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Now that the introductions are done, it's time to start working on the good stuff :3

Watch through Mega:



Nooot really sure why this one took so long to polish tbh :/

Aside from a one day blackout, there wasn't much of an interruption to my work schedule. Nor was it a particularly big boi. Only clocking in at 5 minutes... So If anything, I expected to be done early... Oh well...

Anyways!.. Hope you like my choice of sound tracks for this one :3

I noticed that the Liyue songs tend to be more on the solemn and low-key side, with only a few up-beat ones that fit Xiangling and Hu Tao's personalities. So it's defo a bit harder to find good songs for PGW, than it was for Happy Accident... Buuuttt since there's still hundreds of OST's to choose from. As long as I keep rummaging through them, something will eventually stick XD

Oh! And uhh... I haven't really told this before, and maybe you've noticed it already with Happy Accident... But I only use OST's that are based off of (or at least related to) the region I'm working on atm... Just to add some extra personality to each Night in Teyvat chapter... But also introduces a bit of a headache XD

So for HA, I had the Mondstadt, Dragonspine, & Golden Apple Archipelago sound tracks to choose from. And now for PGW, I have the Liyue, Chasm, and Chenyu Vale OST's... Whiiich tbh, all kinda sounds the same XD... Or at least, aren't as diverse as the previous region :p

On a different note. I've also been feeling like I'm starting to hit a plateauuea with my animation skills lately... So I decided to go on another training arc XD

I've never really had any traditional education when it comes to animation, nor have I worked with other animators before. So I'm kinda just doing my own thing rn XD... And tho figuring things out on my own has gotten me this far, I think it's time to look for some outside help.

So my plan is to take a look at how traditional, professional animators do their thing... Learn from their workflow... Then apply those skills on my future animations :3

Starting with their models!

And as it happens, Dillongoo Studios has a fully rigged, professional model available for purchase that goes by the name Emily!

I'll give her a spin, try doing some fast paced combat animations in my free time, and look under the hood! And maybe I can even use what I'll learn from her and use that as the basis for the Gen 3 models!.. But I prolly shouldn't get too ahead of myself lol

I'll also be trying to push my introverted butt out of my comfort zone and try reaching out to pros and maybe get some helpful pointers :3

And uhh yeah! That's about it!.. Hope you like it you absolute Chad!


PS: Super thanks to Massdiff for giving me some super helpful tips last time!

Mainly the Wiggle Bones add-on (that I'm now using for Hu Tao's hair) and also the Flip Fluids add-on, for a hopefully better fluid sim action. Which I'll defo be giving a shot for the next scenes hehehe...




(I apologize in advance for the mistakes made by the translator) Can characters like Xinyan and Yun Jin appear in your animations in the future? and also do characters from different regions intersect? (I think it's possible with a kettle) I really like your animation, and I really hope that you will stay with us for a long time. Keep up the good work!

Bane of Horni

that attention to OSTs is pretty cool, too bad i missed it cuz the animation is very... engaging xd also as fellow introvert, i've only recently tried reaching out to people in my field that i view as 'out of my league' for help/guidance on some stuff and they've all been very chill and helpful, while i've been anxious and dreading about random shit for nothing :p So yeah, keep cooking as usual and good luck on your arduous journey to master the art of animating smu... i mean stuff <3


So...if I'm reading this and seeing the video correctly, there is no new content? This is just a combination of the first 2 videos? If so...3 blue balls in a row... :(


Hmmm... Seeing Hu Tao, XL, Xinyan, and Yun Jin together would defo be pretty cool and probably super wholesome. Plus it would give those two VERY underrated girls some love they deserve. But nope!.. I just simply can't do more than 2 girls per region on my own unfortunately. And Xiangling and Hu Tao has the Liyue spots taken already :p Crossovers from different regions are definitely on the table tho. Not really sure how exactly to do it, but I'm certainly open to the possibility :3


Lol... The animations can defo be too distracting at times XD Ohhh... That's a pretty big step! Super glad it panned out for you :3 I'm pretty aware that we usually just overthink it when it comes to approaching new ppl, and that it pretty much always pans out as long as we aren't rude or anything XD... But the irrational urge NOT to socialize at all cost is always there lol. And yeah, Imma keep endeavor-ing¿ to reach the pinnacle. And master the art of... stuff animation XD


Wahaha!.. Ig you came in at the most optimal blue balling time possible XD -I usually do two back-to-back "First Draft" wips that are basically new content. -Followed by a "Polished" wip that is a combination of the previous two, but with refined animation, bgm, and lighting. -Before finally moving on to the next scene. Ofc this one being the "Polished" version of WiP #2a and #2b So the next post will be WiP #3a which will be the "new content" :3


Please let us see bare breasts in the next one, especially hu tao's. I need some breasts to look at lol.


What about Faruzan and Laila? As for how their paths might cross, you can arrange a casual meeting or, using Xiang Lin's example, tell how someone felt that she was cooking something. It's a pity that there are only two characters in each region, but maybe in the future you will be able to download and expand them (but of course it depends on you). By the way, can Collei and Amber appear (possibly also according to Eula). The college is also familiar with sucrose, and you can come up with something. (I'm sorry if I bothered you) .


