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I'm wondering whether this chapter should follow "Too Much Bleu" directly, or if the Dwarven Holiday in Chapter 146 should come first. Thoughts?

Milo was unsure of what was going on, and on so many levels! He took Gilad aside and spoke to him. "What's happened to Bluesnout, and what is the Conclave all about? I'm just following your lead, I'm not really a master."

Gilad tapped the ring on his finger. "Did you find this ring? Take it from the last Scout Master? After no one could find him for decades. And Old Healer approves of you. And we need you. Something smells bad, and not just the gorgonzola. Right now, you our our Master of Scouts. Find the dangers that threaten the Hollow, and help us to prepare. My whiskers twitch and my bones ache. Something bad is afoot."

Milo had no argument for the old fighting Master's logic, so he stayed quiet, and observed what he could. Over the next few minutes, the other masters arrived. Master Clawhammer was a tall, wide ratkin with large muscles. He worked a forge near the mines and oversaw many of the trades that were practiced in the Hollow. He was skilled in carpentry, blacksmithing, mechanics, and smelting, and oversaw the mining. Milo made a not to talk to him about a possible trade deal with the Engineering Outpost.

Helen Brownfur was known to most simply as 'Mother'. She always seemed to have a gaggle of little ones around her. Milo had seen her in the mushroom fields showing the little ones how to pick the shrooms. He hadn't known she was the Gather Master, but in hindsight it fit her well. She was guided the young and started them early to learn how to supply the Hollow with food.

Each of the Masters entered the room, and were shocked to see Bleusnout's condition, shaking their heads sadly and talking with Old Healer. A Master of Cheese was the last person that anyone would expect to give into the lure of partaking of too much cheese. They were known for wills of iron, and the patience of saints. Helen Brownfur was particularly upset, having worked closely with Bleusnout. "This isn't right! He..he has always been better than this! What did he eat? We need to know!"

Rifkin was nervously bouncing from one foot to another and wringing his hands. "I don't know! He and smiley were down here going through all the new cheese belonging to Tallsqueak. I have been working to keep meals cooked for the hollow. It was only when we realized he was missing that I checked down here and found him this way! He was face down in the Roquefort! But I agree with Mistress Brownfur, this is not right. Where is Smiley? Where is the most of the Hollow's cheese?"

Gilad stood up. "There are many things to discuss. But first, you will excuse us, Rifkin, I'm sure you have things to do preparing the meals."

Rifkin looked slightly surprised as if he hadn't thought he'd be asked to leave. "Yes, I will start the next meal, it's very important to keep the Hollow fed." He retreated upstairs, gathering up a bundle of dirty rags on the way, and they heard the banging of pots and pans through the floor.

Gilad sighed. "I feel the events of today have unnerved young Rifkin. He is young, but hopefully he can rise to the occasion."

Master Clawhammer snorted. "He'll be fine. We may eat an awful lot of grilled mushrooms and simpler food until Bleusnout is up and about, but we've all had worse."

Old Healer looked pained as he said, "That may be some time. Whatever Bleusnout got into, it wasn't just Roquefort, and with so much cheese missing, we may never know. He has gorged himself on the most potent of stinky bleu cheese, and I fear he has overdosed. Without knowing what he ate, it is very difficult to treat him."

Milo walked over and looked at the chef. Someone had cleaned off his face. "Where are the clothes used to clean the cheese off of his face? If we examined those, perhaps we could isolate bits of the cheese he ate?"

Old Healer liked the thought. "A good idea. It may give us a clue. The clothes were in that pile Rifkin took with him, please go and retrieve those, Master Tallsqueak." Milo ran upstairs, and the others turned to Old Healer.

Clawhammer asked. "You obviously think he is ready for that title. And I do find him talented, but we are looking at giving one young whelp a Master's ring before he is ready, is it appropriate to proclaim a new Master of Scouts after so many years?"

The Master of both Healing and Death laughed. "Give it to him? That sneaky whelp found my brother's hidey hole on his own and took the ring. A very traditional method of promotion in my clan. And he's already rebuilding the scouts, and has stolen two of my promising skulkers. All three of them had the nerve to surprise me in my own lair. Tallsqueak thinks oddly, and has put his nose into every corner of the Hollow. He's perfect. I just wished I could get rid of other rings to young ones like him."

