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Hi people here I´m uploading the pages that I was planning draw for Halloween but unfinished, let me explain what happened.

This  month I have a travel out of Spain from today day 12 to the next day 5,  my original planning was start to draw pages before this month, but was  impossible with all the stuff that I had in my hands, and these days I  did not have enought time, Anyway I wanted have these 4 pages with as a  "new series" finished today but as I must take the train to Madrid in  around 12 hours I could not finish them in time, so at least I´m  uploading the pages like this as a preview, with the dialoges. I will be  finishing them this next month and if you like the idea of something  like a "Yokai/monster vore encyclopedia I will continue it with more  Yokais, and probably wester monster too with a concept of vore a little  more "dark" like in my past "halloween comic", maybe 1 monter per month  or something like that, let me know what do you think about it.

I  had planned work in my hentai personal projects to sell them in a  Mangacom here in my country but in the end as I was seeying that I dont  have the time and the energy to be even near to do it I have cancel my  assistence to the 2 events that I had in December , so when I come back I  will  be able have "normal months" again and I should be able retake a  normal rythm of work.

Again sorry for fail this month, and if the  idea of the encyclopedia is ok with you let me what yokais would liek  you see in the future, for now I have ideas for a "femtanuki" and a fem  Hitotsume Kozo.

See ya people.



Black Wolf4152

Glad you’re doing alright and can understand your situation. Just so you know, the last page for Voralien was posted on EHentai before here so that’s fine. Just make sure you’re safe before give us Art or anything. You’re safety and well being is important