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Tim was a firm believer in always getting what he wanted. Ever since he'd been at private school as a teenager, he'd focused solely on getting what he wanted, when he wanted it. 

With his slim swimmer's build, cute butt and incredible smile, Tim was usually very successful at getting what he wanted. 

But he'd recently encountered a new challenge to his successful record . . . Rick! 

Rick was one of the lifeguards at the pool in Tim's apartment building. From the second that Tim had laid his eyes on Rick's tanned, muscular body, dark hair, furry chest and handsome face, he wanted him! 

Unfortunately for Tim, Rick couldn't be less interested. No matter how much Tim flirted or wore revealing speedos, Rick paid him absolutely no attention. 

Tim knew Rick was gay because he'd caught him on Grindr on his phone when the pool was empty one night. But Rick just wasn't remotely interested in posh boy, Tim. 

After weeks of frustration, Tim decided to try a new tactic. Rick was always reluctant to even talk to Tim, so Tim decided to break some rules so that Rick had no choice but to engage with him. 

It was just after 9pm on a Wednesday night and Tim knew that the pool would be empty, and Rick would be on duty. 

Rather than attempting to say "hello" to Rick and trying to strike up a conversation like he usually did, Tim ignored him and walked up to the deep end of the pool wearing a baggy pair of navy board shorts. 

Tim didn't even look in Rick's direction, before diving into the pool. As he expected, the loose board shorts shot to his ankles leaving him to kick them off of his feet as he swam the length of the pool, knowing full well that his cheeks would be clearly visible on the surface of the water. 

Tim swam three lengths before he stopped for a breather. 

"Excuse me . . . sir." 

Tim grinned to himself and turned around to find Rick stood there in his bright red swim shorts and white tank top, his muscular legs completely distracting Tim from what Rick had said. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" 

Rick rolled his eyes and squatted down so that Tim could hear him better, but all he achieved was highlighting his bulge in close proximity to Tim's face. 

"I said, you've lost your trunks. You can't swim naked in here, sir." 

Tim tried to look shocked, but failed miserably. "Oh have I? How embarrassing. Did you see where my shorts went?" 

Rick sighed. "They're at the other end of the pool. Please could you retrieve them and put them back on sir?" 

Tim couldn't hide his smile as a thought popped into his head. 

"Ouch! I have a sudden cramp in my calf. Could you get them for me?" 

Tim clutched his leg under the water, both of them knowing full well that he didn't have cramp at all. 

Rick grunted and walked to the other end of the pool. He bent down and retrieved Tim's board shorts, and then walked back to give them to their owner. 

"The cramp is really bad, and I'd hate for someone to see me naked. Perhaps you could get in the water and help me?" 

Rick looked flustered as he shook his head. "I can't do that . . . sir." 

It was at this moment that Tim noticed the erection in Rick's swim shorts. Rick did like him. Clearly he just needed a little encouragement. 

"Okay," Tim shrugged and held his hand out for the shorts. 

Rick leaned over the water with the shorts held out, but Tim grabbed Rick's wrist and pulled him into the pool where he landed with a huge splash. 

"What are you doing?" Rick yelled as he wiped water from his eyes, his white tank top now completely see-through. 

Tim grabbed the throbbing bulge in Rick's swim shorts. "Just giving you a hand." 

Rick blushed. "I can't . . . not with residents. I could get fired." 

Tim laughed. "My father owns the building. Does that make it easier for you?" 

Rick glanced behind him, and then down to the water where he could see Tim's ample cock fully erect. 

"Fuck it," Rick growled and slammed his lips against Tim's. 

As Tim wrapped his legs around Rick's muscled waist, he couldn't stop himself from smugly grinning that once again, he'd gotten what he wanted. 



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