Statues - Created from a combination of different living ink, and the syntax of a ritual book, these statues have a unique effect on the world around them one used.  Activating them requires focusing on activating them while in physical contact - clothing does block this, at which point the statue will crack, and likely shatter.  Once any piece breaks off, they cannot be reused, and it appears to be random how much force is applied.  The effect from each statue depends on what ‘sentence’ was used in its creation, but they all share one thing in common; their effect expands to fill an area of space, and lingers there for roughly an hour.  As with green orbs (Office), the range seems contextual, and the effects can often be hard to notice.  A full list of available statue effects can be found below.

Stratified Underburbs

Enchanted Items - Known to exist, but currently only one is in the Order’s possession.  Distinct from the next section.  A higher general threshold for damage than blue orb items, but still break easier and drop skill crystals.

Enchanted Furniture - The second type of dungeontech from the Underburbs, every piece of enchanted furniture seems to have a variable effect, but those effects are ‘charged’ by by being actively used as furniture, and often spread to the room they are part of.  For some of the more direct effects, such as the couch that translates intent, they don’t even need to be part of a room at all to work.  But all of them benefit from being worked into actively used spaces.  They also drop skill crystals when destroyed.

Skill Crystals - In the Underburbs, killing, surviving diseases, and witnessing certain things generates skill points for the delver.  These points do not appear to be fungible, but can be spent on skill crystals to provide skill ranks.  Each crystal provides the same skill each use, different people can split the cost (only the last point added grants the benefit), and there are no diminishing returns.  These skill ranks otherwise function identically to Officium Mundi yellow orbs.

Unknown Utah Dungeon

Only a few pieces of this dungeon’s magic were found, left behind by what appears to be a multi-generational delver family before their disappearance.  It comes in two forms, the smaller of which is copyable.

Spell Slot Coins - When used, grant empty spell slots at level 1 or 2 for the two different styles of coin.  There is no diminishing returns, and no apparent limit to how many slots a person could have.

Spellbooks - Requiring that a user ‘study’ them for a set amount of time, doing so will fill a spell slot with the associated magic.  All three books in the Order’s possession are level 1, making the level 2 slot redundant.  If a spell is studied for longer than its base time, every cycle will add a + to the specific spell, and improve the effect, with no currently known cap.

Unknown Internet Dungeon

Resistance Programs - Discovered by two different individuals who are no longer with us, and possibly kept secret via memeplex or digital memory attack, it is known that there is something on the internet, somewhere, that can produce resistance programs.  Created in the form of a piece of hardware with a program stored on it, the program cannot be moved and so the hardware must be properly loaded to run it.  Each one gives a percentage boost to immunity against a certain thing.  With duplication, 100% immunity is theoretically possible, but testing has been suspended after injuries sustained during controlled variable tests.  Whoever has least run the programs is the one who the immunity is bestowed on, though because each program takes time to launch and begin running, hot-swapping during crisis situations is not advised.


Confiscated from the Guild of Alchemists following their surrender, the Tree of Knowledge produces a single fruit every day.  The gooey insides of this fruit - colloquially called sap - can be mixed with essentially anything to produce a unique magical effect based on the ingredients, production method, time of day, and potentially other factors as well.  Most of these effects are, if not lethal to the drinker, at least not very healthy.  With extensive testing, it is possible to discover combinations that are beneficial, and refine known recipes to something useful.

A single fruit is capable of producing between one and twenty doses of a given potion, depending on what effect is being sought.  This rate is rather low given that the tree only produces one fruit a day, and there does not appear to be a way to grow more trees.  The tree is also too large to copy.

Currently, the Order of Endless Rooms has six hundred and fifty copies of the ceramic pot that grows anything planted in it into a succulent.  For certain potions, especially ones that can spoil, it is efficient to grow the potions directly.  In this case, they end up being like an aloe plant, and require a little more than the standard dose, but they do still work.  More importantly, though, is that each of these plants can grow more of the sap needed to continue experimentation and mass production.

A full list of potions in active use is below.  A full archive of known effects is not part of this document.

Statuses Quos

Leveling Items - These objects have discrete abilities with predictable effects attached to them.  The abilities have a level, a cooldown timer, a number of charges they can store, and a number of uses between advancing in level.  At certain thresholds of level, the items unlock new abilities, always in a predictable pattern.

The original Status Quo versions of these objects were created via blood sacrifice, in a manner that permanently drained the victims of a number of things that could be best summed up as ‘life force’.  That method (destroyed) when used with the blood of active dungeon delvers, produced items that started at higher levels and often with extra bonuses to their effects.  It also produced items that took far more uses to level up than otherwise required.

The Order of Endless Rooms produces more of these items by copying ritual.  As unlike most other magic items, levelers seem more durable and not less, and given their constant improvement, these will make excellent legacy tools for the future.  However, items created with the copying ritual come out different.  They all start with a single ability at level one, which makes some of them outright useless for a long time.  The associated lower number of uses to level up means that they will accelerate faster into more and more useful items.

Leveling items can also be imbued with a blue orb.  Unlike the normal form of this process, it instead adds a single new discrete ability, in the format of the item.  This ability can also level up, and may have synergistic unlocked abilities of its own.  This process makes the item susceptible to dissolution just like any other blue item.  While the durability of the leveling item still applies, any damage that gets through can destroy it.

Many items lower their own cooldown upon leveling up, and those that do tend to have a theoretical point in the future where the next level will take less time, not more.  They also have a theoretical point where the cooldown will be zero.

