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I was very excited that my incredible Suited God patron, Maru, decided to put his reward commission towards a new instalment in the Home Alone series. 

Milo, Clover and Ace are back and this time it's No Nut November! Check out the new story below and let me know what you guys think. 

As always, if you enjoy the story, give it a like by hitting the heart. 

It had been a few weeks since Milo had been completely humiliated at the frat pool party and he was still jerking off about it on a daily basis. He’d never been so horny in his life. He’d done his utmost to avoid Ace and Clover, too horny and too ashamed to even look them in the eye, let alone have a conversation with them.

Milo had become something of a recluse, only leaving the house to get groceries or go to the office. Clover and Ace had tried checking in on him, but Milo had politely said he was fine and avoided any further messages.

The problem was that he wanted both of them. Desperately!

In fact, Milo had never craved something so badly in his entire life. But the lust aside, he always wanted to get his own back. His attempt to embarrass Clover at the pool party had backfired, and he was left wondering what exactly he could do to humiliate the pair of them.

And then, his opportunity presented itself.

It was the day after Halloween and Milo was clearing the pumpkins off of his front porch when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“I thought you’d become a shut in or something.”

Milo took a deep breath before turning to face Ace; tall, muscled, beefy Ace. “I’ve uh just been busy, I guess. Hope you guys are doing okay.”

Milo turned back to the pumpkins but jumped when he felt Ace’s hand on his ass.

“I think you’ve been trying to avoid us,” Ace said with a deep chuckle.

Milo turned back around and backed a little towards the door. “No, I’ve just been busy, like I said. Why would I avoid you?”

Ace grinned. “Because we cut off your swimsuit and made you jizz all over yourself in front of the entire frat. Remember?”

Milo gulped, his cheeks heating. “Oh that, yeah. Well . . . it was just a prank.”

Ace was no more convinced by Milo’s words than Milo was himself. It had been so much more than a prank and they both knew it.

“Well, you don’t need to worry about us pranking you anytime,” Ace said with a shrug. “Clover and I are taking part in No Nut November to raise some money for charity. The whole frat is doing it, so we have to behave.”

Milo frowned. “No Nut November?”

“You’re such a dad,” Ace chuckled. “It’s where you can’t jerk off for the whole month. No jerking off and definitely no cumming.”

“For the whole month?” Milo gasped.

“Yup. It’s only day one and I’m already struggling, but it’ll be worth it.”

Milo nodded, the cogs in his brain grinding at lightning speed. “Well, best of luck to you guys. I’d be happy to support any charity donations if that’s what you’re doing it for.”

“Thanks, I’ll get Clover to come over next week. He’s away for a few days.”

Milo smiled and watched Ace walk away, his ample bubble butt teasing in his tight satiny basketball shorts.

No Nut November sounded like the perfect opportunity to get some payback on the frat, but the question for Milo was how?

Sure enough, at the end of the following week, Milo was just climbing out of his car after a tedious day in the office when Clover jogged over to his front door.

“Hey stranger, how’s things?”

Clover was wearing a tight pair of jeans that seemed to make his bulge look obscene. Milo lost his train of his thought as he took in the sexy college guy.

“I’m . . . uh . . . good.”

Clover laughed. “My eyes are up here dude.”

Milo coughed and blushed as he looked up at Clover’s cheeky grin and mischievous eyes. “Sorry, I was . . . umm . . .”

“Don’t worry. Ace asked me to come over about a donation.”

“Oh yeah,” Milo said, forcing his brain to clear from filthy thoughts so that he could focus on the task at hand, the plan that he’d been formulating for the last week. “How’s No Nut November going?”

It was Clover’s turn to look sheepish. “Definitely not as easy as I thought.”

Clover looked Milo up and down, his eyes hungry as he took in Milo in his tight dress shirt and silk tie, and his suit pants that were definitely a size too small these days.

“You’re definitely not helping looking like that.”

Milo wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so he just smiled and tried to keep his focus. “I actually meant to talk to you and Ace about your November challenge. A buddy of mine is a doctor and he’s been recommending his patients to get a physical during the challenge as it’s apparently the best time to get one.”

Clover frowned. “Really? I’ve done quite a bit of research and that never came up.”

