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Having finally reunited in their own little private paradise... Sucrose (after much deliberation) decides to give Lumine a little surprise :3

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After receiving such an overwhelming support from all of you Chads this past year, I knew that I had to end it with something special... And at first, I thought that special thing would be the public release of the Happy Accident Part 2 English Dub.

However, as I watch the set-backs pile up, and the holiday rush slowly creep up... I realize that sadly, it just wouldn't be possible, and that it would have to wait for a while longer.

Still, I didn't want to end the year on a low note... So I decided to bust out the overtimes and pump out this bad boi... all fully polished up and ready to make your holiday nights a bit brighter and naughtier :3

On another note... You may have noticed the sneaky little title change. And that's because I did some quick googling and found out that "Epilogue" is a more fitting descriptor than "Prologue", so I made some slight changes :3

Another thing that I found out while researching, is that apparently... around 15% or 1 out of 7 people with fetishes, have a foot fetish in particular! Which was a LOT more than I thought XD

Now tbh, I usually look into the research papers themselves whenever I see "facts" like these, but imma make an exception for this one and just accept it XD... And since there's apparently a lot of you feet connoisseurs out there... I changed up one of the positions and camera angles, to something that'll hopefully... tickle your fancy :3

And last but not least... A quick update on the Happy Accident Dub!

Nyono's Sucrose is around 80% finished. With a lil more re-do's to be done to patch up some audio quality issues. As well as some nit-picky changes on some of the delivery... However, she's been feeling burnt out recently, so I told her to just do my commission at the start of the next year.

And as for Invader Noodles' Lumine... Weellll... we had to start over :p

You see... when dubbing a hentai. The default tone that 99% of all VA's go for is the sultry/slutty, a bit over the top Japanese hentai moans that we all know and love... However, Happy Accident is a lot more... sensual than what we're used to. And so I instructed miss Noodles to "Go for a Romantic Vibe".... And she did!... For the entire animation... All in one go.

But what I fail to realize at the time, is that there are a bunch of different interpretation of Romance. And she ended up leaning more towards the "default" and voiced Lumine, as if she was Sucrose's Dom XD

So now... having once again learned my lesson the hard way... I whipped up a 6 page PDF Role Briefing, detailing who Lumine and Sucrose are in canon and in fanon, plus a bunch of notes and pointers that I failed to give before.

I also instructed her to "chop-up" the animation into 4 smaller parts so that we can take it one step at a time, this time. And a few days ago, I received the first dub for the first 7 mins of the animation... And it was MUCH better than before XD
Also, after giving it another go, miss Noodles did a beautiful job, mimicking Lumine's voice, and I can't wait to show it to y'all :3

And that's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!


PS: I've recently been informed that due to a recent spike in gun violence near miss Nyono's place... She and her roommate is now looking to move out once again, back to a much safer and secure place.

However, due to ever increasing prices in rent. They are now preparing into transitioning into a nomadic lifestyle, setting up a tent and living in it for a few years, effectively going into homelessness (again), instead of paying sky high rent so that they can save up a bit faster. In the hopes of being able to afford a more permanent place in the near future.

And so, if you want to support her and help them out through these tough times, I'll be leaving miss Nyono's links right here for all you absolute Chads:

Gumroad: https://nyono.gumroad.com/
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/nyonocustoms
Cash App: https://cash.app/$TickleMeJohnson
Throne: https://throne.com/nyono8008



Devin M McCaughey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 17:33:58 When is the animation expected to be done I haven’t watched it fully yet only got through the first part where Sucrose was be fucked by lumine haven’t gotten to the second part yet
2023-12-28 12:07:52 When is the animation expected to be done I haven’t watched it fully yet only got through the first part where Sucrose was be fucked by lumine haven’t gotten to the second part yet

When is the animation expected to be done I haven’t watched it fully yet only got through the first part where Sucrose was be fucked by lumine haven’t gotten to the second part yet

Dave Langzy

cant wait scene in serenitea pot 😁


Feet fetich go to far, i didn't know that 1 of 7 People have it. I mean good for the, but damn, i still remember when i joked about it with friends. Jokes apart, congratulation for your New animation and i wanted it give you my "happy christmas" and a "happy New year", i hope you have an excellent New year full of good memorias. 😄


Great job to you and the VAs. Hope everything gets squared away with Nyono and their roommate.


