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👋 Hello everyone !

I hope you are all doig great !
The packs should be sent today YAY ! I'm sorry it took a few more days because of the Nia video, but I will be able to send it to everyone in a few hours.

It's starting to get colder already where I live, I know it's still September but it will soon be the perfect weather for hot Chocolate while watching animes 😋 Oh, and to talk a bit more about me, I also started to take Japanese lessons, to prepare for a big project that will come next year ! I want to go for a long trip in Japan !

But more on that later :)

Now it's time to enjoy the beauty and cuteness of Baal !

This is only the sketch, as she is the first illustration of this month.

I hope you'll enjoy this first step and I'm excited to finish it !

Have a great day everyone, and keep an eye out for the packs in your DM's




Squishy Tushy ^-^


She's gorgeous... 😤🙏