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Outlander 3x8 Full REACTION ( I Am SO Mad At Jamie!

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Kimberly Graham

I know. But he was scared to death of losing Claire if he told her immediately, I think. He's human, after all (even though he seems super human.)


In the title you said "I Am SO Mad At Jamie!' I was like "Jamie, what have you done?" I had no idea what I was about to find out. Laoghaire? are you kidding me? What the hell, of all the people he could have married, I mean damn, he might as well have married Jack Randall. When Claire first arrives at Lallybroch she says "Here I was, at the place that had been imprinted forever in my head and now in my heart. It was home once. It didn't appear that anything had changed, but somehow, nothing felt the same." When she meets Jenny again after all these years it's like all she wants to do is hug her, but she's treated as an outsider, it's like when she first met Jenny, and now she has to gain her trust all over again, and it would be so much easier if she could just tell Jenny the truth, Jamie thinks she won't understand, but like Claire said, if she doesn't know the truth then there will always be that wall between them. When Jamie takes young Ian back home he explains what he's been doing, Ian and Jenny are angry at Jamie for lying to them, I know he could have brought him home, but he'd only runaway again and end up working with people who would take advantage of him, at least this way he can look out for him, he knows it was wrong getting young Ian mixed up in whatever he's up to, that's why he lied, but he also knows that young Ian is determined to see the world, it's just he's lying to his sister about the whereabouts of her own son. And I agree with Jenny, he should have taught young Ian the printing trade, that would have been a great skill to have. I liked the part when Jamie tells Claire how he went searching for her the day he escaped ardsmuir. He tells her about a man named Duncan Kerr who claimed that there was treasure hidden on an island guarded by a buidseach ban. La dame blanche. A white witch. He said his heart almost stopped when he heard that, that maybe she had returned, so he swam to it, out of his mind with the cold. He said "Of course, I didn't find you there, I realized it was foolish to think you'd come back. If he hadna been dead already, I would've gone back and killed Kerr myself. For giving me hope." He then tells her about a stone that had the Mackenzie crest etched into it, and behind it was the treasure. I like what Claire said to him, "I wasn't on an island. But I was out there. Wishing you'd come and find me. Sounds silly, but whenever I would hear birdsong... I would pretend it was you talking to me." All she wants is to be with him, she knows he's keeping something from her, and just as he's about to tell her that he's married in walks Laoghaire. I mean what the hell, after everything Claire went through because of her, she was put on trial to be burned alive, imprisoned, whipped, and Jamie remembers all of this, he was the one who saved her and helped nurse her wounds that day. That was the day she told Jamie everything, the truth, all of it. I know he said he cared for the kids and that's why he married Laoghaire, but she's unstable, she's proved that, time and time again. I just don't get how you could be with someone who tried to kill the woman you love. The look on Claire's face, she's mortified, she asks him why he didn't tell her, he knows why, deep down he knows it was wrong, he tells her he's a coward, that he couldn't tell her out of fear of losing her, but then he blames her for leaving him, he asked her to go, he took her back to the stones and told her to live her life, to raise their child, while all along all she wanted was to be with him. Later he explains to Claire that when he met Laoghaire again she was twice widowed and had two bairns aching for a father and that it was something to fill that hole he had in him, he said "I wanted to be a... A father, a husband. All the things I thought the future held when I was with you." He thought if he married Laoghaire then he could have all those things. I don't know who's more crazy, Laoghaire or Jamie for thinking he could have a life with her. As he's talking to Claire he starts to burn up, she has to give him penicillin for the fever. You know penicillin was discovered in 1928 by a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming, you should look up all the things the Scots have invented, for such a small country we've invented a lot of stuff. It was great to see Ned again, that's twice he's helped Claire with Laoghaire. Jamie agrees to pay her alimony, twenty pounds, plus ten pounds a year to maintain her household for the girls until they wed. Twenty pounds, that would get me a bottle of Jack Daniels in today's money. To get the money he needs he has to go back for the treasure, Jenny said Laoghaire can't use ancient coins in Scotland so now Jamie has to retrieve the treasure, and go back to France to trade it, back to France, after everything that happened there. At the end Jamie and Claire watch as young Ian swims for the treasure, he says to Claire "We've barely been alone since we left Edinburgh. Now we're the only two people on this cliff, and ye canna meet my eye." She tells him "I'm afraid this is all a mistake. I'm just not sure if we belong together any more." I never thought I'd hear Claire say that, but it just hasn't stopped since she got back, she said it's been so much harder than she ever could have imagined. Jamie then says "When has it ever been easy?" He tells her she belongs with him, he says "We're mated for life, sassenach. Will you risk the man I am for the sake of the one ye once knew?" And before she can even answer we see a pirate ship and young Ian is taken. You then said "It's never ending." You're not wrong, this series never stops, I just hope Jamie and Claire can somehow get back what they once had, I know it won't be the same, it can't be, but maybe it can be something more. As always Imon, it's been a pleasure watching with you. Also, you looked really beautiful tonight, you look great in purple. You're beautiful, always. <3


The only way I rationalize him marrying Laoghaire (aside from loving the kids) is that she was a connection to his past and childhood. He lost so many people he had known all his life, and now someone familiar is being pushed on him by his sister. And in some ways I'm glad it was her and not some poor woman who loved Jamie and was just left high and dry out of nowhere.


Hi Imon, when I first watched this episode, I felt just like you. I couldn't believe it. Now I've seen this episode countless times and have time to sit with it and looking back at the past few episodes, it was so clear that Jamie was hiding something and I completely understand why he was afraid to tell Claire. After 20 years, he is reunited with the love of his life and she could've turned to leave him again forever once she found out. That's why he said he was willing to do ANYTHING to keep her with him. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her a second time. It explains why he always wanted her to come with him and kept asking that she'd come back after she was going somewhere. In addition to being angry with Jamie, I was actually upset with Jenny as well during this episode. I'm my opinion, she should've given Jamie the time to tell Claire himself. He was in the process of telling her about Laoghaire when she stormed into the room. Of course Claire would be angry, but having Laoghaire burst into the room made it so much worse. Ian even commented on it that he hears Jenny's prayers for Jamie's happiness and she stirred the pot. If Jenny hadn't gotten involved, Laoghaire wouldn't have shown up with a gun and accidently shot Jamie. So part of me feels it's Jenny's fault that he got shot. I understand why he married Laoghaire for all the reasons he said, he wanted to be a father and husband like he had planned to be when he was with Claire. He wasn't able to be a father to Willie or Brianna and I can't imagine how painful that was for him and I know Jenny was pestering him to marry her when she saw how happy he was dancing with the girls and Jamie believed he would never see Claire again. He also explains that Laoghaire appears to have been abused by one of her previous husbands because he could tell she was afraid of him. Who knows, maybe the fact that she'd been widowed made him feel sorry for her and he though he could be a good husband to her and father to her daughters. That sounds like Jamie. Also, the last time he encountered Laoghaire, Claire asked him to thank her but he didn't know why. Maybe he thought that if Claire wanted him to thank her, she had redeemed herself somehow in Claire's eyes. I don't know. Jamie returned from Helwater in 1764 when Willie was a boy and Claire came back in 1766, so there was a 2 year span when He married Laoghaire and then realized it was a mistake and left her to live in Edinburgh. But I get it... WHY Jamie??