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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to invincible season 2 episode 8 "i thought you were stronger"

wow, this finale was EMOTION PACKED, and i really felt sick over it. i can't believe we have to wait for who knows how long for season 3.

let me know what you all thought of this finale!!! thanks for watching with me!


汉刚 何

in the comic they did collab with DC so Mark did meet spiderman and batman but they dont have copyright for the TV series


Debbie was great this season, seeing her go through her grief & anger was really well done, then the transition to caring for & loving her ex husbands child, the empathy & humanity is amazing. You forget that they are cartoons, in a world of super heroes & aliens she is the "normal" human who keeps anchors the show P.s When Nolan said at the end he missed his wife i literaly said out loud "This bitch"