You can never say it my man. Always depends on how the work goes. If an Animation doesn't work like it used to it needs time to fix and understand the problem so it never happens again. If problems araise in RL it will cost some time. If some ideas pop up mid work seasons and he wants to try it out it will take some time. I would say let's wait give him time and enjoy the show 😁


Oh man i love the Sex Drive Succrose have. Just like mid Action doesnt replay and still swinging haha love it. Also how casually shes saying it like :" Nah just 463 Days no Prob." hahaha just keep on going i fix it later. Still all in all a beautiful Animation. Something more Vanilla after all the Huge Penis and Cum Inflation. Even if i need to say i prefer the Crazy ones more. But its just the Epilogue so i guess theres still more crazy stuff coming our way :D. Yeah i guess more and more People coming out with their Fetishes. Years ago everybody was anxious about it even hated themself for having a Fetish and never even tried it out or talked with their Partner about it. At least in my Country it felt like it. Im pretty open minded. If i know it doesnt bother the people im around at partys or talking to (most Men) we are talking about Fetishes and they are often extremly happy to talk to someone about it. And yeah i for myself learned that many People have a Foot Fetish so as myself and i ofc made Research. Its most of the time because the part of the brain that processes genital arousal is next door to the part of our brain that processes the sensation people get from Feet. We Foot Fetishist most often doesnt know why we are attracted to them so that a Research from Professors explained it feels relieving. And yeah thanks for acceptance and the Camera Angles. Damn yeah Voice Acting is not easy. And redoing all the Parts might be frustrading but it seems like shes giving her best and doesnt give up. I hope you have some great Holidays and some time for yourself. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from my Side. :D

Dark Angel

It's a bit late, but this makes for a nice Christmas gift, great work as always. Although, I would've liked to see the scene with Sucrose pushing out the cum from a *closer* angle, if you know what I mean. Maybe you could do something similar in a later video. Nyono's situation sounds rough, I hope they're able to get through it as soon as possible.


Amazing job & super glad to see even less clothing =]]

Cray Shay

Loved the animation, Sucrose has become fully addicted to sex now it seems haha, just a casual 400+ days is no big deal apparently to her!

Bane of Horni

Absolute fire, hope you hadn't overworked yourself tho :p On dubbing, most stuff i've seen go full dirty talk and/or borderline ear rape moaning, so your 'wholesome' direction sounds really nice. can't wait to see how good your finished animation will be :D (also pretty funny to imagine you cooking a whole ass thesis on the art of voicing porn lmao) I hope you and the dubbing team will stay safe, and have a wonderful holiday ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

Ichigo Kurosaki

Oh man! I feel super bad for Nyono and their situation. Donated what I could and wish them the best during this time 🙏 Fantastic work as always, Pink! Loving the direction you’re taking with the dub. Feels more unique to your style to go with something more in line with the characters’ personality. Have a great rest of the year and rest up!! Always looking forward to hearing more from you :)


Pleasure drunk sucrose goes pretty hard. Her hat is very cute too, didn't even notice it until just now. Hope things work out for Nyono. Good thing she has someone with her. Couldn't imagine going through that alone


Holy shit your futa videos are pure gold. Would love more


9/10 only regret is no back view at the end, tyvm for the great content


Pentrifo pretty much hit the nail on the head! And tbh, I can't remember the last time I hit a deadline that I set for my self XD That said, with the way things have been going... If I had to guess on when the dubbing will be done... Prolly some time around February. There is a possibility that everything goes buttery smooth from now on and that Nyono and Noodles finish their dubs within the next few weeks and I get to release it at the end of Jan. But with my luck so far, I wouldn't count on it XD


Now that I think of it.. So much of the art I've seen in like pixiv and even reddit over the years has at least some feet involved, that I just got used to it and I just kinda tuned it out XD Guess the feet connoisseurs are just hiding in plain sight all along. Awww thank you! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you as well :3

Devin M McCaughey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 17:33:58 Thanks Pink appreciate yah Ik wait the first part of Happy was good BTW I enjoyed it
2023-12-29 12:45:00 Thanks Pink appreciate yah Ik wait the first part of Happy was good BTW I enjoyed it

Thanks Pink appreciate yah Ik wait the first part of Happy was good BTW I enjoyed it


