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hi friends!

here is my timed  reaction to doctor who season 2 episode 8 "the impossible planet"

man this one was EERIE and SCARY!!! i am so looking forward to the next episode to see what happens!!!!

thanks for watching with me!


Katie Niekamp

Doctor Who is really good at swapping genres. One day it'll be classic sci-fi, the next day a mystery, the next an emotionally-devastating drama, and the next a legitimately terrifying horror. I love that about it. There's an episode that you'll get to far down the line that I kid you not, kept me up in bed the night I watched it. I couldn't shake the dread. When you can make a 27 year old once again afraid of something hiding under her bed, that's impressive. I'm a chicken, though. This two-parter isn't most people's favorite (not that they think it's bad, it's just not often in the top rankings) but it's a favorite of mine when it comes to the Tennant era. I think it's an important character episode for Rose. You took note of how cavalier she was acting. You also made a comment about Rose acting very doctor-ish last episode. So I'm interested to hear what you note going forward because I agree with the things you've said so far and find it an interesting evolution. Also, the Rose/Doctor relationship in this episode is... weird. I find the moment when Rose mentions living together so awkward because he basically leaves her on read. She also keeps trying to engage him in jokes but he's consumed by the mystery. It's like the off-kilter discomfort of the episode's horror mystery is only heightened by the off-kilter dynamic of Rose and the Doctor. I feel like that's a smart and unexpected writing decision. Like you, I am really afraid of black holes. There's something so creepy about how they suck in not just matter but also light, sound, gravity, and even TIME. What a freaky notion. Time is supposed to be time. How can a black hole play with the laws of time? It's like the horror of science fiction is playing on the horror of science fact. I hate it but I also love it because I'm deeply fascinated by the phenomenon. Anyway, I wish I didn't have to wait to see your reaction to the next part!!


i loved all the points you made! i also feel exactly the same about black holes, equally intrigued yet disturbed LOL

jesse guerrero

This is the darkness. This is my domain. You little things that live in the light, clinging to your feeble suns, which die in the end... We are the legion of the beast. The legion shall be many; and the legion shall be free. He has woven himself in the fabric of your life since the dawn of time. Some may call him Abaddon. Some may call him Krop Tor. Some may call him Satan. Or Lucifer. Or the King of Despair. The Deathless Prince. The Bringer of Night. And these are the words that shall set him free...I am the sin; and the temptation. And the desire. And the pain and the loss.The Beast and his Armies shall rise from the Pit to make war against God. I shall become manifest. I shall walk in night. I have been imprisoned in eternity.....but no more!