Undeath Pills - If taken within three minutes of death, undoes the death and restores the body to optimal condition within the last six minutes.  A finite number of these are on hand, as they do not copy.  To date, only three other things have failed to work in the copy ritual; two of them were dungeon artifacts that simply locked up the process and wouldn’t let the ritual begin, and one that simply failed to arrive at the end of the ritual, the potion that spawned a new inhabitor.  A process that killed the previous user of the body.  Given that similarity to the undeath pills, we’d like to say that using them should be a last resort.  But then, that does seem to sort of be the point.

Cooking Spell - The last Status Quo had in their possession a modified communications satellite, and the means to track it.  That satellite acted as the focus point for a simple ritual spell that cooked food.  The spell does not work without an active component from someone with the proper personal magic.  That component of the ritual was performed before the elimination of Status Quo, which means the satellite is ‘loaded’, and all that is required to fire it is to plant certain targeting points on the ground around where we want it focused, and then speak the command words.  The estimated radius of the spell, fired from orbit, is three miles from the point of focus.  The spell lasts four minutes, or until dismissed, which is ample time for the majority of food in its radius to combust.

Harlan’s Wolfpack -

Seed Rounds - 9mm bullets that can eat a memory from anyone holding them.  Doing so imbues the bullet with a dangerous quality based on the memory, and also causes it to create more empty seed rounds if it kills something.  Memories used this way cannot be recovered by infomorphs, and in fact, knights who have informorph companions should never use these, as doing so will hurt anyone living in your head.  It is possible to retrieve copies of memories made with a skulljack, but you cannot then feed the copy into a new seed round.  Possibly because it doesn’t count as ‘yours’ anymore.

Logisticors - An interlocking set of brass gears that requires an electrical current to charge up, and then a method of coordinate selection to activate.  This can be done manually, by manipulating the different gears, or by feeding it a GPS or navigator heart.  Once activated, a logisticor creates a thirty meter diameter bubble with itself as the focus, and transposes it with a similar bubble at the target destination.  Previously, it was thought that the logisticor bubble could be offset from the item, but testing has shown that this was a side effect of active orange totems, and is not safe to repeat.  The bubble takes time to fully slide into place, moves slower through matter than open air, and is not safe to move through before it is complete.  Once the bubble closes, the two points in space have been swapped, and there is no further active effect.  Highly useful for cargo transport, and as the logisticors are small enough to duplicate, multiple copies have been produced with the intent to revolutionize the global shipping industry.


Blue Orbs (Officium Mundi) :

Due to the demand for use of the copier ritual, the vast majority of orbs are not saved for permanent use in the rotation.  While every skill rank or absorbed power could be a life saver, the unfortunate fact is that every orb we copy is measured against another person saved from cancer, and that’s a hard thing to ask.  For testing, most orbs are duplicated once, sometimes twice.  Members of the Order who enjoy rolling the dice can get twice as many orbs with their stipend if they choose untested yellows and blues, provided they submit their results.

Some orbs, though, are simply too valuable to not keep a small stockpile of.  Especially when it comes to blues, purples, and greens; though most of the truly powerful green orbs are too large to be copied.  Yellow and purple orb lists are too long to add, so this is only a list of blue orbs, due to their active effects being the most impactful tools.

Blue orbs are listed with their effects if cracked / absorbed

Fix Tire / Manipulate Asphalt

Charges : 14

Function : Allows moving and shaping asphalt.  As with most blues, concentration improves the detail available, but even without that, a large amount of brute force is available on demand.

Clean Wallet / Separate Alloy

Charges : 9

Function : Splits an alloyed metal into its component ingredients with an almost perfect purity.  Will always attempt to ‘pull’ the smaller components out of the larger mass.

Remember Appointment / Create Plan

Charges : 13

Function : Adds a short term tactical plan to the minds of anyone you are working with.  The plan appears to be able to go out to three steps of action, you must have at least an idea of a plan first, so the name is actually a misnomer, and there is no feedback on whether anyone is following the plan outside of mundane communication.

Note : This is actually a size three blue, and is one of the only ones we’ve ever found.  Absorbing it is barely possible even for the people who are good at that, and using it causes at minimum headaches and nosebleeds.  Use with caution.

Replace Light / Break Electronic

Charges : 7

Effect : Breaks a targeted electronic device.  Device does not need to be on.  If nothing is targeted, it will find an electronic device.  Range unclear.

Fix Ripped Socks / Refit

Charges : 12

Effect : Shapes a piece of clothing or armor to fit the chosen person.  Does not work on most animals, does not add or remove material.  Does work on SQ items, retaining their magic and making them easily usable by camracondas or people with big arms.

Undo Purchase / Move Person

Charges : 10

Effects : Moves someone, including the user.  There is a safe limit to how far it can go, with that limit coming faster if you are moving someone else, moving someone unwilling, or moving through barriers or doors.  The move is effectively a short range teleport, and does not actually cross the intervening space.

Taxes Filed / Repair Glass

Charges : 22

Effects : Restores glass to any previous configuration.  Can be used to fix windows or lightbulbs, but with enough exertion, can also turn glass molten again assuming it ever was.  Works on plexiglass for some reason.

Shoes Cleaned / Collect Moisture

Charges : 6

Effects : Pulls moisture toward a point.  Not actually useful in most conflict situations, but incredibly valuable for fixing water damage in damaged structures.  Excluding people from the effect actually makes using it easier.

