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Back at it again hehe :3

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Had a pretty slow start this year. Taking a couple more days off than I'd like and just playing old nostalgic games... Perhaps last month's crunch did me in a bit more than I thought it would :/

Luckily!.. After discovering an absolute banger of a playlist from Glorb that I can play in the background while I animate. I quickly got back on my feet and got this big boi done in record time!

And on top of making the first WiP of Prank Gone Wrong, we also managed to do some pretty significant progress with the dubbing of Happy Accident!

Ig those squidward bars are just too good at hyping me up XD

But anyways!.. to quickly recap the dubbing process, Noodles and I chopped up the animation into 4, more manageable parts... The first two of which have been recorded. With the first part already edited into the animation and the second one, I'll do after finishing up this post.
And last but not least... The third part is now being rehearsed by miss Noodles :3

Here's a link to the first part if you wanna take an early peak at the dub:

I've yet to re-do the lip flaps, nor added the new deliveries from miss Nyono on some of the earlier lines, but I'm pretty darn satisfied with the direction that it's going :3

And on the topic of miss Nyono!.. With the combined help from the Chads that supported her, and the massive help from their friends, things have started to look a lot brighter for them!

They are now preparing to move to a proper house in a MUCH safer neighborhood, away from all the gun violence of their current apartment :3

Unfortunately... this also means that she's been super busy with irl stuff that the recording for the re-do's have been, and most likely will be further delayed in the near future. As they now have to tear down and set-up the recording booth at the new place before being able to do any more recordings... Buttt that's no prob... Coz needless to say, their security and well being is the first priority :3

And yeah!... I'll try to get the next WiP up before the end of the month. Tho considering that I'll have to do some more VA editing and directing, and getting Gen 2 Hu Tao ready for her appearance... It's gonna be tight XD

The sexy scene prolly won't be as long as this wip tho, so I might just be able to pull it off :3

And that's pretty much it!... Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: Since I haven't done a "First Draft" WiP in a loooong time, I'm prolly gonna have a bunch of messages from the newer Chads about the missing audio XD

So as a heads up, "First Draft" WiPs don't have any sound, as It's still far from the finished product, and the timings will still change... a LOT XD

So adding BGM and SFX now wouldn't be ideal as I'd have to rearrange them too once I refine the "First Draft" WiPs into "Polished" WiPs or "Audio" WiPs.



DJ Wolf

Glorb is unironically so good lol


Man these 2 are so wholesome i love it, and STUNNING animation


Glorb does go pretty hard. Definitely listened to "The Bottom" the most. Good to know Nyono is in doing better too. What was that saying? The last 10% of the project takes 90% of the time, or something. Also, wanted to send you something that I thought would be a pretty valuable animation reference but I've forgot what it was so I might have to send it later

Wolf Jilly Jill

Definitely appreciate all the hard work put into these. This was an adorable WIP with a hot ending to it. Looking forward to whatever you put out next.

Dave Langzy

Holly hell, can't wait for final episode. Great work my lord


These are so damn good. I love the way you hid what Lumine was packing at the end with various things. Certified classic. Makes me wonder if her appendage is a little different this time.


WOW, the reverse! Nice one yet again


Wow u listen to glorb too respect sent up more now😌

Cray Shay

New update, huzzah! Glorb has no right to be so damn good, squidward goes beast mode with his raps every time fr


Uffff new update!! hope to see the rest of this new story bro. You're doing a very good job😁

Ichigo Kurosaki

As always, great WIP showcasing your incredible animation skills! These two are so cute, thanks to their expressive faces. and that camera work keeping us from seeing Lumine's member *shakes fist* so good yet frustrating! (in a good way) Glad to see that Nyono and crew are doing better and will be able to move! Instant relief when I read that. thanks for being so patient with them and for letting us know the situation. You're such a cool creator and I appreciate the empathy, Pink!


using the translator: Hello my dear pinksama, I saw your first videos no more than three days ago, I was totally fascinated with your work, I had never seen anything like it, I was totally in love, I will continue to support you from now on, by the way I speak Spanish, and I don't know English, but I will start to learn XD.

