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We've now officially crossed the Nut-Point...

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Key: JTb3xLjUIcTgnr9zmW4HpepAR9JpUYdDoYMAsIMtzxs


Well what'd you know! I actually managed to post on schedule... barely. Which means I finally have time to work on Teapot Paradise again! Prolly wont be enough time to make a post yet but hey! Progress :3

But I digress... This one's really fun to make XD. I got to try out some new things, mainly... boobies! Shieee-... There's been a noticeable pique in interest regarding dem boobies and nudity in general recently... Probly coz I've hid them for... well, ever. So I thought: Eh... And here they are!.. or at least one of them.

I've never been one to do full nude scenes. Simply coz I don't find them interesting enough. For me, strangely enough, half naked is hotter than fully naked. Especially with characters such as Genshin's where the clothes are as much an integral part of the design as the face and hair, maybe even more.

Another reason is (I've mentioned it before in a comment but I guess I'll say it here too), when I made the base model for all of my characters (Xiangling's... every other chars came from her), I was still a complete newb whos just finished modeling my first obligatory donut. And I'm still using that base model to this day! And it has a LOT of flaws... one of them is the low poly boobies!

I wasn't satisfied with it enough to be the focus of any scene which is why I never showed them before. It still looks fine under normal circumstances, but it starts breaking/deforming pretty easily once I do some stretchy stuff (like maybe Lumine wants to tug on Succ's nips with her teeth or sumtin).

Which is why before I start making A Night In Liyue, I'll make a new line of characters with better boobies, butts, torso, and even feet so we can finally do some proper nude scenes!.. But not totally nude ofc. Maybe leave the cape and just tear the shirt open... that kinda nude :3

And yeah! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: I've recently found out about ElevenLabs which is basically a text to speech application that can whip out new character voices through samples. Craaaazzyyy advanced tech... like, it's kinda scary how advanced it is.

Here's a sample of Sucrose reading this post XD

Mega link: https://mega.nz/file/45pHxZCS

Key: AKST8DlzPvw21MW-JCmWtW6GgXC2CqvikuI-gEfIdV8




Amazing as always! I cant wait to see more


I totally agree that partial nudity is better than full nudity also just wanted to say that I love it that you do stomach bulge, one of my favorite tags keep up the amazing work


Glad you like the bulge! It was a team effort to get that one right :3 I also always try and do new things/tags so it was only a matter of time till I get to it XD


Wow that got quite energetic quite quickly. Definitely agree that their clothes are part of what makes the character. Think the only time I've actively sought out a Genshin character in different than their usual clothes was after watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4v3T7vzn7s Hu Tao isn't even someone I look for stuff of much. Her in a skirt/thighhighs just goes kinda hard


Oh! That's the free model I saw on sketchfab waaayyy back during my training montage XD

Ichigo Kurosaki

Wow! This was incredible to watch. The build up was great and it came off rough yet gentle, that I kept wanting more out of Lumine like I was rooting for Sucrose. Well done. Your tenderness with these characters, fits their personality so it never feels out of place but stretches it enough to feel like a true fantasy. Really, really loving how this is turning out, Pink!


Hehe thanks... MHY already made the beautiful characters with great personalities. All I did was put them in... interesting situations... and the rest writes itself :3


If partial nudity I just want the lower half of the body nude.


Never stop what you're doing, so good.