Leveling Items :

The following list is format as follows : Unlock condition, uses to level (increase per level), recharge time (improvement per level), maximum stored charges (increase per level).  All numbers are for Order-made copies, unless one is unavailable.

Order copies of SQ items start with only one ability at level 1.  They also appear to improve faster, requiring fewer uses, but this takes time when low-level recharge times are high.  We have stopped tracking the highest known level on this list, as it is not relevant, but usually that would be on one of the original blood items.

Each leveling item can also be imbued with a single blue orb effect, which adds an additional ability.  The same ability will always be applied for each item, no matter who performs the enchantment.  Those abilities are marked.

Bracer (Colloquially, shield bracer)

-Stockpile “Bladed Weapon Impact” : Always Available

100 (+300), 12 Hours (-30 Minutes), 10 (+5)

Creates a highly visible dome of light in a grid that negates the energy of an incoming attack of the set type.  Bladed weapons by default.

At Level 8, unlocks the ability to toggle this to be automatic.

-Battlefield Alteration : Unlocks at Stockpile Level 3

500 (+50), 4 Hours (-10 Minutes), 5 (+1)

Changes the designated attack for Stockpile.  Attacks must be things that have passed within the range of the bracer to have blocked, and are occasionally asyncronatic with each other (You can select ‘car’, but not ‘bullet’, you must select individual caliber of bullet.  Selecting ‘gun’ will stop being physically struck with a gun, not being shot.)

At level 3, unlocks the ability to toggle this to be automatic

-Fake Stockpile : Unlocked via blue imbuement

75 (?) 6 Days (?), 2 (?)

Confirming that the shield bracers actually are making a record of the things that they block with the Stockpile effect, this allows the wielder to project an illusory version of anything that has been previously blocked.  Visual only, range of ten feet, has visual distortion problems with larger things like ‘vehicle impact’.  Uses whatever is currently set as the stockpile.


-Knight’s Stance : Always available

500 (+300), -/-, -/-

While wearing the greave, the wearer experiences a passive correction to their stance to prevent tripping, being off balance, or out of position.  This correction appears to cap out at half a degree or one millimeter of shift for each level.

Also somewhat uniquely, this power does not use charges, and continues to level up as it is worn, equating to what appears to be one point per hour worn.

-Armorer Vault : Unlocks at Knight’s Stance 20

200 (+100), 4 Hours (-10 Minutes), 10 (+5)

When triggered, manipulates the body into a strike using the greave as the intended impact point, generating a set amount of force regardless of the strength of the wearer.  Can target any point up to three meters away, and the effects of the motion will not cause physical harm to the wearer.  The impact can still cause pain or injury.

-Snap Descent : Unlocked via blue imbuement

100 (+200), 8 Hours (-8 Minutes), 15 (+1)

Accelerates the wearer into the ground, assuming they are not in contact with the ground.  Acceleration is equal to .3 g’s per level, with the force being kept from injuring the wearer, but not anything on their person.  Roughly half the force of the final impact is also buffered against.


Note : Due to the incredibly long times new copies take to unlock new abilities, copies of bracelets are low priority and mostly ‘dead’ for at least the next five years unless something can be found to accelerate the process.  Estimates for Order-made copies, including suspected unlock thresholds, have been removed, as every version in use has its own unique enhanced stats.

-Bind Firearm : Always available

10 (?), 250 days (?), 1 (?)

Connect the bracelet to a discrete projectile weapon, allowing use of further abilities. Weapon must use some form of explosive propellant, with any other conditions unknown.

-Cluster Shot : 

Fires three rounds from the bound weapon simultaneously.  Uses loaded ammunition, and fired rounds ‘shunt’ each other away from overlapping in space after fired, but generally hit the same target within ~1 inch.

Certain level thresholds add one to the cluster.

-Munitions Dump : 

Fully reloads the magazine of the bound weapon with the most common last loaded munition.  Material appears to be created from nothing, but will not duplicate anything below an arbitrary quality.  

Eventually unlocks the ability to toggle this to activate automatically when ammunition is depleted.

-Friendly Fire :

Causes the next shot made with the weapon to be physically incapable of interacting with anyone thought of as friendly, or a noncombatant.  This includes for potentially useful or nonlethal means (pushing someone, e.g.,)

-Bind Arbalest : Unlocked through blue imbuement

10 (?), 2 Years (?), 1 (?)

Binds a bracelet to a projectile weapon that uses purely mechanical force to fire.  Tested with a bracelet that had lost its bound gun, so it is still unknown if you can have two weapons bound at once.  Doesn’t synergize with cluster shot unless there is actually a way for multiple shots to be loaded, does work with munitions dumb with no changes.

Glove (Left)

Note : Melt Iron and Annihilate Bone have not been unlocked on copied versions, and so their estimate stats are omitted.  

-Break Wood : Always Available

100 (+100), 2 Days (-20 Minutes), 5 (+2)

When triggered, checks if the next object the glove comes into contact with is wood.  If it is, the applied force is magnified, with none of the extra force affecting anything that isn’t the wood contacted.

-Shatter Stone : Unlocked at Break Wood Level 5

100 (+100), 2 Days (-20 Minutes), 5 (+2)

When triggered, checks if the next object the glove comes into contact with is stone.  If it is, the applied force is magnified, with none of the extra force affecting anything that isn’t the stone contacted.  Applied force is focused in a way that makes it likely for the stone to break into small pieces at high speed.

-Melt Iron : 

When triggered, checks if the next object the glove comes into contact with is iron (including primary iron alloys such as steel).  If it is, the applied force is highly magnified and converted to heat, with none of the heat affecting anything that isn’t the iron contacted.  Heat is self-sustaining for one second per level.

