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Dan - Create Your Own Adventure 2024

  • Dan dons the tiny speedo and goes for a swim 13
  • Dan forces himself into the shorts and tank top and hits the gym 5
  • Dan decides to skip both and go and sit in the hot tub 1
  • 2024-01-28
  • —2024-02-11
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'Dan - Create Your Own Adventure 2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'Dan dons the tiny speedo and goes for a swim', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Dan forces himself into the shorts and tank top and hits the gym', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Dan decides to skip both and go and sit in the hot tub', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 11, 23, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 28, 19, 34, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 19}


Here's the first instalment of our 2024 Create Your Own Adventure series. As voted for by you, Dan is our first story. 

Make sure to vote for what you want to happen next! 

Tyler's adventure will kick off next week, and Dan will be back the week after. 

Let me know what you guys think of our new story!

COVID had changed everyone’s lives, but Dan Tomlin felt like he was still experiencing the aftermath a couple of years later. In his mid-30’s, Dan had swapped a busy office life and an extensive evening schedule of gym and tennis and swimming for a life trapped in his house where he’d had no interest in exercise but had developed a new love for cooking.

Unfortunately for Dan, his new hobby was somewhat detrimental to his muscular physique. By the time the many lockdowns had finished, and Dan had had to return to the office, his designer suits no longer fitted him like they used to.

Where his tailored shirts and suits once hugged every muscle and line, they now dug into a thicker pair of thighs and a much chunkier bubble butt. His shirts gaped when he sat down, and his jackets no longer buttoned unless he breathed in.

Initially, Dan had assumed that just being back in the office would help him get back in shape, but he hadn’t factored in the new deli that opened next door to his office building. His salads were a thing of the past and had now been replaced with subs and creamy pasta dishes.

What didn’t help was that Dan’s new assistant, Jake, was exceptionally good at knowing exactly what Dan would enjoy to get through his day, so he was constantly plied with his favourite coffees and pastries.

The only other major difference in his new, post pandemic life was the wardrobe malfunctions. In his slightly chunkier state, Dan had experienced multiple occasions where his clothes let him down. On one summer day, his shirt was stuck to his back and when he tried to prise it away from his body, the material had split down the seam between his shoulder blades. Dan had had to keep his jacket on and sweat all day.

The worst by far was the day he’d been low on clean clothes. Dan had thrown on an old golf jersey with a pair of suit pants that were far too snug. He’d foregone underwear to try and give himself more space in his pants, but when he’d bent over in his office to retrieve a file, the pants had split open down the rear seam, right in front of his assistant, Jake.

Dan had had to wait until everyone had left the office before he headed for his car, clutching the torn material over his smooth bubble butt.

The issue with the wardrobe malfunctions was that Dan had noticed that they give him an unusual reaction. It had been subtle at first, but the more they happened, the stronger reaction he had. He would get inexplicably aroused. In fact, he got so hard and so close to the verge of orgasm that he’d have to clutch his dick and breathe deeply to calm down.

Dan knew that he needed to rectify matters but the high he now got from a wardrobe malfunction was starting to deter him from taking action. And his assistant was no help at all as he was constantly encouraging Dan to eat what he loved, or to not feel self-conscious if his shirt buttons gaped a little.

However, after an indulgent weekend, Dan had struggled to find a pair of pants that he could button, and after calling in sick to the office, he decided that he had to get himself back to his old physique, no matter how much he enjoyed his wardrobe malfunctions.

Deciding that he needed to get to the gym, Da rifled through his closet until he found what he was looking for, his old shorts and tank top, and his speedo for the pool. He wasn’t sure he could manage doing both, but he threw them all in his bag and headed to the gym, trying to ignore the subtle rumble in stomach as he pushed through the double doors and headed for the locker room.

“Do I work out or swim?” he wondered as he unzipped his bag.


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