Milo took a deep breath and ploughed on with his practiced spiel. “Yeah, it’s medically proven that abstinence provides the best opportunity to check the prostate and ensure a man’s health is sound. At least that’s what my doctor buddy said.”

“It’s a shame that me and Ace can’t afford a physical right now,” Clover said with a shrug.

Milo had hoped that that’s exactly what the college frat boy would say. “Well, my buddy owes me a favour. I’m sure he’d see you and Ace for free. I’ll even drive you over there if you want?’

Clover was definitely suspicious about Milo’s sudden interest in his and Ace’s health, but he felt like a physical couldn’t hurt. “Let me chat to Ace about it. We’re both free tomorrow afternoon.”

Attempting to hide his excitement, Milo nodded emphatically. “Perfect. Text me what time works, and I’ll get it arranged with my buddy.”

‘Thanks Milo. That’s really good of you.”

Clover decided to skip the charity donation stuff he’d come to talk about and went home to chat to Ace.

The following afternoon, Milo was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. Everything was planned and his revenge was imminent. He was going to pick up Ace and Clover at four thirty, he’d take them over to his buddy’s surgery and then they’d both be stripped naked, teased until they were hard and desperate and then Milo would burst in with an emergency.

It was going to be spectacular.

As the afternoon progressed, Milo started to wonder how he could make the whole afternoon even more embarrassing for the two frat brothers.

And that’s when it came to him!

Both Ace and Clover had made it crystal clear how much they were into him, so for a start, he’d wear something tight that showed off his dad bod. Maybe he could try being sexy and tease them both?

Milo raced to his wardrobe and decided that he’d go for a pair of tight suit pants. They were a charcoal grey and even with his weight gain, he knew they made his butt, and his thighs, look good.

“Hmm maybe a polo shirt to show off the arms,” Milo wondered to himself as he rifled through his dresser.

Deciding that any undies would ruin the lines on his tight suit pants, Milo decided to be extra risky and go commando. That would tease them both even more.

Milo threw on some black dress shoes and headed down to his car. It was just as he grabbed his keys that he had another idea. He’d been meaning to take an old desk chair back to the office. If he put that across the back seat, then Clover would have to sit on Ace’s lap in the front next to him. He was sure that would have an additional impact on them both if they’d truly been abstaining for the better part of the last couple of weeks.

It was just after half four by the time Mio had manoeuvred the office chair outside and managed to get it into the back seat of his car. He was feeling hot and sweaty, and his polo shirt was clinging even more tightly to his body.

“Hey Milo, are you ready to go?”

Milo swiped the sweat from his forehead as he emerged from the other side of the car to see Ace and Clover walking towards him. Ace was in a pair of white rugby shorts that left little to the imagination and Clover was wearing some track pants and a navy tee.

“Woah,” Clover gasped as Milo came around the car and the two frat boys got a good look at him.

Ace looked Milo up and down and growled low in his throat. “Fuck!”

“Are you guys okay?” Milo asked, trying to sound innocent, but failing miserably.

Whilst Clover just looked Milo up and down, Ace visibly adjusted his bulge and both of them looked at Milo like they’d just found their first meal in weeks.

“I’m afraid the car is a little cramped, but I assumed you guys would be okay sharing the passenger seat up front?”

Clover glanced at Ace and frowned a little. “I guess I could sit on your lap.”

Ace shrugged, still staring hungrily at the obvious bulge in Milo’s suit pants. ‘Yeah, fine, whatever.”

With the next stage of his plan coming together Milo happily opened the driver’s door and hopped inside, whilst Ace folded himself into the passenger seat, leaving Clover to scramble on top of his thick thighs and attempt to get comfortable.

“Quit squirming,” Ace growled as he tried to put a safety belt across both of them.

Milo couldn’t help but smile as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

As they drove down the freeway towards his friend’s surgery, Milo did his best to make small talk with Ace and Clover, but the longer they drove, the less engaged the two frat bros seemed to be. Milo repeatedly tried to sneak glances at the two of them, but with Ace’s massive frame and Clover cramped on his lap, it was very difficult to see anything.

Milo knew that the vibrations from the engine and the wheels on the road would be making some friction between the two of them, but he had an additional plan.

“I hope you guys don’t mind, but I’m a little warm. I’m just gonna put the AC on for a bit.”