-Annihilate Bone

When triggered, checks if the next object the glove comes into contact with is bone.  If it is, one ounce per level of bone is removed.  From existence.

-Evoke Quill : Unlocked by blue imbuement

50 (+150), 12 hours (-15 Minutes), 10 (+2)

Used while holding a writing implement, can create a written message as if sourced from that implement on any surface at a range of 10 feet plus 1 foot pre level.  Tests show this doesn’t deplete ink from pens, or require a literal quill.  If using something like a pencil that would commonly break when trying to write on brick, the message just won’t show up, or will only get through a letter or two.  Maximum message length is twenty characters, always at size 10 font.

At level 2, adds the ability to write a single pictograph instead of characters.


-Purify Food : Always Available

20 (+20), 2 Days (-2 Hours), 10 (+10)

When triggered, removes contaminants including harmful microbes from target amount of food.  The range for this one is weird, but seems to follow the rule that it easily scales up in size if you’re hitting the same type of thing.  For example, you could purify a hundred pounds of lettuce, but only twenty pounds of mixed salad, and half that if you add chicken.  Additionally, this works on water, and will purify up to 14,000 gallons of water with a single charge.

-Bind Processor : Unlocks at Purify Food Level 10

5 (+5), 60 Days (-2 Days), 1 (+1)

Binds the brooch to a processor.  Specifically, any machine that uses an external power source to modify food inside of themselves in some way.  Blenders, ovens, mixers, all valid options.  The binding does nothing on its own.

-Extract Potassium

50 (?), 3 days (?), 4 (?)

When used and directed at food specifically, removes all potassium from that food and deposits it in a pile on the nearest flat surface.

If Bind Processor is available, can be set to automatically work on any food run through the processor, which reduces the cooldown by ~25%.

Hair Pin

-Index Documents : Always Available

20 (+30), 20 Hours (-22 Minutes), 10 (+3)

Organizes a set of up to 3+level documents into the most efficient pattern, first based on existing organizational systems, and if those are not available, then on the mindset of the user.  A “document” can include multiple pages or pieces of similar media, but if used on a single document, it will sort the pages.

-Complete Document : Unlocked at Index Document 5

10 (+10), 14 Days (-40 Minutes), 3 (+1)

Fills out a document with missing information, using all available information the user has access to.  Will not editorialize.


Note : Optical Invisibility and Perfected strike have had their estimates removed.

-Avoid Hostility : Always Available

300 (+200), 3 days (-15 minutes), 4 (+1)

When activated, the wearer appears to become more difficult to detect by anyone who means them legitimate harm, and harder to target.  This obfuscation of targeting seems to be increased with the ability level, and extends to both mundane and magical effects, including both aiming at with a firearm or acquiring personal information with a red totem.  The effect lasts roughly five minutes per level of the power.

At some level, this unlocks the ability to be set to automatically activate when needed, though activation is on a hair trigger.

-Optical Invisibility:

When activated, warps light around the wearer such that they become mostly invisible to the human eye.  This only effects light in what is commonly considered the visual range, and can be bypassed by seeing in infrared, microwave, or any of the other common options available to the Order.  Lasts 3 minutes plus thirty seconds per level.

-Perfected Strike :

When activated, the user’s next attempt to strike something will be automatically corrected to maximize the force of impact or the damage done to the target, as well as correcting to be closer to where the user wanted the strike to land.  This does not function for any form of strike that does not have continuous contact with the user, such as a gun or a thrown weapon, but it also does not require actual personal violence to trigger and can be used during construction to properly fit lumber cuts.

At level 5, this further changes to include a potential causal violation, allowing strikes that could not have hit to make contact, temporarily altering the current position of the user with no drawbacks as long as it is within roughly two inches per level.

-Perfect Color Match : Unlocked by blue imbuement

50 (+400), 6 Hours (-35 Minutes), 10 (+1)

Changes the color of one worn primary garment to match either another primary garment, or the skin, hair, or eyes of the wearer.  “Match” in this case means a copy of the color in question, not sartorial pairing.  Targets are mentally selected on use, and if left unselected, randomly picked.  Cannot change eye, hair, or skin color.


Note : The crown is too large to copy, and so the statistics here are for the only iteration in the Order’s possession, not estimates of a theoretical clean version.  Due to the risk of destruction, no blue imbuement has been tested on the crown.

-Spirit Ignition (Level 5) : Always Available

610 (+480 (+30)), 4 Hours (-3 Minutes), 3 (+.25)

At present the Order of Endless Rooms is unaware of what, exactly, the crown’s single ability is actually doing.  We can confidently state that the following are effects, but whether they are the purpose is unknown.  The list of known interactions and effects the crown produces:

Improves ability to focus

Adds one charge to absorbed blue spells

Adds one point to ongoing Sewer lessons (this does not give associated knowledge, only ups the number)

Reduces chronic pain

Aids with drawing circles freehand

Helps with light or noise sensitivity

Helps with generalized anxiety disorder

Compacts stored Velocity (Reduces the amount available to be used, but making whatever spell it is used on more potent.  This compacted Velocity cannot be intentionally selected or even sensed by the user.)

Returns stored Breath (Oxygenates blood, boosts heart rate, clears sinuses, warms skin.)

Helps with absorbing yellow or blue orbs

Extends duration of active potion effects

Increases desire to write or consume poetry

In humans and ratroaches, causes the production of pheromones that are highly attractive to : Most species of moth, some species of butterfly, and every ratroach so far.

