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hi friends!

here is my edited and full opacity reaction to doctor who season 2 episode 10 "love & monsters"

this episode had such a different feel, i was SO uncomfortable with jackie LMAO and it had a great ending!

thank you for watching with me!


I have no name

The monster was designed by a kid in a competition

Niall NC

The way the fandom truly HATES this episode and I used to hate it too, but over the years I've grown to love it. Its Doctor-Lite yes, but it's actually such an interesting story involving Jackie. It makes me adore Jackie even more and shows us the carnage that can be left, albeit unintentionally, in the Doctor's wake. God, Jackie talking about being left behind is so sad but I love how Rose comes back just to fight the man that made her mum cry, it's funny yet touching. I'd give it a solid 7!