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hi everyone happy saturday!

here is my timer reaction to captain america: the first avenger!

i absolutely LOVED this movie. so excited to continue the marvel movies with up next the avengers!



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Lorenzo Baxter

I'm kinda sad you missed a pretty good part, which defined Steve's character. Colonel Phillips threw a fake grenade onto the field. Every other soldier ran to cover themselves, while Steve jumped on top of the grenade. He didn't know it was fake. So he was prepared to blow himself in half, to die for all those people there. And you missed the saddest line thats ever been said at the end. "I had a date." 😢 Be sure to read the subtitles (if you have them) and just make sure you catch the big moments. Plus, you missed the Stan Lee cameo which is the truest crime 😭 The presentation that Steve and Bucky went to was actually the early version of the Stark Expo, in Iron Man 2. Hence, the Earth metallic globe that was also in Iron Man 2. Really cool detail that is easy to miss. Also yep, this was the program referenced by General Ross in the Hulk movie. The same serum was used on Blonsky to make the Abomination. So the Super Soldier Serum made Steve essentially a peak human. He is the peak of human ability. So enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and even durability. And as you saw in the Hulk, the serum also gives you a pretty handy healing ability. When Blonsky got kicked up to a tree, his body was ruined. But he was healed in a matter of hours. Loved that the Red Skull (Schmidts villain name) had the stitching behind his ear, hinting that his face was actually a mask. Also something cool in real life about Captain America. He was actually created during WW2. He was made to be the war hero he was during his tours to inspire people. So its really cool that he eventually became a Marvel hero and they made many more comic series about him, bur he started as a real life fictional war hero.

Ian Page

I've seen most Marvel movies but I'd never seen this one until today. I watched it with your reaction and it was a really great way to watch it. I've also never seen The Avengers so I'm looking forward to watching that with you too!


This was a good movie and the MCU only gets better from here


I'm actually really shocked you didn't notice the obvious CGI/compositing for small Steve, but it really goes to show you that the people busting their asses behind the scenes really did a great job. It's still very noticeable but it doesn't really ruin immersion, especially if you didn't know who Chris Evans was.


honestly when i learned about it it made sense because something definitely looked off but i couldnt pin what it was LOL. but yeah i didnt know chris evans which helped the case.