In camracondas, causes the user to smell faintly of cherries.

Prevents acne for a period of 1-3 days

Improves transfer rate for relationstick aspects

In ratroaches, causes the body to purge most stimulants.

Winter’s Climb Spells : 

Climb spells always tell the user the breath cost, and duration, upon learning them, along with an instinct about the general use case.  The durations are unreliable, and many spells can accept more Breath than indicated for increased effects.

Two things to note.  First, you cannot learn the same spell twice, even if you have a better version.  Second, the more damaged the textbook is, the worse the spell is. If it wasn’t mentioned before, any information about potential repairs to books should be brought forward immediately. 

Thermodynamic Tunnel

5 Breath, Permanent

Links two points in space in a way so that heat is constantly shifted from one to the other.  The tunnel is one way, permanent, and relative to the Earth.

Fractal Avalanche

2 Breath, Seconds

Splits you into multiple mirrored copies (two to six, at your discretion) of yourself, performing the same physical actions and recombining when the duration expires.  Angle and direction can be changed freely across copies.  Copies are physical extensions of ‘you’, and are not individual people, only your own body repeated.  Extra breath can be used to extend the time.

Iced Veins

1 Breath, Instant

Converts cold or frozen water into blood.  If used while in contact with a living organism that uses blood, the created substance can be safely made inside the organism.  The colder the water used, the more control over the outcome, with ice automatically matching the blood type of the recipient.

Mountain Of The Self

10 Breaths, 20 Breath / Second, Instant (Inaccurate)

For roughly half a second, nothing can kill you.  Inertia still functions, but you cannot be moved by anything you do not wish to move you.  Force that comes in contact with you is repulsed directly back at its source, you become completely non-conductive (to anything you do not wish to conduct), and thermally neutral.  Invincibility, but only for a moment.

Mesa Oasis

8 Breath, Days

Converts an addiction or compulsion into an increased thirst.  Lasts roughly one week, can be used on others.

Reaching Frost

3 Breath, 1 Breath / minute, Sustained

Forms a limb out of ice. Ice is created from nothing, and is real. More Breath can be put in to alter the size, strength, and sensitivity of the limb.

Cloud Prowler

9 Breath, 2 Breath / hour, Hours

Makes a snow cat.  Providing snow or ice makes it bigger.  Lasts only slightly above an hour, unless Breath is actively provided, but each person’s cat is the same cat every time, and it maintains memory.  The cat can’t really fight, it’s just a cute, perfectly normal cat, with one exception.

Worldwalker Piton

3 Breath, Seconds

Prevents you from tripping, losing traction, or falling for ten seconds.  Focused on the feet, so if you have the Breath, you can walk up a wall.  Not as useful as it sounds.

Frost Vector

5 Breath, Instant

Removes friction from between a surface and one object until contact between those objects is lost.  ‘Surface’ has to be something large enough to support standing on by the caster, but the other object can be anything, including anything the caster is wearing.

Survival Flare

18 Breath, Seconds

Pulls nearby heat into target object within line of sight, cooling the surrounding area and potentially damaging or igniting the target.  Builds slowly, but lasts for a few minutes consistently.  Do not use on yourself, the spell cannot be dismissed once activated.

Process Procession

8 Breath, Seconds

Effect : Upon cast, the magic waits for the caster to take an action that could be loosely described as ‘crafting’, or perhaps ‘productive’.  After the first minute, whatever action was taken is looped six times without the caster being involved.  Small deviations like pulling from a depleting supply of materials work without issue.  At the end of the loop, Breath can be expended to repeat it another six times without the initial performance.

Harvest Echo

22 Breath, Instant

Effect : After cast, if a plant or fungus is harvested (usable parts removed, plucked from the stem, uprooted, etc)  by the caster, then an exact copy of the target is created out of ice nearby.  If ice is already present, then the ice will instead be transformed into an actually organic copy of the target.  Effect persists until the magic is used.

Altitude Adapt

41 Breath, 1 Breath / 8 Minutes, Sustained

Effect : Caster grows wings.  The type of wings seem to vary, but are consistent to each caster.  Bird and bat wings are the only variants seen so far, but with multiple patterns and colorations.  The process of growth is abrupt, violent, and painful to the user, and the breath cost risks lung and brain damage to without careful medical supervision. Dismissing the spell causes the wings to break from the body, but not vanish, and they are made of real meat and bone.  The spell appears to aid in flight as well, as these wings allow for gaining altitude when they shouldn’t actually be able to ever do more than permit a controlled glide, but the assistance isn’t strong enough for a takeoff from a standing position.

Tautological Necropocentrism

3 Breath, Seconds

For two minutes, causes anyone perceiving the caster to contextualize them as dead.  The fact that they are walking around and talking does not change that they are thought of as dead.  Friends will think of them as having died at the moment the spell was cast, and will experience the emotional impact of that false event.  Because the caster is dead, most suspicious activities do not register to anyone perceiving them, because they are dead, and dead people do not do things.

Rot Eyes

9 Breath, Instant

Effect : Gives the caster knowledge of the location, health, and about one good wiki entry worth of information on every fungus within ~20 feet.


2 Breath, Seconds

Effect : Accelerates the caster, but only through water, ice, or snow exclusively.  If used while in water, the magic massively drops the temperature of the liquid moved through.  Can attain speeds of up to 20 MPH over normal personal movement rates, but with the exception of preventing harm from the substance moved through, there is no safety measure built in.

