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hi everyone!

i hope you all are having a great weekend!

thank you all for participating in the poll of what series i should watch next! daredevil won this time around, so that will be what i'm starting next! again, i wanna stress that even though agents of SHIELD and firefly did not win this time does not mean that i will never watch it! it was really just about what i will watch first.

another update is that unfortunately captain america: civil war will be delayed. i had a rough week with a lot of lesson prepping for school which took up most of my time, and then my internet was off and on the day that i could record. but the timer will be up later today, and my editor will get it done ASAP, he's really amazing so i expect in just a few days depending on his schedule!

thank you guys for understanding when these delays do happen. it's never my intention, but student teaching has been one of the most difficult things i've ever done! i'm in the home stretch, with 5 weeks left until i graduate! i am really excited to commit to full time content creation afterwards <3


mordicai knode

Seriously, nobody minds if you take time to focus on life stuff.

Eric H

Hoping when you have time you can get to Firefly. I do not think you will be disappointed. It is like nothing else.