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Hi friends!

Sorry for the delay on this, i had uploaded it at the same time as the edited one yesterday but forgot to queue it!

Here is the time reaction to the avengers!

Thanks so much for watching with me!!

Streamable link: https://streamable.com/303ops


the avengers timer

Watch "the avengers timer" on Streamable.


Lorenzo Baxter

So yeah Agent Maria Hill is definitely not Betty lol I never thought that Colbie Smulders and Liv Tyler looked similar 😅 but that is indeed Robin from How I Met Your Mother. And yeah the fight with Thor and Hulk was pretty cool cause it shows you that not even Hulk could lift Mijolnir. It's not that the Hammer is too heavy to be lifted. It's that Odins spell is too strong. Only someone who is worthy can lift Mijolnir, so no matter how strong you may be, if you aren't worthy.... you cant weild the Hammer. Also Thors fight with Iron Man and how it ended with Captain America was very cool. You saw that Thor hit Steve's shield with all his might, but... it wasn't damaged at all. The metal it's made of, Vibranium, absorbs all vibrations, like Howard Stark said in Captain America. So the shield managed to take in all of the force from Thors strike, and reverberate all of it back out. That's why there was a shockwave that destroyed the entire forest. So that shield is very powerful, if not even a gods strength made a dent. It definitely wasn't the bracelets that made Tony somehow immune to Lokis mind control. Those were scanned by the Mark 7 (the numbers of Tony's suits, this being his 7th iteration) to go on to him quickly. He couldn't control him because the Scepter was touching his chest, right where the Arc Reactor was. So it couldn't penetrate his mind. I'm sure if he put it anywhere else it would've worked but Loki didn't think that through 🤣 So Agent Bartons name is Hawkeye, and yep he was the guy in Thor. And while he may not have stuck Loki in the eye with one, it was really cool to see him also outsmart Loki. He thought he was suave for catching it, then the arrow blew on him. 😆 Plus Hulk giving Loki the humbling of his life was priceless. Also, I think you clearly missed what The Council was telling Fury lol. They literally were saying they wanted to nuke Manhattan because they didn't think the Avengers could handle it. So yeah, they definitely were wrong. There's no justifiable way you can say "Let's nuke a city" citizens out or not honestly. Tony proved Steve wrong too. He showed he can make the sacrifice play. Even though he's definitely selfish, he made a huge risk, and even accepted his death. Flying into space, with no way out, no power, no way to breathe. That's a hero move. For the end credit scene, that was interesting. Not the shawarma lol, but we got a glimpse of the people that gave Loki the tools to invade. Seeing people beyond Asgardians that are aliens opens doors for what other beings are out there. They gave him the Scepter, strong enough to brainwash people, in order to help Loki get them the Tesseract. So yeah. It's ominous to think about.

Ian Forbes

The waitress who was featured is actress Ashley Johnson, who starred in a TV series director Joss Whedon did previously (Dollhouse) and is the voice of Ellie in The Last of Us video games. There’s a short deleted scene with her and Captain America you can find online if you’re interested.

Darren Withers

Hey Emme, did you ever end up watching the “One-Shot’s”? I don’t know if you could do a reaction for all 5 of them together (All Hail the King actually follows Ironman 3, though I’m guessing you’ve probably just done it or are just about to), but they are worth watching regardless. You should also consider doing the “Daredevil” series soon (as well as Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Punisher). I’m not sure how close it’s going to tie in to the greater MCU moving forward, however, for reference, it’s a series that a lot of reactors are going back to having missed the excitement of certain characters reintroduction in more recent movies. You’d benefit from having seen season one at the very least.


Captain America gives Nick Fury $10 cuz earlier Cap had said he doubts anything could surprise him anymore. Fury responds with 10 bucks says you're wrong. (my bad if you address this later cuz I'm mid reaction right now)