Cathedral Sanctum

181 Breath, Permanent

Effect : Untested, because that would kill someone outright.  From the instinct the spell gives the bearer, it seems like it’s meant to allow for creating some kind of spatial twist inside a structure.  Real effect unknown.

Flare Calculation

10 Breath, Permanent

Effect : Makes a single mathematical process easier for the caster only.  This does not change math itself, nor does it actually grant any real skill that can be built on.  It just makes it artificially easier to derive answers when using a single specific formula.  Unfortunately, it won’t work on broad process descriptors such as “addition”.

Winter Wroth

4 Breath, Instant

Effect : Inflicts a wound as if from a sharp blade at a range of roughly five feet, but only works on living things that aren’t suspicious or acting to defend themselves.  Wound can be targeted visually, and is deeper the lower the ambient temperature is.

Call To Blood

1 Breath, 3 Breath / Second, Sustained

Effect : Despite the grim name, what it actually does is act as a dowsing rod for where a specific person was last injured, and more specifically, bleeding. Categories of person do not work, you must be envisioning a specific individual including their name in order for the spell to take hold.  The effect creates a physical pull toward where the person was last hurt, and if you move to within five feet and also visual range, it will move on to the next most recent spot while continuing to mentally remind you of the last location.

Note : The casting of this spell is especially pleasant and nutritious to navigators sharing mind space with the caster.

Utah Spells :

All three spells in the Order’s possession are level 1.  Until that changes, it won’t be noted on the list.

Saint’s Wrap

Study Time : 8 Minutes

Effect : Creates a bath towel

Escalation Effect : Makes the towel a higher quality fabric, slightly larger, and softer.  Testing has only gone up to 3 escalations so far.

Seize Seat

Study Time : 14 Minutes

Effect : Creates a flat three legged rough wooden stool

Escalation Effect : Makes the seat more even, less rough.  Testing has only gone to 3 escalations so far.

Charm River Transformation

Study Time : 11 Minutes

Effect : Changes a frog into a bat

Escalation Effect : Unknown

Important Note : The transformation is permanent.  It also works on the frog-dogs in the Akashic Sewer, and the removal of their frog side seems to break them out of direct control of the dungeon.  All Sewer delves are recommended to have at least one use of this ready to go.

Logos Statues : 

The statues created in the Ceaseless Stacks create persistent effects in a zone that are often heavily grounded in the perception of those within the field.  Due to the lack of availability and the tendency of these things to break on use, extensive testing is still ongoing.  But be aware that we do not come close to knowing all the quirks of this magic.

This list is of statues that there are existing copies of only.  The testing log is in another document.

Tyrant Breaking Tongue

Shape : Soapstone lion

Effect : Alters the thought patterns of anyone in the zone to see rhetorical or logical attacks on anyone in a position of authority as being more valid than they would otherwise consider.  Even after leaving the field, the original opinion on any arguments heard or read will persist.  This is an active memetic attack, and infomorphs hosted in a person will be able to perceive the changes, though the ‘size’ of the attack makes defense very difficult.

Beloved Winner Seizes Momentum

Shape : Jade cat (sitting)

Effect : Causes anyone who an audience within the zone sees as victorious to build up a form of persistent improvement to their actions.  Small subconscious changes to personal movements and thoughts, as well as to the environment around a person, cause things to work slightly better for them as long as they are performing the same thing they ‘won’ at.  The size of the audience, and the scale of perceived victory, influence how long the effect lasts and the strength of it.

Skirmish Winner Seizes Blades

Shape : Sandstone cat (yawning/stretching)

Effect : Causes the victor of a fight within the zone to gain the temporary ability to pull weapons from anywhere within the zone to themselves as if they were drawing the weapon from its source.  Taking from someone’s hands allows them to resist, but from a pocket, holster, or sheath, it lets the focus of the zone simply draw them out of thin air.  The objects do not pass through intervening space to get to the hand, they can just be grabbed and drawn.  The only person who needs to witness the victory is a single opponent, and this effect can be engaged during an active fight, such as in the case where someone wins a one-on-one duel while combatants on both sides are still engaged.  Zone persists for almost two hours.

Broken Winner Seizes Recovery

Shape : Cat (unknown purple metal, licking paw)

Effect : Heals anyone perceived as victorious based on the size of the audience, and the severity of injuries sustained in the process of attaining victory.  Has a larger zone size compared to other tested statues.  Not currently in use for combat operations, due to the indiscriminate nature of the effect.


Resistance Programs : 

While the process of actually acquiring these has been lost - perhaps made lost on purpose - the ones we do have work perfectly well and many are easily copyable and can be scaled up with minimal investment.  Whether or not given hardware can be copied is noted for each entry.

Evidence exists that there used to be at least one more program, but what it was has been lost.  This appears to have been a result of a small fire due to dungeontech testing, and not a memetic issue.  If anyone has information on any backup copies, please contact Research.

