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Hey sexy patrons! 💜

Second fanart of the month is here! Pyra won the Beauty Pool and... SURPRISE! It's a Comic instead!

I've been toying with the idea of making a comic for ages, and finally, I did it! I guess the secret was start with something "small", so 3 pages was the best approach.

Making this comic was super fun. If you like it, maybe it is time to go back to that Zelda comic I started last year if you want ~

We will start getting new suggestions on Monday, so stay tuned! And remember that suggestions from previous months will be get into account and will make those characters more likely to get chosen 🔥

Remember you can check how many hearts a character has at any time on this Google Sheet. Samus and Pyra will now have their hearts reset to 0 since they both have won during June.

That's all! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and thanks for your support during this month 💜