Ohhh... Layla and Faruzan for A Night is Sumeru? Hard to say for certain, since that's super far into the future. I still gotta do Inazuma first lol. I do like Layla a lot tho, especially because of her interesting split personality and the potential for sleep-play... Patreon doesn't like the latter tho :/ The main issue with introducing new characters tho, is that they take a long time to make. All of them are custom made. From their body shape, outfit, and even make-up XD. And it usually takes 2-3 weeks just to make a new character... Plus an additional week or so of testing. So it's quite the commitment. I don't mind the suggestions tho!.. By all means, keep them coming :3

Dark Angel

This has been something that's crossed my mind a couple times, does this mean you won't be using other girls from regions you've already done in future videos or just for the Night in Teyvat series? I feel like you could use other girls in some shorter videos in between the big releases. This way we can have more completed videos and you can potentially keep from burning out from doing consecutive long projects. You can even use the shorter videos as a way to try out things you wouldn't normally do in the main series.

Dark Angel

Since you mentioned practicing fast paced combat, I wonder if you'd be interested in trying out sex combat, where the characters are fucking while fighting. Something like sailor punisher, which is both hilarious and arousing. I don't know why, but It's the first thing I thought of when you mentioned combat. https://www.iwara.tv/video/5l5jlhblqpfwpb8ab/sailor-punisher-ep2 (btw I'm mostly saying this as a joke... mostly)


I can see some of Chenyu Vale's music working in some of the more intimate settings, even though a lot of it sounds a bit too uplifting/whimsical to fit in with the vibe. The song that plays in Baizhu's room, Mountains of Mist and Past Yearning are a few that I see some potential in


Yep! That's pretty much the plan. Make short, in-universe side stuff in between chapters. And possibly do some crossovers between regions :3 Ofc that also means that Imma have to keep updating the older models to the newest Generation every time I wanna use them. That shouldn't take tooooo long to do tho. But is still defo a consideration.


Lol what did I just watch XD I lost it at the surprise mid-air scissoring lol I can defo see some potential in that niche tho. But since fighting is involved, it's inherently non-con and is therefore a no-no


Yeah whimsical is defo the word for Chenyu stuff. Kinda hard to fit them with the vibe. The "Bubu Bop" tho, as I like to call it, is fittingly named "Sanctuary for the Sick", and is already in my bin, just waiting for an intimate scene XD It's got some SERIOUS competition tho. Coz one thing that Liyue OSTs defo do not lack are intimate songs. Including the infamous tear jerker that is "Lover's Oath" XD On another note... Hoyo just graced is with another glasses goddess :3 https://youtube.com/shorts/JwCz6aOc3QQ?si=0jIKLFJouq7_5bZL


As for Inazuma, do you already know which characters will be used? (I'm sorry if you were discussing this, my translator translated it so that I didn't quite understand what it was about) And what if we use Hu Tao, Xian Lin, Xinyan and Yun Jin to create a separate animation (for example, Hu Tao invited everyone to a pajama party) (Don't pay attention, I just really want to see these two in high-quality animation, but I understand that this will be a difficult and time-consuming project. Just dreams, but hope dies last).

Dark Angel

I'm sure there's some way to show consent. Maybe during a sparring match, clothes get torn revealing some sexy bits, causing both participants to get all hot and bothered. They still want to continue the fight, so they both agree to use each other to "let off some steam" while fighting. That's just one example off the top of my head, you can probably come up with some others.


Oh damn, didn't realise they drip marketed her already. Interested to know find out what kind of character she is. Her design alone hasn't quite won me over, but that's not the first time I've said that


Ahh don't worry! We we're just talking about past characters, and what I should do with them in the future. And also the possibility of making them meet the other girls from other regions :3


Honestly I think sex fights are soooo underrated, there is basically no animations with this topic except those mentioned from Steven Purgatory that I honestly enjoyed very much and some animations from Diives. I hope You will consider them, characters could sign some papers before starting the fight to make it "consensual" XD


If You wanna see some combat animations then check out Pink Shonen. Their animations are on amazing level, they recently released early version of second episode (not all backgrounds are finished).


Ohhh the Majin Buu lookin guy! Yeah I've seen their work a while back. It's 2D but their choreography is pretty darn cool so I can defo learn from them in that aspect :3


do you plan to have this one voice acted? sorry if youve stated this before i'm fairly new ^^


Yep! I'm still working on a proper workflow to get the voice acting down as smoothly as possible so that it wouldn't take nearly as much time as it did with Happy Accident Part 2. But I defo plan on having it VA'd :3


Out of curiosity, would there be any chance of a Mona x Fischl video in the future? While Mona is insanely popular, Fischl is not, and I love their dynamic.


Nope! While I do absolutely love their dynamic as well, with the "Mona being so done with Fischl's bs but goes along with it anyway, coz they tight XD".... I already picked Sucrose & Lumine for the Mondstadt chapter, and I can only do two per region unfortunately. Plus, Vicineko's got that ship sailing way out into the sea already lol


Fans from China are looking forward to the next work. come on!