Oh don't worry. Vanilla is just the appetizer. And we're just getting started with kinky stuff :3 Oh for suuure... Having someone to talk to about weird things like that was, and arguably still is a rarity. And I do miss talking about dumb stuff like that with my friends back then. Tho none of them turned out to be a feet connoisseur, we found out that one was really into old japanese guys, and we just lost it XD Ohhh I've never heard of that theory before. I just thought it's coz it looks nice and soft, and that it would prolly feel nice to be stroked with them, kinda like paizuri or armpit stuff. It is waaaaayyyy harder than I thought, for sure XDDD Makes me appreciate people like Derpixon and Nyl even more. Making big boi animations with dozens of people involved... daymmm. Awww... Hope you have a wonderful year!!!


Ahhh I really wanted to squeeze in one more camera angle in that squirt scene too! Kinda like the final climax in Part 1 where the camera switches to a close up pump... but with the squirt! Buttt I knew there was no shot it's gonna finish before the year ends if I added it so yeahhh... Maybe next time :3 Yeah, they've apparently been having it rough for the past few years :/


And it's been a looong time coming. But I finally managed to get one of em' naked... Tho not completely naked ofc! Some amount of clothing always stays. Coz as we both know, it's hotter that way XD


Yep! That's the kind of character development we love to see lol. But I'm sure she's got everything under control :3


Ahhh it's fine. I'm taking a couple days off right now :3 Weeelll... There's still quite a bit of that type of moans in. Mostly from Sucrose, as she's the one getting destroyed XD That said, having balls to walls moans all the time for half an hour straight is just too much. So I'm directing them to... save those for special occasions. I believe that also makes those moments of intense moans more impactful. Tho that's just my preference :p Pfft!... Miss Noodles even took half a day just reading through it and watching the links XD. Worked like a charm tho! Hope you have a wonderful year!


Awww thanks mate! I'm sure they'll appreciate it :3 Hehe... That's actually one of the biggest hurdles of directing that I found. Miss Noodles' first attempt with Lumine was super off. Mainly coz I wasn't able to convey to someone who hasn't played Genshin before, the personalities and relationship of these two characters. The 6 page pdf seems to have done the trick tho XD No worries! I plan on going back to my previous 2-3 posts per month scheds and update more regularly... And I hope you have a wonderful coming year!!!


Hehehe... I even rigged the little hat ears to jiggle for maximum cuteness XD Yeah... having someone who got your back during rough times like that is priceless.


Bruhhh... I realllyy wanted to add a back view close up of that pump and squirt too! Also would've been perfect to show off the new throbbing rig I made for Lumine girth... Buuutttt I knew that there will be no shot that I finish it before the year ends if I did so rip :/ Maybe next time :3


Awww thank you! And don't worry, soon as miss Noodles and Nyono are done, Imma pump it out as fast as I can :3


Hi pink! First thing I just wanna tell you that you make a great job for doing those wonderful hentai!!! I wanna know if the epilogue is going to continue or maybe we've gotta let Lumine and Surcrose rest a little bit or if there some foursome ideas with Xiangling and Hu tao? Sorry if i made a very long question 😅


There's gonna be a brief intro to Prank Gone Wrong that has Sucrose and Lumine, doing some kinky stuff before I leave them be on their own and move on with Xiangling and Hu Tao. And as for the foursome... tbh, I think my pc will just explode if do all of em at once XD... But who knows hehe


Enjoying this drop while waiting for new project update :D Good job as always

Key Majin Saiyan

I love this animation and surcose and traveler bond with one another is amazing and keeps growing. I hope we see more of these two


As per usual just incredible work. You never seem to take Ls when it comes to making porn. Appreciate the love for foot fetishes, I have a major foot fetish and while there is plenty of content for it out there, none of it has YOUR touch. You always put more passion in porn than people usually care to. Love it. Thanks for the hard working year, I'll always support you!


Awwwww!!! Thank you! Super glad you appreciated my first attempt at foot stuff. I'll be sure to sneak them in the shots whenever I can :3 And I believe this was your first comment? Thanks for the taking the time in writing it, much appreciated! And ofc, Imma continue giving it my best this year as well!.. All the overtimes and hard work is super worth it for you Chads anyways :3


Found pretty much all your stuff for free but the work was so good I felt compelled to support you.



Michael the Anime Fan

Could you send me the file? I’m not able to view it through MEGA.