Arlothe chuckled. "Cremona and I are fond of him. He's more of a sage than a true mage. Very curious about everything. Scout fits him well."

"I only object because I was hoping to retire at some point and let him take over my position of Master of Fighting. He learns quickly and can handle the young whelps." Gilad sighed, then chucked. "And some not-so-young trouble makers. He is giving Cremona a run for her money."

Arlothe chuckled at that and Mistress Brownfur looked intrigued. "I'd heard of that. Cremona is a fearsome fighter. We used to spar before I got old and stiff. If he can take her on, he is qualified."

Gilad continued. "And he is strong enough to fight one-on-one against a Cheese Fiend." There were some intakes of breath at that statement.

"Tallsqueak has been working with Larry to move him past the limitations imposed upon him by the transformation to a fiend. Working together, Larry is now creating a fighting style that lets him use traditional claw and tail techniques. He is both exhilarating and frightening to spar with."

"Cremona cannot best him. Her poisons are rapidly pushing up his Fiendish Resistance to the point many of her spells are becoming useless against him. She can beat Tallsqueak in one of three bouts, and he can beat Larry in roughly the same. I most enjoy watching Gilad bounce around Larry, trying to avoid his dance moves." Arlothe had been having a great time each evening watching the four gladiators give each other bruises, cuts, and poisonous wounds. He was content to sit with his students and enjoy some late night snacks.

Brownfur was unconvinced. "And Larry is under control? We are not creating a worse threat than we had before?"

Gilad was adamant about that. "No, if anything, Larry is getting better. He has given up cheese altogether, knowing he might become out of control if he eats it and fights. Fighting and becoming better is more important to Larry than cheese. His control is impressive."

Brownfur looked to where Bleusnout was laying, "Control can be fleeting. But this discussion is not about Larry, although I am so happy to see him get better. He was always the sweetest of whelps. No, this is about Tallsqueak. How many of us approve of his becoming Master of Scouts?"

The hands were raised. The votes were cast and a new Scout Master was chosen. The first in many years.

Milo returned soon, visibly upset. "I was too slow, they have already been put into the wash, and the lye soap will ruin any chance of isolating mold cultures or bits of cheese on them."

The other Masters nodded. It had seemed like a low chance of helping the situation in the first place. Old Heal nodded at him and patted him on the shoulder. "It was a good thought. We have talked. You will wear the ring from now on as the Hollow's Scout Master. Take a seat, we have another subject to discuss. We lack a Master of Cheese."

Old Healer pointed to Bleusnout. "We have one, he is unable to do his job temporarily. Let Rifkin make the meals, and the conclave can decide on when cheese is disbursed to the Hollow."

"If Rifkin can do the job, give him the ring. I don't see Bleusnout being trusted again, even if he recovers." Clawhammer didn't trust that the Chef wouldn't backslide again. Better to go with new blood.

Gilad suggested a compromise. "Let us let Rifkin assume the title for now. He will be the interim Master of Cheese and take over the duties. Let Bleusnout recover and give him the ring himself, after all, he has been training Rifkin and Smiley for a decade."

This vote was not unanimous but it passed. The Masters rose to leave and inform Rifkin. Old Healer asked Milo to stay with him a moment. "I will need your help to take the Chef to my apartment. This is not a good place for him, too much cheese. Watch him for now while I summon two others to help us carry him."

Along with the Chef, Milo considered the problem of figuring out just what the Chef had eaten. He was upset that Rifkin had been so quick to wash the towels used to clean off the Cheese Master. But it wasn't just the Chef's face that would have traces of cheese. Milo carefully looked at his claws. The left hand showed cheese under the nails. Milo carefully cleaned the claws, saving the samples. Bleusnout's right hand was closed until Milo pried apart his fingers. Inside was a crushed golden puffball mushroom. Milo saved that as well, and then checked the Chef's mouth and nose, scraping out what he could. Hearing Old Healer returning, he hid his samples and helped move the chef to where Old Healer could care for him.



Also I was getting double notifications and emails for the last two chapters. Idk what changed


I agree. With the quick break to the dwarves you also control the tempo and flow of the story. The break controls the tension and makes the collapse of the old master more meaningful. It's like a pause giving the moment the seriousness it deserves instead of just rushing off to the next part of the story.