Resistance : Venom

Percentage : 1%

Format : CD-ROM

Resource Use : 30MB RAM, low processor use

Load Time : 20 seconds

Copyable : Yes

Resistance : Wood

Percentage : 2.5%

Format : Zip Drive

Resource Use : 8GB RAM, requires at least a mid grade graphics card

Load Time : 30 seconds

Copyable : Yes

Resistance : Hammers

Percentage : 1.1%

Format : CD-ROM

Resource Use : Mid

Load Time : 1 Minute

Copyable : Yes

Resistance : Heat

Percentage : .25%

Format : Floppy Disk

Resource Use : 256KB RAM, negligible processor use

Load Time : 1 second

Copyable : Yes

Resistance : Lightning

Percentage : 3%

Format : Backup Hard Drive

Resource Use : 4GB RAM, low processor load once running

Load Time : 3-5 Minutes

Copyable : No

Resistance : Drowning

Percentage : .6%

Format : Laserdisc

Resource Use : Minimal, fluctuates 

Load Time : 1-3 Minutes

Copyable : No

Route Horizon Spells :

The first section here is spells that the Order has access to via copy ritual.  Because of the tiny footprint of the map pieces, these can be copied very easily, and backups are stored in multiple places.  Velocity granting gears take more space, but the smallest available are only slightly larger than a size one yellow orb, and can be requested using a member’s stipend.

The second section is an archival record of spells that are known to exist, but that cannot be recreated.  According to information from the ex-Horizonists with the Order, it is possible that someone with a Route Horizon spell will manifest a ‘globe’ on their death, which passes on their Velocity and known spells.  But they admit it is not guaranteed, and that there could be an unknown component to the process.

Available Spells :


Velocity : 3

Strikes a target within direct sensory range with an impact roughly equivalent to the best punch the caster could throw.

-Bones Of Flashing Metal

Velocity : 3/minute

Exchange bone durability for more speed, or visa versa.  This can extend to a vehicle the caster is in control of, and it doesn’t take a very large drain from a car moving at highway speeds to make human bones harder than titanium.  On the reverse, though, giving durability for speed is usually an unnoticeable boost unless someone is on foot.

-Dial Breach

Velocity : 8

Caster takes momentary control over the settings of a sound system within a few hundred feet.  Does not allow for generating input.

Known Spells :

-Maker’s Hand Upon The Wheel  (James)

Velocity : 1/minute

Improves fine control relative to current velocity.  This includes both control of a vehicle, and ability to conceptualize details, multitask, and engage in the creative process.

-An Eye Of Steel And Glass  (Eleanor)

Velocity : 4

Provides an instant list of the material inventory of a room, including the ability to internalize the nature of all objects observed, and to conceptualize where a given object is in physical space.  Does work outdoors but has a more limited range.  Lasts roughly ten seconds.

-An Engine Hums Eternal (Eleanor)

Velocity : 6

Doubles the current speed of a vehicle the caster is in control of.  Reaction time and motor function are temporarily increased if needed to maintain control.  Does not stack with itself, but does improve Velocity generation.

-The Road Leads Ever Onward (Eleanor)

Velocity : 26

Provides clear information on what steps could be taken to ensure continued life of the caster in the near future.  If no clear option is present, the spell will begin making small changes to the past in order to facilitate survival.  According to El, mental control on the spell can be exerted to extend this to other nearby people, though she says it’s tricky and might not work with anyone else.

-Pooled and Paved and Set (Dorothy, ex-Horizonist)

Velocity : 5, +1/minute

Reduces the material stability of nearby asphalt, while proportionally increasing the stability of designated objects.  Vehicles are easiest, but also works on buildings or even living beings.

-Siphon (Dorothy, ex-Horizonist)

Velocity : 1

Allows simple manipulation of up to a liter of gasoline, oil, or diesel.  Manipulation lasts as long as focus does, or until the liquid is ‘let go’.  Escalating costs in velocity can be added to increase the volume moved.

-A Citizen Of Travel (Kirk, ex-Horizonist)

Velocity : 12

Renders a stretch of an upcoming journey ‘safe’, in a way that has not been measured, and is possibly paracausal.  According to Kirk, it removes possibilities for accidents.

Alchemical Potions :

This list has been streamlined from its previous form to include only a potion’s main ingredients, relative sap cost, and final effect.  Notable potions with known effects but that are not in active use for health reasons are listed in their own section at the bottom.  The inhabitor potion has been omitted.

Potions are listed in their common use names where they have them.  The Guild of Alchemists habit of bad latin is available in the historical archive.

-Exercise Potion

Ingredients : Wood pulp, water, stick deodorant

Sap Cost : Low

Effect :

A one ounce dose compresses ~36-72 hours of natural at-rest recovery and hypertrophy of the muscular system into a 20 minute span of time.  The sensation of recovery is frontloaded, causing relief to feel close to instantaneous, though the effect does continue for the full duration.  Only affects muscles, sinew, and cartilage, and only functions on damage self-inflicted through the heuristic of ‘exercise’.

-Oxygenation Potion

Ingredients : Hard water, oak or elm sawdust

Sap Cost : Low

Effect : 

A one ounce dose causes the blood of the imbiber to remain at an oxygen saturation level of 98% under normal conditions, dropping to an absolute minimum of 87% should the imbiber’s lungs entirely cease and the imbiber be completely submerged in water.  This lasts for exactly two hours and one minute, and cannot be extended by drinking additional doses while under the effect.

-Reading Potion

Ingredients : Milk, shredded dictionary and textbook pages, raspberry syrup

Sap Cost : Moderate

Effect : 

A one ounce dose causes a marked improvement in reading speed and comprehension, as well as focus while reading.  Effect lasts for forty minutes per dose, and does not appear to have negative side effects for drinking multiple doses at once to extend time.  Also causes reduced focus on non-reading topics.

-Skin Potion

Ingredients : Goat Heart, Water

Sap Cost : Moderate


A four ounce dose removes blemishes, unwanted moles, acne, small cuts and scrapes, and visual indications of bruising from skin.  A sixteen ounce dose can cause skin that has cracked or been damaged by disease to also recover.  Potion encourages tightening of loose skin, leading to reduced wrinkling, especially around eyes, hands, and stomach.  Potion also causes others to perceive skin as healthy and attractive, which lasts for one week after imbibing.

