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Cold, tired, but mostly confused, the lucario waited silently in the dark room. His massive rump barely fit in his chair, adding ‘uncomfortable’ to the list of things he was feeling at the moment. With only a single light shining just overhead, the room’s oppressive atmosphere was just a bit unnerving. Of course there was also the fact that a bunch of strange men in suits had grabbed him just a short while ago and dragged him here against his will. That was pretty weird too. He didn’t resist. They seemed like pretty nice guys after all, even if they were a bit quiet.

Just then the door across the room opened up. A pair of men walked through, different than the ones before. One was an Alakazam. Even with the suit and sunglasses on, the lack of a tail made it pretty easy to tell. They were REALLY nice sunglasses though. The other was a Gallade. Didn’t look quite as good in the sunglasses, or the suit.

They sat down across from the Lucario, both of them hitting their chairs in near perfect unison. Under the Gallade’s arm was a plain manila envelope, from which he pulled a large photograph. The color was vibrant and the person on it was unmistakable. It was someone the Lucario had seen many times: a gengar, its face painted in white.

“What do you know,” the Alakazam started, “about the clown.”

The lucario’s face lit up. “Oh Lucky? She’s my best friend! She comes to visit all the time.”

The men in suits looked at each other, their expressions hidden behind their glasses, yet their confusion very readable in the raising of their eyebrows.

“Your...friend…” The gallade said flatly as he turned back toward the Lucario.

“Of course!” He continued excitedly. “She comes by maybe a few times a week. You know, when she feels like. I mean I wish she would come by more but I don’t really push her or anything. It’s just that we have so much fun playing video games and stuff. Well I mean...she doesn’t really play. She just kinda stares at me. Oh! And we watch movies sometimes. Well I guess she doesn’t really pay all that much attention. She just kinda stares at me...Oh yeah! And we listen to music sometimes..even though she kind of just stares at me the entire time...Oh and also-

Cold, tired, and mostly confused, the two men listened as the Lucario went on for minutes about the various activities he and the clown engaged in. To be fair. They had gotten exactly what they asked for. Little progress was made that night.


Very few people get to see Lucky more than once. But this young man. There's something different about him...



Solar Bear

Always a pleasure to see more lore on characters ^^


Behold this nerdcario, the closest thing Lucky has to a boyfriend.