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(Sorry for spamming !)
Hello everyone.

I'll keep it short this time because I'm really spamming you late with messages. I'm so happy I could take a break this month, and eventhough getting back on the drawing board (or tablet :D) was not easy, I still really enjoyed this term.

I have a lot of ideas going forward and also have a lot of thinking about my style, and things I want to evolve. This is all thanks to you guys who follow, share, comment and support me that I can afford this way of approaching my work. Sometime it canbe a double edged sword, becauseI'm also reluctant to changing or making my style evolve by fear of doing less good for a time, or not making you guys as happy with my artwork.

Anyway thank you so so much for following this term, and I hope you are looking forward the September's illustrations, poll, and other things that might happen if I manage !




Thanks for another awesome term!


I am new patron of yours and I really would like to purchase some of your older pieces, but I am unfamiliar with purchasing art on gumroad that is not set at a fixed price. How will I know when purchasing the art if it is a fair price? Thanks


Hello and thank you so much for joining my Patreon. About Gumroad there is a minimum price so you can just use this as a reference. If you decide to add more it's more like tipping. That's how Gumroad calls it. I hope this answers your question. If you want you can send me a DM if you have more questions. Have a great day !


Your art style is wonderful and I would enjoy seeing whatever styles you'd like to experiment with. I've wondered before about what you thought of yours, where you wanted to take it, or how you want to shape it.