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hi friends happy saturday!

i am back in town so back to a normal schedule for patreon and youtube!

if you did not see already, i posted my plan for star wars rebels just now! you can check out that list to see which episodes i am planning on reacting to. those episodes will begin next week on patreon!

also, i am going to stick with one episode per video for the forseeable future. this may seem like a step down in terms of progress, but it will actually allow me to get ahead on editing more easily so patreon could get potentially further ahead and i can definitely be less stressed, which to be honest i have been stressed and crunched for time lately between school and everything!

other than that, VERY exciting news is that star wars episode vi reaction will be coming this week!!!! i'll be honest, i'm getting really sad that we're nearing the end of star wars movies. it's been such a journey!

also, the incredible hulk timer will be uploaded shortly today! the edit was supposed to be done today as well, but ian my editor for marvel movies is also an editor for a very big production company and has been working long nights. i will get that up ASAP. it's not even set for youtube until december so it will still definitely be early for patreon!

have a great week everyone and thank you again for all the support. <3



Shivaan Devpruth

Will you not be doing the sequel trilogies?


oh i will be for sure!!!! i just more so mean that i'm sad because i definitely don't feel like i'm "new" to star wars anymore if that makes sense LOL. i think i am just a highly nostalgic person.

Isaiah Hagood

Whooo Return of the Jedi!