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hi friends!


here is my timer reaction for the incredible hulk!

i really enjoyed this movie and it was fun to see edward norton and an unexpected tim roth perform in it!

edited version will be up as soon as i receive it from my editor. this is our second project together so hoping to smooth out all the kinks soon, so that both can be posted in a timely manner in the future<3



Watch "the incredible hulk timer" on Streamable.


Lorenzo Baxter

So (again I know you most likely know this now) but fun fact about Emil Blonsky. So the serum the military kept injecting him with obviously wasn't the Gamma radiation for Hulk. Because, if they had it, they wouldn't need Bruce. 😅 So what they injected him with was the Super Soldier Serum. The same serum that Steve Rogers was injected with during WW2, decades ago. Thats what General Ross meant when he said "One serum we developed, was very promising." The Super Soldier Program was what he meant. So Blonsky is a Super Soldier. Not just fast, but all around enhanced. Then, later he received the Gamma radiation from Mr. Blue, transforming him into The Abomination. Thats also why it was so hard for Hulk to beat him. He wasn't just fighting another version of him. He was fighting someone who had the Super Soldier Serum, plus the Gamma. So Abomination is actually stronger than Hulk is, at a baseline. But, Hulk has a special ability. The more angry the Hulk gets, the Gamma in his blood becomes more active, making him even stronger. Meaning, Hulks' strength is basically limitless. He can get endlessly angry in a fight, making him unstoppable if that happens. Which is how he beat Blonsky. So yeah, Hulk is pretty cool and nigh unbeatable. And they gave subtle teases to Captain America even before his movie. Also with Dr. Sterns, there was a shot right there after Blonsky turned, where the vial of Bruce's blood spilled into the open wound in Sterns' head. So.... the blood also go into him and did something. I know it was a quick shot and easy to miss 😅


should of watched captain America first


I considered it! But since its not on disney+ and the only place i could rent was on amazon i think they were doing a discount on it the day I recorded. So it just made more sense for me to do this first! But dont worry captain america is going to be just in about 2-3 weeks on patreon! Not long at all.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So the reason why Hulk isn't on Disney Plus is because the rights to the character were owned by Universal. Summed up in the 90s Marvel were facing bankruptcy so in hopes of making money they decided to sell movie rights off to different companies. Sony got Spider-Man, Fox got X-Men, Fantastic Four while Universal got the rights to Hulk. Marvel filed for bankruptcy in December 27, 1996. This is why the X-Men films have zero connection to the MCU same with the last two Spider-Man franchises. Marvel did try to connect the two by having cameos from X-Men show up in an MCU film but Fox never allowed this to happen. Marvel also tried to connect The Amazing Spider-Man to the MCU by Sony were nearly finished the film so no changes were made. I think Marvel wanted to add in a certain Tower to the skyline of New York but it was too late of a request. So when the MCU came around in 2008 they're were just certain character Marvel couldn't use in Live Action and instead they focused on Avengers so Iron Man, Hulk, Thor etc. For Hulks case Marvel managed to negotiate a deal with them to use the character in their movies, but distribution rights stayed with Universal for all solo Hulk movies (which didn't happen in the end). This is why it's not on the Disney+ app along with most of the other Marvel movies that exist outside of the MCU. Sony and Marvel made the same deal with Spider-Man which is why there's three Spider-Man films in the MCU. Originally these films never made their way to Disney Plus until years later even though there apart of the MCU. They even brought over the Sony Spider-Man films which are also now on Disney Plus. Disney bought Fox so they have the freedom to now introduced the X-Men in the MCU same goes with the Fantastic Four. Who Owns Marvel? Most of Marvel - Disney, Marvel Studios Hulk - Universal Studios X-Men - Owned by Fox, Fox Bought by Disney, Marvel Studios Spider-Man - Sony These only apply to Live Action as Marvel only sold the movie rights of these characters. For Video games, comics, and animation Marvel are free to use any character it's just in Live Action where some of the rights are all over the place. It's a pretty crazy concept like imagine this with Star Wars where someone like Ahsoka was sold off to a different company and then out of nowhere Disney decided to create a show about The Clone Wars but could not use Ahsoka because she is now owned by another studio who may have their own plans for her. This is pretty much how the MCU started out.