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Whoo! This scene's a tough one...

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Key: MXzyqjHPgb3TM7gx6koQLLq3j7kLLSWtgqDv0KAXOV8


This scene's probly the most detail-heavy scene that I've done so far... From the facial reactions, to the finger movements, and ofc, the bulge and vajayjay shapekeys. All of which I've never done so much of in such a small amount of screen-time. Oh well... At least I didn't have to wrestle with Lumine's dress this time XD

But anyway! The previous scenes have had a lot of texts and dialogues in them, and I wanted to limit that to a minimum for the rest of the animation to focus more on the sexy scenes. Coz from here on out is what I like to call the "Nut-point". Where my main objective is to make you... well... take a guess XD.

And having dialogue pop-up constantly can be quite distracting. And if you're a new viewer watching from the start who still haven't finished yet, this is the bit where I aim to change that :3 And so I tried my best to convey Succ's thoughts mostly through her facial reactions and body language. And it turned out pretty well! I even added a little light bulb moment for her (right before she gets up near the end) which'll tie in with the future scenes.

Uhmm... I still have a bunch of stuff that I would like to blab about, like the remaking of the stomach bulge and how I had to resort to using literal trigonometric functions to make it work, or trying to figure out what a mega dong's bulge would look like whilst still being anatomically... feasible??? But I really need to go catch some zzz's right now so as much as it pains me to say it... I'll cut this one short. Maybe on the next post. But for now!

Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: Thanks to Mahalja and Notgeilerdude for the helpful feedbacks on the last post. I really appreciate the help :3



Touchscreen Thaumaturge

"literal trigonometric functions to make it work" // finally, a use for that math they taught us in school.


Bulge lookin good. Shoutout to shy girls who are secretly freaks. Gotta be one of my favourite genders


are they going to wear the clothes to the end ?


I think Pinksama said a while ago that these models arent really designed for it because they were made back when they were learning the craft. I personally think at least having some clothes is hotter, but they did say there was going to be a model update at some point


What he said :D Tldr, their torso is too low poly for my liking. I'll up the poly count and re-sculpt the boobies in the future to make them more suited for nude scenes before working on A Night in Liyue :3


It's shaping up pretty nicely! hehe At 0:16 it looks a bit odd when the dick starts getting longer (but not thicker). It kinda just creeps forward. Another thing that I wanna understand: the dick is not really hard yet as seen at 0:25 and she shoves it in using the hand. Does it mean that it's not a full erection in the material we got so far, or is the "shoving it in" supposed to show that the dick is hard now?


Gotcha! As for the state of the appendage's flaccidity, I can confirm that it is indeed... vague XD. I'll make it "swell-up" and be girthier when she's near climax to show that it's rock hard during those times. But I probly wont make it any longer than it already is. After all, I wouldn't want the bulge to go beyond her diaphragm. That'll be a bit much even for me XD


im not a huge fan of nude as well, just curious about the boba hidden inside it *if you know what i mean XD


after all this is still the best lumine animation i've ever seen so far. well done pinksama and thank you for the art. lumine is my favourite character :3


Awww thanks :3 Hmmm... that got me thinking. I could do a little nip-slip, maybe pull down the dress to show a booby, tho I'm not sure, whose, where, or how I can sneak it in. I'll mull it over for now.

Ichigo Kurosaki

I really like where this is going! The tenderness shared between both before things really start to ramp up. Now I'm curious how rough will Lumine get with Sucrose. I wonder how you feel about Lumine getting so into it and lost in lust, that she cums too soon and has to make it up to Sucrose who wanted more. Ahhh getting too much into the details, but I love what I see!


The Detail and believability is incredible. And the emotions cum thru clearly.