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Stat: T2 Base   STR 31   DEX 12   AGI 6   CON 32   INT 13   WIS 6   CHR 24   PER 4   COR 20   RAD 18

This does include the +3 CHR from Seasoned Butcher, but not the +4 free points. And possibly the +2 points from a choice in Quadratic. 

Health: 5630   Stam:15330   Mana: 4800

Part of the large jump is from bonuses from stats going up. For instance, in Tier 1 a point of Int is 15 mana, then 30 in Tier 2, and 50 in Tier 3.

His current skills:

Pit Alchemy CHA 10   
Butchering STR 10   
Slaughter STR 10   
Choice Cuts WIS 5   
Precision Cuts DEX 5   
Anatomy of a Monster INT 5   
Hack Undead STR 6   
Strike Undead RAD 10   
Active Fire Resistance INT 10   
Weak Poison Resistance CON 10   
Weak Acid Resistance CON 4   
Resist Torture CON 3   
Aspect of Fire INT 10   
Aspect of Smoke COR 10   
Aspect of Radiance RAD 1   
Aspect of Heat RAD 6   
Throw Caber STR 5   
Billhook STR 8   
Meat Hook DEX 3   
Demon Slaying RAD 5   
Fire Eating CON 10   
Boar Hunting STR 3   
Bulldogging STR 5   
Bull Leaping AGI 5   
Grilling DEX 1   
Adze STR 5   
Bear Hug STR 1   
Skinning DEX 10   
Scrimshaw DEX 3   
Shark Hunting STR 3   
Woomera DEX 5   
Fishing WIS 5   
Hide Crafting DEX 5   
Look Out PER 3   
Run the Chains AGI 5   
Row CON 3   
Smoke Weaving COR 10   
Throw Chain STR 2   
Swim the Smoke CON 3   
Smooth the Deck INT 2   
Sail Making INT 4   
Boatwork CHR 5   
Smoke Eating COR 10



Wouldn’t the play be to get to 20 rad to get the bonuses?

Michael Clark

He can't gain more bonuses, but can upgrade the ones he has.


Are you saying that he can’t get new bonuses in general unless he got the tier up bonus when going from tier 1 to tier 2? Or that he can’t get the bonus by spending his 4 free stat points to get Radiance to 20?

Michael Clark

"The Bonuses earned for high stats in Tier 1 may be upgraded if you have again hit the benchmarks for each stat at the end of Tier 2."


Hmm, not the biggest fan of that(but I understand why it’s was done) but Guess it makes it easy to choose what to do what to do with Ozzy free stat points, all into Charisma so next tier up he can bring it level with Strength and Constitution. Guess that also means a lot of people are going to be rolling new characters and ditch old ones(which contract worker can’t do)

Michael Clark

Elsewhere in the story, it talks about players re-rolling, at least the ones trying to make the most powerful characters and gain all the bonuses, and that's going to enter into a chapter soon as well. It's a lot more difficult for a character to gain multiple benchmarks than a worker because of the difference in experience needed. Another thing that pops up soon. Workers lost a lot, but the AI balanced those losses with other benefits. Players hit the point where they have to move up to the next tier in a different way.


Are thing like Rolly’s life stat account wide(tied to the player and not the character)?(has just been on my mind because of the though of AMCE forcefully re-rolling a contract workers character or the contract worker not getting to keep the characters they have while working as Contract workers)(but yeah is anything tied to the player? So it can follow them to all future characters)

Michael Clark

Some things are tied, and can't be re-rolled, both good and bad. I haven't really gone into the mechanics of what a corporation can do, and it will actually come up in a later chapter as workers gain levels and people notice. But while someone in a corp might say something like "We'll just reset them to level 0 and solve that problem.", it's not necessarily true, just that person/corporations opinion on what they can do and what the contract says. Unreliable Narrator. Wally doesn't like taking things away without giving something in return. That's why their are differences in the way workers level, gain csp, heritage, and the core skills available. Those balances would just all go away if ACME or LEXCORP could just erase any gains at will.


I was going though rereading some stuff and when he was with Jack Firebeard there was something about a new option for Heritage but i dont think it ever came up again that still about? ( its currently at the bottom of 207 some of the chapters dont seem to be in the right order ) There was also some heritage options at the bottom of 230 not mentioned anywhere.