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Hey folks! We finally got a new major update for Lovecraft Locker: Tentacle Lust :)

In summary, this update basically includes:

  • Major update for the Demo version
  • New Main menu background
  • New UI transitions system
  • New story intro (& more coming soon!)
  • Tons of bug fixes and backend improvements
  • New exclusive character!

New Demo Version

The demo version has been finally updated again to include all of the most recent updates. It now includes:

  • The Talent Tree System
  • All Talent skills (well, technically)
  • New main menu background
  • New UI transitions system
  • New intro scenes

Check the rest on yourself and find out!

New Main Menu Background

I've been wanting to update the main menu of Lovecraft Locker for a while now. After finally getting the resources to do so, now we have it!

The new background comes with an even smoother scene transition as well!

New story intro (& more coming soon!)

This has been long overdue, but the game finally has a more polished story including improved writing and visuals. Here are a few visuals to give you an idea:

More story scenes are already in production so stay tuned!

New exclusive: The Electromancer

The Electromancer is only currently available on the Naughty tier of our Patreon.

Stay tuned for new updates soon!


As always, the latest download files are available here:

STRANGE (updated)

NAUGHTY (updated)

If you encounter more issues, I'll fix it as soon as I can. :) Enjoy!!




the game crashes ever time I load it, without fail


Is there a system for unlocking stuff in the main game, e.g. new positions, sprites, etc? Frex, in the hallway and library I can pretty reliably strip the girls naked. Judging by the game play footage, I should be able to do that in the pool as well (and I swear I did it once). What determines the frequency of that? Is is time based? Levels? Lust points?