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hi friends happy saturday!

here is my EDITED reaction to captain america: the first avenger!

i absolutely loved this movie and i'm so excited to continue with more marvel movies! up next is the avengers!



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Kenny Lam

I was like "oh no" when you were praising them for representing slim short men, only for him to become one of the buffest and muscular Marvel heroes :P And yeah Howard Stark is Tony's dad. You see him in the video in Iron Man 2

The Magician

Keep an eye out for these ‘special power’ sources in these movies. They’re going to crop up on a regular bases whether they are orbs or like the blue object you’ve just seen in Captain America. Howard Stark, Tony’s dad, found the blue power source while looking for Captain America at the end but didn’t find the body himself at that time. Steve wasn’t discovered until 70 years later which was the scene you see at the very beginning of the movie. Also, those old streets where Steve chased down the Nazi after first getting his powers were filmed close to where I live in Manchester, England. I go past there all the time and always think of the movie!

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So Steve was 5'4 and weighed 95 pounds pre-serum while post-serum he was 6'2”and weighed 220 pounds a pretty big change. There's actually shorter Marvel characters with Wolverine being one of the most famous at just 5'3 small but deadly. Funny you mentioned the Hulk when it cut to Steve's eyes as Doctor Banner was actually trying to recreate the same Super Solider serum used on Steve to create Captain America that failed and created the Hulk. So Hulk is connected to Captain America by the Super Solider Serum same with Tony Stark as his father worked on the project. So alot of the Hydra aircrafts are actually based on prototype WW2 German blueprints that were never fully complete or just concepts from the Hydra plane at the end to the aircraft used by red skull to get away. The First Avenger has a real classic 1930s action film feel to it like the movies that inspired Indiana Jones, overall is one of the most classic comic book feeling MCU movies something I really love. Fun detail the character of James Howlett fought in WW2 and even worked alongside Captain America and Jack Fury's Howling Commandos the same group you see Steve fighting beside in this film. But for legal reasons the MCU couldn't feature a cameo of James as Fox own the rights to the X-Men up until 2019. Marvel did try to get Hugh Jackman to cameo as James who is the actor who played James Howlett since 2000 with Fox X-Men movies but that never happened. If this did happen that would mean that the Fox X-Men movies would've turned into MCU film which would've been really cool and just like the comics shared world of X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four etc. If this did happen we would also have a bunch of X-Men and Avengers crossover movies along with a much longer list of films to watch so for example you would've started with 2000s X-Men and worked up from then instead of Iron Man from 2008. Another change is there being no Nick Fury at this point in time who was indeed active in WW2. Revealed the he was using a serum to keep him alive for all these years which is why Nick Fury has been active since WW2 all the way up to modern times in the comics. There's also Nick Fury Jr who is the son of Nick Fury and looks like the Nick Fury we see in the MCU Samuel Jackson with the eyepatch. There's a theory going around that the Nick Fury we see in the MCU is Nick Fury Jr so in theory Nick Fury's father is the first Nick Fury who was active at the time of WW2 and maybe meet Captain American we just never saw it. Also love the fact they're using real world Captain America comics. The iconic comic of Captain America punching Hitler was Captain America Comics (1941) #1 Published in March 01, 1941. This was very daring for the time for example that would be like Marvel putting Vladimir Putin on the cover of a new Captain America cover depicting him as the bad guy. Hitler was a standing world leader with an impressive military machine behind him and had a number of sympathizers in the U.S. and this was 9 months before America joint the WW2 with the Attack on Pearl Harbor so it was very risky for Marvel at the time. Bucky Death in the Earth-616 Mainline Marvel comic: In the comic's Bucky and Steve were trying to stop Nazi agent Baron Zemo from stealing an allied prototype drone. As the plane took off they were hanging on to the outside. It exploded killing Bucky and hurling Captain America into the freezing North Atlantic. This is pretty different to his death in the MCU as not only did he die seconds before Cap feel into the water and froze but just how he died as well. Bucky in the comics is also just a young kid at around 16-years-old in 1941 while in the MCU he was 24 I believe so still pretty young guy around the same age as Steve at the time. Steve was also in ice for 20 years waking up in the 1960s instead of the early 2010s like the MCU. But yeah overall this movie does follow the comic's pretty well while of course making the origin story it's own thing. It seems like Bucky's Death and Cap being frozen are absolute points in all universe in that these events need to happen in some way regardless of the universe.


Yo ik everyone is talking about the movie and stuff in the comment section but.... u play Valorant?? :D


Idk how to reply since the mechanic on Patreon is weird BUT.... I'm sure ur not that bad at Valo and maybe u could stream it...👉👈😅😂😁

Darren Withers

So the reason that the Hydra soldiers remind you of Star Wars is likely because they were both modelled off the same source, the Nazi Stormtroopers of WWII.