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Hello lovely patrons! This is a message for all Tier 1 supporters.

Starting today, I will be increasing Tier 1 price from $2 to $3 only for future patrons.

So don't worry! if you joined before this date, this won't affect you. Your price will still be $2!

Your Tier will be Founder Carrot Tier ($2), and I created a new Carrot Tier ($3) for new patrons.

I've been checking other creators and reading Patreon suggestions, and after realising how much money is spend on taxes, I think I need to change things a little bit to get closer to that dream of this becoming my main job.

Of course, I think it's unfair to increase it after you joined. That's why you can be part of $2 Tier forever if you want. That being said, +$1 increase would mean the world to me, so consider upgrading if you want. You can do that on this LINK. If not, that's perfectly ok too 💜

That's all! Let me know if you have any question or feedback. And one more time, thank you so much for your infinite support!



The gesture of allowing us the choice is enough to convince me to upgrade 💖


Awwwwwwwww thank u so much Dilloid, for this and for your support during all this time. You are the best 🥺💜