Ace grunted in agreement as Milo put the AC on full blast. The air vents were all open and Milo grinned when he noticed that one of the jets of air was blasting straight up Ace’s shorts.

“Hope that’s alright,” Milo said as innocently as he could manage.

Ace just grunted again, and Clover remained silent, but Milo noticed how red in the face he was.

By the time they pulled into the parking lot, Milo was grinning like an idiot. As they turned into the lot, Milo noticed the huge tent in Clover’s track pants. His plan had worked to perfection.

What Milo hadn’t anticipated was the impact that the whole scenario would have on him. As he climbed out of the car and walked around to watch Ace and Clover get out, he was completely unaware of his own hard cock straining against the fly of his suit pants. Without any underwear on, the head of his cock was visible through the material.

As Clover emerged from the car, he immediately pushed his hands into his pockets to try and disguise his throbbing erection. Ace, on the other hand, made no attempts to hide his thick heavy cock pulsing inside his white rugby shorts.

“Holy fuck,” Ace groaned as he looked down at the bulge in Milo’s suit pants.

Milo frowned in confusion before looking down and blushing at the sight of his own cock tenting his pants. “Shit!”

Clover just moaned as he bent forward at the waist a little.

“Let’s get this over with,” Ace said as he marched towards the door of the surgery.

Milo couldn’t stop himself from watching Ace’s massive bubble butt in his white shorts as it bounced from side to side with each step.

Once they were inside and checked in, Milo’s buddy, Doctor Lane, immediately came to retrieve the two frat brothers and gave Milo a sneaky wink.

Milo took a seat in the empty waiting room and waved to Clover and Ace as they disappeared into one of the treatment rooms.

“I hope you boys are okay,” Doctor Lane said as he closed the door behind Ace and Clover. ‘Milo tells me that you two are frat brothers, so I hope you won’t mind doing the physical together to save me some time.”

Ace did his usual shrug. “Fine by me.”

“Excellent. If you both want to strip naked for me, and I’ll be back in a second.”

Before Clover or Ace could say a word, Doctor Lane left the room and headed straight for Milo. “Give me five minutes and then you can burst into the room.”

Milo grinned and checked his watch. “You got it. Thanks man.”

When Doctor Lane opened the door to the treatment room, he was delighted by the sight that met him.

Clover was the slimmer of the two with a small belly and a tight butt, but Ace was a giant in comparison. His furry body was typical fit fat and he looked incredible, his biceps bulging as he cupped his hands over his cock and balls.

“Okay boys, this should be fairly quick and easy. I’ll do a full body assessment and then I’ll do a check of your testes and your prostate.”

Clover and Ace exchanged sheepish looks before they both nodded.

“I’ll start with you Clover,” Doctor Lane said before guiding Clover slightly away from Ace.

Clover watched Doctor Lane as he inspected his eyes, ears, nose, and the inside of his mouth. Then he moved his hands to his neck, his shoulders, his arms, and his hands.

“Lift your arms up for me,” Doctor Lane said with a smile.

With a little hesitation, Clover lifted his arms up. He’d always had incredibly sensitive pits and he gasped a little as Doctor Lane brushed his fingers through the hair in his pits and probed the soft skin.

“You’re wincing a little. Is that okay?”

Clover nodded. “Yes, just a little sensitive.”

Doctor Lane glanced down to see Clover’s cock hard as a rock with a pearl of cum on the tip. “Ah I see. Apologies.”

Blushing profusely, Clover looked away as Doctor Lane inspected his chest, stomach, feet, and legs. It was as Doctor Lane moved his strong hands up to Clover’s thighs that Clover had to disguise a moan with a cough. Nearly two weeks without jerking off was longer than he’d ever gone, and this physical was going to finish him off.

“Okay, I’m going to inspect your testes now.”

Clover squeaked an agreement before Doctor Lane gently took his balls in his hand and moved them around between his thumb and forefinger.

“Cough for me,’ the doctor instructed.

Doing as he was told, Clover coughed, and Doctor Lane murmured his agreement.

Clover’s cock was throbbing from the attention and a drop of precum dribbled down his shaft.

“If you could turn around for me, bend forward and grasp the table, I’ll check your prostate.”

Doctor Lane applied some lube to his gloved fingers before prising Clover’s cheeks apart. Clover openly moaned as the slightly cold, lubricated finger penetrated his hole. Doctor Lane seemed to take forever to find his prostate as he gently massaged the walls of hall. After a while, he found the prostate and tickled it with his finger.

