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WOOO here it is yall!

thank you for your patience on the edited version of lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring!

i LOVED this movie, and i am so excited for the next ones to come!

thank you for watching with me!


Al Batista

This is a three hour movie. Three and a half if you watch the extended edition. Don't you think that a 45 minute edit is a bit much? Just an opinion.


The edit was cut down for what me and my editor think to be the most entertaining. I understand some people may want more in but that’s why I also have full timer reactions available


They won't say what happened to the other races who had the rings in these movies, and it's not really a spoiler, however I've put this little disclaimer here just in case, it's more background, but if you're still curious: It was something like, the rings essentially allow the wearer of the one to try and dominate the mind of the wearer, usually by appealing to their base urges... For the humans, who are short lived, it led to reckless ambition and a desire to immortality which was easily utilised to corrupt them as mentioned, for the Dwarves, who loved gold and gems above all, they were resistant to the mind control due to a more 'clockwork' mind, however, they started to become even more greedy, digging deeper and deeper for treasure, and eventually either awakening beasts (As seen with the Balrog) or attracting dragons who wanted their hoards... The Elves however, oldest of all the races, were aware of the mind control when it was attempted (And they were the first to be trialed on), so they managed to resist and take them off just in time before being corrupted.

mordicai knode

When I moved to the Hudson Valley, I was like "first, okay Hudson Valley school of painters, now I get it, & second, is this the frickin' SHIRE?" But its the New England pastoralism imported from Old England, & that is what Tolkien idolized for the Hobbits.


watched both versions and Eme and the Editor did a great job capturing the best reaction moments without missing too much of the story.