HideN seeK

Nice video as always and GOD I would love to see them knotted! Keep up the good work you absolute CHAD d;


Bottom 1 and 2 and Vengeance goes hardest for me, tho Larry is kind of a sleeper pick XD Ohhh I couldn't have put it better myself! I thought the project would've been done shortly after I finished the animation... couldn't be more wrong XD I'm always up for some good animation refs. Please do send it my way once you remember :3


Hmmm... What could possibly be hiding under those conveniently placed things I wonder hehehehe


Imma try and pump out the next one before the end of the month as I usually do, tho I got a lot on my plate rn so it's gonna be tight :/


His bars hits so darn hard! Always manages to steal the show once he steps up to the mic lol


Ahhh don't worry, you'll be seeing the "appendage" in all it's glory soon enough hehe... I just wanted to do a lil bit of teasing before the action starts :3 Yeah, she's been through one heck of roller coaster of emotion this past month. Tho it's unfortunate that my commission gets delayed a bunch, at the end of the day, we just making smut for fun and their well being always comes first.


How are you doing my dear Say474!... I really appreciate you taking the time to write this!... And yeah... there's not a lot of creators out there that does this kind of work :/ I haven't really told this to anyone (except maybe miss Pixie XD), but one of my goals is to hopefully inspire other NSFW creators to follow suit, and take the risk with making larger scale animations that tells an interesting story... Coz frankly, we need more of them lol. Your translator did a wonderful job in... well... translating your comment, and I hope mine would translate just as good back to Spanish :3

Cray Shay

Forgot to comment how much I loved the belly bulge at the end, great stuff there with the surprise insertion and watching sucrose melt back with a funny expression, haha! I can’t wait for more! I also like how soft you make your characters look, very cool. Makes me want to squish them with my grabby hands


ohhhhhhhhh, it will be good. great job!


Man, you never cease to amaze me. Already looking like a great video 😆

Dark Angel

37 variants, wow that's a lot! I wonder if we'll get to see them all? Do you have ideas for what they'd all be? Might i suggest one that grows 2 dicks for some dp action, or maybe one that grows tentacles.


Can't remember exactly what it was but I'm pretty sure it was from @Nebula3_ on twitter. Has done some pretty kinky stuff with his partner that felt fit your style


Nobody expects the D hehehe... Yep!.. I opted for the slightly chubby and squishy look for Sucrose in particular. Since she's a shut in researcher without much exercise, I figured she'd have some fat hidden in dem love handles :3


I'm just gonna sprinkle them in little by little throughout the Night in Teyvat series. Kind of a lore friendly way of justifying some of the weird lewdness happening XD Oh you mean like this one: https://hanime.tv/videos/hentai/isekai-kita-no-de-special-skill-2 Maybe?.. DP threesome for sure :3 DP from growing 2 dicks tho is a bit farther down my kink list XD Tentacles, I like, but rigging tentacles is a bit above my paygrade atm lol

Dark Angel

Sort of like that, though the super long dick makes it look weird. The first example that comes to mind for me when thinking of double dick futas is Liz the dragon girl from big green, another NSFW animator. Something like this: https://www.iwara.tv/video/vvb61i57erhozlwn5/vaira-chronicles-chapter-3-the-secret-sauce If you're not into it, that's fine, just wanted to throw the suggestion out there.


Yeah... It teeters a lil too far on the extreme side for me XD That was some sick fluid sim tho! I'm pretty sure I'm missing something crucial in that regard. Might have to ask the pros at some point before the fluid stuff starts in PGW :3


Ahhh... I can defo see her content being a fountain of inspiration lol


Side effects : cock


I love your animations! I look forward to the sequel


Bro andamos en lo mismo ajjajanxns, hasta solo por ver primero sus actualizaciones me compre su patreon


still love u for long time

Kyo Amamoto

so how does this go wrong exactly?