“Excellent. Perfect health,” Doctor Lane said as he withdrew his finger and removed his gloves.

Clover was red in the face from the attention and immediately tried to hide his cock from view.

Ace had watched Clover’s physical with an almost mental detachment, but as Doctor Lane approached him, Ace was suddenly nervous. His cock had been hard since he’d seen Milo in the tight suit pants, and now, he was going to have endure a physical of his own.

As Doctor Lane inspected his facial features and neck, Ace was unmoved. However, as Doctor Lane eventually moved down to his chest, Ace started to sweat from nerves. His furry chest always turned him on and as Doctor Lane tweaked his nipples, Ace growled, and his dick twitched.

“A little sensitive?” Doctor Lane asked.

Ace grunted and tried to calm his breathing as Doctor Lane felt his stomach and his back, before moving down to his ankles. Much like Clover, Ace could barely hold back as Doctor Lane groped his thick, furry thighs. The doctor’s warm hands on the inside of his thighs were nearly unbearable. Ace wanted to blow his load right then and there.

“I’m going to inspect your testes now, Ace.”

Ace clenched his teeth, all the muscles in his body tensed as the doctor took his heavy balls in hand.

“Cough please.”

With a quick cough, Ace was relieved when the doctor nodded and released his balls. The close proximity to his hard cock was too much and he knew it would take very little to tip him over the edge.

“Turn around and bend forward, Ace.”

The doctor applied a large amount of lube to his fingers after applying a new glove and cursed when he spilt a load of lube over the tiled floor.

Typically, Ace was a top. He didn’t ever entertain the idea of anyone breaching his hole and he was unsurprised when the doctor asked him to relax.

Doctor Lane spread Ace’s meaty cheeks, sliding a lubed finger along his furry crack until he found the untouched pink rosebud.

“Ah,” Ace moaned as Doctor Lane pressed against his hole.

“Relax for me, Ace,” the doctor asked gently.

Ace tried to relax but his balls were tight, his cock was throbbing, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. The doctor forced a finger inside him, immediately finding his prostate and teasing it a little.

Hissing through his teeth, Ace curled his toes, desperate not to blow his load in front of the doctor.

“And we’re all done,” Doctor Lane said, removing his finger with a squelchy pop.

Clover moved over to Ace’s side just as the door flew open and Milo appeared. They had no idea what he was going to say because as he stepped into the room, Milo slipped on the spilled lube and fell to his knees.

With an almighty rip, the rear seam on Milo’s suit pants blew open and his furry bubble butt was fully on show to both of the frat brothers and the doctor.

“Oh fuck,” Milo whimpered.

But that was lost as both Clover and Ace simultaneously started to cum. The two weeks of abstinence, the car ride and the physical had brought both of them to the edge, but the sight of sexy dad Milo on all fours with his suit pants ripped wide open was too much for both of them.

Unfortunately, the two frat brothers were nearly facing one another as they both started to cum, each of them coated the other in their seed.

“Fuck yeah,” Ace growled as he milked his cock, cum flying all over Clover.

Clover moaned and panted, gripping his own cock, and watching his load cover Ace’s furry stomach and thighs.

By the time the two frat boys were done, the treatment room was filled with the scent of young male seamen and sweat.

Milo pulled himself to his feet, his own cock leaking inside his torn suit pants. He’d been planning on humiliating Clover and Ace but had ended up embarrassing himself yet again. Milo used his hands to inspect the back of his suit pants, but all he felt was his meaty butt.

“It looks like things didn’t quite go to plan,” Doctor Lane chuckled. “I’ll leave you guys to clean yourselves up and get dressed.

“What does he mean?” Clover asked as he grabbed a wad of paper towels to clean himself up.

Milo blushed furiously. “I . . . uh . . .”

Ace grinned. “You set this up, didn’t you?”

Milo shook his head, but Ace knew immediately what had happened and couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

“Let’s get dressed, Clover. I think we need to have a little chat with Milo. Although maybe we should talk out in the parking lot so everyone can see his sexy exposed ass.”

Milo couldn’t believe that this had ended up turned back on him, or that he’d missed the show from the two frat brothers. What the hell were they going to do with him next?


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