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Hello people, here you can see the pages for September, 2 pages of Melinda, and 2 pages more for the Milf.

About the comic of the Milf in the Clothes shop probably in November we will have the last pages for that comic, I dont have a clear idea about what do after it, but I have to retake Vore Office and probably I will want try something short before I start another long comic in the Melindaverse.

I hope that you enjoy the pages, see you later and thanks for your support people.

See ya.



Andrew Bland

what happened to page 6 of Naga story?


I do not know if your intro was a question or a statement. I see it as a question. Therefore if you have no idea what to do after November why don't you make a sequel of "Daeva´s New Work" or "Welcome To The Company." I personaly miss the real Sex, or better predator Sex with dude, in your work.


The Daeva´s story and teh "welcome to the company" where commisions so I cant use those characters, about do more stories with those concepts, its a idea, I will think about it when I come back.