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hi friends!

here is the TIMED reaction to captain america: civil war

sorry for the delay, this took hours to upload and process and i ended up falling asleep while it was still processing last night.

the edited version will be up ASAP!

thanks for watching with me!


captain america civil war timer

Watch "captain america civil war timer" on Streamable.


Jakeb Fahey

Honestly one of my favourite marvel moviesssss, so happy you’re at this point 😊🥳

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Love this movie so much the whole Spider-Man reveal blew up the internet when the trailer for Civil War ended with Iron Man calling in Peter who webbed Steve's shield and said "Hey Everyone". Just amazing after so many years of fans wanting Spider-Man inside the MXU. Comic differences: Some notes about the differences between the Comic Civil War and the MCU. In the Civil War comic it opens with the New Warriors (Night Thrasher, Namorita, Speedball, and Microbe) battling a group of villains (Cobalt Man, Speedfreek, Coldheart, and Nitro all B and C list Villains and hero's) in Stamford, Connecticut, while filming a reality television show. Nitro explodes, killing more than 600 people (including school children and all of the New Warriors except Speedball). Superheroes appear in Stamford to search for survivors from X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four, and other solo hero's, The X-Men are overseen by Sentinels. The Superhero Registration Act comes into play with many hero's agreeing to sign after what happened in Stamford while other hero's decide not to sign as that would mean registering with the federal government as a "human weapon of mass destruction," reveal their true identity to the authorities, and undergo training. Iron man is pro signing while Captain America is anti signing same as the film. So the movie is very much more Avengers focused as MCU were limited to movie rights but I think it played out really well in the end as one of the best Marvel movies. Spider-Man and Black Panther are two great introductions to the MCU so they did fill out the roster a little more but no where near as big compared to the comic. The Sokovia Accords: So with the MCU instead of the The Superhero Registration Act we have the The Sokovia Accords. The Avengers Will No Longer Be A Private Organization And Are Subject To Government Oversight, No Superhero Is Allowed To Operate Outside Of Their Own Country Without UN Approval, Using Superpowers To Break The Law Or Engage In Vigilante Activity Means Indefinite Detention Without Trial, The Use Of Technology To Grant Superpowers Will Be Regulated, Section 36B: The Creation Of Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence Is Prohibited. Also another big difference is the size roster with the comic having much more hero's and teams involved compared to the much smaller number we see in the MCU. Thankfully they introduced two new hero's in this film but it's still not close to the comic where pretty much everyone came together to fight while some hero's decided to stay out of this war all together. Spider-Man: Don't worry this was Spider-Mans introduction into the MCU same with Black Panthers so there was nothing else to watch before hand. Spider-Man Homecoming came out a year later Civil War in 2017 While Black Panther came out in 2018. I do wish that Spider-Man was introduced a littler earlier like at least one film before he appeared in the MCU but it wasnt until around 2014 to 2016 that Sony and Marvel were able to make a deal. As much as love the MCU Spider-Man movies and this version of Peter/Spider-Man we never got a good chance to see him be the solo Spider-Man we see in the comic's and other Spider-Man movies instead they jumped right to the big epic stuff which is fun I've always wanted to see Spider-Man with the Avengers on the big scene just wish we had more build up. They actually tried to connect The Amazing Spider-Man movies with the MCU by having Avengers tower show up in Amazing Spider-Man 2 but this never happened. So naturally if this did happen we would've had an introduction to Spider-Man in two solo movies and then Andrew Garfield would appear in Civil War as Spider-Man.


As far as Wanda being a "kid" Cap is about 103 years old and Tony maybe 51? So I think she's just really young (twenties) to be in these complicated situations, possess all that power, etc, is what they are saying.

Culper (Lukas)

Thank God I get to watch some good content today from one of my favorite creators. I’m down for the count with a back muscle strain, so watching this reaction is a perfect way to rest, lol.


Cap is 103 years old... but he's not really 103 years old. He'd technically be in his mid twenties at most when he went in the ice + however number of years he's been in modern days. Around the time Ultron was released The actress Elizabeth Olsen should be around 25ish.... i'm not sure about the character. She should really be about Captain America's age on paper. edit: looked it up. Wanda the character should be about 18-20 when she debuts so it actually is ok for Captain America to call her kid, especially taking his old fashioned tendencies into account.

Rob Stanley

Yeah. Something later in the series series says she was born in 1989 so she's mid twenties in this. There's a suggestion that's a retcon, but look at them 🤷‍♀️


Emme: "They're both bugs" Some Entomologist: {spits coffee out} "excuse me?"


I still don't understand how Steve gets the blame for HYDRA's schemes in "The Winter Soldier"

Sean Medellin

Still think I’m leaning towards team Tony

The Magician (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-01 12:15:20 Spider-Man Homecoming is part of phase 3. I don’t think it’s on the UK Disney+ (could be wrong) so just check you guys have it in the US. It follows on from Civil War and the relationship between Peter & Tony.
2023-03-27 12:50:23 Spider-Man Homecoming is part of phase 3. I don’t think it’s on the UK Disney+ (could be wrong) so just check you guys have it in the US. It follows on from Civil War and the relationship between Peter & Tony.

Spider-Man Homecoming is part of phase 3. I don’t think it’s on the UK Disney+ (could be wrong) so just check you guys have it in the US. It follows on from Civil War and the relationship between Peter & Tony.

Lucile Byrd

Tony is not my favorite character, by any means, but i am on Tony's side this entire movie, early on it more like 55/45, but after he watches his patents be murdered by Bucky ( who is one of my top 3 favorite characters) it becomes more like 95/5. In the 1st battle both Tony and Steve are doing what is right but i side more with Tony because while everyone puts the blame of the Accords on Tony even though he did not come up with them and eas not the only one who agreed to sign nor did he force anyone to sign, Steve legit went and broke the law and then actively chose to divide his team and allowed both sides to blame Tony for the division of the Avengers. For the 2nd fight, while i am glad Steve protected Bucky so he didnt die, i hate that he didnt even pause a moment to empathize with how Tony was feeling. Plus, i always am reminded how in the Winter Soldier Steve was very distespectful and felt entitled to the same level of intel as the director of SHIELD and accused him of keeping the truth of Bucky alive from him, yet when he learned that Tony's parents did not die in an accident like Tony believed but that they were murdered and he strongly suspected that it was Bucky who murdered them what did Steve do? The same thing he accused Nick Fury of, he compartmentalized that info. He felt thentitled to info on his friend, yet didnt think Tony had the right to know the truth about hos parents. It is that utter hypocrisy that makes me side completely with Tony Stark over Steve Rodgers. And on a side note, i thought Clint's comment about "watch your back, there's a chance he might break it" was a disgusting low blow, accusing Tony of being responsible for the severe injury to his own best friend when it was not his fault at all.