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Hello! Finally, a new PATTERN SCREAMERS major update!

This update features:

  • 18k words of content
  • New characters
  • New areas
  • New LEWDS!
  • New visuals
  • etc...

PS. Sorry this post is a bit short, I'm a bit tired hehe just see for yourself!

You can read more about it here: https://strange-girl-studios.itch.io/pattern-screamers/devlog/560288/0409-update

Official downloads of the game here: https://strange-girl-studios.itch.io/pattern-screamers


As always, the latest download files are available here:

(Lookin for the Pattern Screamers R2 link)

STRANGE (updated)

NAUGHTY (updated)

If you encounter more issues, I'll fix it as soon as I can. :) Enjoy!!




Are there some achievements not implemented yet? Missing 6 went over the bad route and the regular one and can't seem to find em. I'm using mobile