-Dreamers Draught

Ingredients : Espresso, orange juice, gunpowder

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

Creates two doses. The drinkers of each dose will, the next time within forty hours that they enter REM sleep at the same time, find themselves occupying the same dream.  This induces a form of lucid dreaming, allowing for communication and interaction.  This also partially assists with REM sleep and rest.

-Ghost Juice

Ingredients : Water from multiple sources, sparrow blood, cane sugar.

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

A one ounce dose confers twenty minutes of effect, and can be stacked indefinitely with minimal side effects.  Allows the imbiber to exercise manual control over how corporeal their physical body is, including allowing objects to pass through them without harm, or to move through solid walls without issue.  This effect extends to objects the imbiber has been in continuous contact with for at least one hour, such as clothing, but any break in contact loses this ability.

-Lung Purifier

Ingredients : Unleaded gasoline, powdered tobacco, distilled water

Sap Cost : Low

Effect : 

A half ounce dose restores the imbibers lungs to full working capacity, removing scars, blockages, toxins, and cancer.  Cannot heal wounds directly, but presuming someone can survive a lung puncture long enough for it to stop bleeding, this potion can then handle recovery.

-Sprint Potion

Ingredients : Wood pulp, apple, copper

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

A two ounce dose modifies the primary mobility limbs of the drinker to be highly durable, function with fewer resources, and be capable of sustained motion for the next twenty minutes.  In fact, not moving quickly causes restlessness and itching.  Strengthening of the limbs allows for high speed running (or slithering) for sustained periods without exhaustion.

-Posture Potion

Ingredients : Sugar, paprika, graphite, water

Sap Cost : Low

Effect :

A four ounce dose causes the drinker to automatically adjust their posture on whatever furniture they resting on for the next day.  Adjustments are optimal for preventing muscle or joint damage, and generally reduce pain and cause the user to feel more energetic after sitting or laying for long periods.



Ingredients : Water, citric acid, silver

Effect : 

A one ounce dose alters the metabolism and stomach acid of the imbiber, allowing them to process food at a rapid rate.  For the next eighty minutes, anything consumed will be digested thirty times faster than normal, with the body attempting to maximize its nutritional and energy value, while avoiding weight gain, heightened cholesterol or blood sugar, or nausea.

-‘’Hand Grenade”

Ingredients : Black powder, water


A one ounce dose will, for six minutes, cause heightened temperatures across the body, with increases scaled up depending on how hot an area already is.  During this period, the body is modified to withstand internal temperatures up to 300f.  At a threshold of 220f, any significant impact will cause a detonation on the scale of two pounds of TNT, though with a dramatically increased thermal output.  This drains the majority of the heat from the body.

This is, almost always, lethal to the imbiber.  It is not advised to use this elixir without a way to mitigate the effects of an explosion inside your own body.

-Hardening Potion

Ingredients : Iron oxide thermite, shredded wheat, water

Sap Cost : Moderate

Effect : 

A quarter ounce dose will render the imbiber’s outer layer of skin heavily resistant to impacts for a period of six minutes.  It will also reduce the ability to feel strong emotions, and while this can promote clear thought during a crisis, it does not appear to improve logical reasoning skills.  The amount of water used can, within certain bounds, increase the potency of both effects.  This substance can also be consumed in aerosolized form to prolong the effect as long as it is continually inhaled, though the longer the effect persists, the longer aftereffects will last.  Aftereffects include stiff skin, light sensitivity, lack of sensations of taste and touch, and occasional heart failure.

-Fertilizer Flask

Ingredients : Soil, chocolate, ice

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

Drinker’s skin begins producing a highly potent plant fertilizer.  Fertilizer contains unique proteins that accelerate plant growth by a significant margin, but cause serious skin irritation to humans and potential infection in ratroaches.  Refinement in progress.

-Batch 84-2

Ingredients : Sand, clay, pine needles, grape juice

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

A dose alters the drinker’s body to shatter any glass or quartz they come into contact with.  The effect is loud, violent, and dangerous.  Refinements in progress.

-Batch 67-9

Ingredients : Red wine vinegar, paper, shredded cotton.

Sap Cost : Moderate

Effect : 

Drinker’s lungs are altered to process and modify any breathed gasses into carbon monoxide.  Modification happens on exhalation, so the first  breath in is never lethal, but the sudden presence of a high amount of carbon monoxide is incredibly dangerous, especially without control over the process.  Refinements on hold.

-Batch 25-4-8

Ingredients : Powdered keratin, calcium, water, algae

Sap Cost : Low

Effect :

A one ounce dose causes the imbiber’s hair, nails, lens ridge, and skulljack clip to become smoothed and opalescent.  Active luminescence lasts for twenty minutes, but the smoothing is a permanent change, though it does begin to degrade naturally once the potion effect ends.

-Batch 27-1

Ingredients : Calcium, iron shavings, sugar, water

Sap Cost : High

Effect : 

A four ounce dose causes the drinker’s saliva to taste like high quality vanilla flavored whipped cream for about an hour.  This is not a physical change to the makeup of the saliva, so it does not eliminate any corrosive effects that an individual might posssess.


Miriam Brown

Minor typo, Route Horizon, "passanger" In Underburbs, "Charged by by" In SQ Bracelet, one Munitions Dump is "munitions dumb"