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You guys wanted someone else in the office to find Oliver and Drake naked in the parking lot, and your wish is my command. Read on for the final part in this Choose Your Own Adventure story. 

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Ever since he’d climbed out of bed that morning, Oliver could never have anticipated the sort of day he was going to have. Despite a number of fantasies where he ended up naked with his boss, Drake, he’d never envisaged being naked in the parking lot with him, desperately trying to escape.

It had started when Oliver had stupidly worn a silky thong to work that had resulted in him being hard as a rock during his first meeting. Drake had noticed and offered to help him cover up, but then Oliver had split his pants wide open in the hallway.

By the time they’d got to Drake’s office, Drake was all over him, but then Bobby had turned up, having heard Oliver’s pants rip. From that moment on, Oliver and Drake had both had to strip naked, jerk each other off and have photos taken by some of Bobby’s buddies. It was only when they’d finally left that Bobby had allowed Oliver and Drake to go on their way, but he hadn’t given them their clothes back.

So here they both were, butt naked, squatting down against the tarmac, behind someone’s jeep.

“Drake, what are we going to do? What if they see us?”

Drake shushed him and risked peeking around the side of the jeep. Drake immediately recognised one of the guys from the Sales team. He’d played racquetball with Drake a few times, and they were fairly good work buddies.

“Drake, is that you?”

‘Oh, not again,” Oliver groaned.

Drake half stood up from his squatting position, keeping his hands clamped over his package and his lower body hidden behind the jeep.

“Yeah, uh, hey Tim, there’s been a bit of work prank and I’m uh . . .”

Tim walked straight over and peered around the jeep. “Damn, you’re as naked as the day you were born. What happened?”

“I don’t really want to go into details, Tim, but I just need to get to my car. Could you, uh, watch the door for me to make sure no one else comes out?”

Tim chuckled and gave Drake a slap on the shoulder. “I will expect all the details at the next game.”

Drake grimaced. “You got it, but please, watch the door.”

Drake waited for Tim to walk away, but he stayed resolutely still. “What’s up?”

“Look, I can’t pass up this opportunity, Drake. I’ll watch the door, but . . . I want to see you naked . . . and I wanna feel that ass.”

Drake rolled his eyes. “You know what, Tim? Fuck you! I am sick of people trying to take advantage. Oliver, stand up and walk to my car.”

Tim gasped. “What the hell is Oliver doing naked as well?”

“Long story, Tim,” Drake said with a scowl. “One you won’t be hearing.”

Drake grabbed Oliver’s hand and dragged him towards his Jaguar, but as soon as they passed Tim, Tim placed his hand on Drake’s ass and squeezed one of his meaty, furry cheeks.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Drake yelled, the surprise making him drop his car keys.

“I couldn’t resist,” Tim said with a shrug. “Nor can I resist doing this.”

Drake frowned as Tim dropped to the floor and grabbed Drake’s keys before running over to the door and smashing his hand into the fire alarm.

As sirens blared around them, the parking gates abruptly closed and locked.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Drake said with an exasperated sigh.

“Drake, now what do we do?” Oliver squeaked.

“The only thing we can do, Oliver. Hold our heads up high and walk straight out the front door.”

Drake grabbed Oliver’s hand, gave him a quick kiss, and then led him towards the doors where Tim stood with a smug grin.

It would be several more hours before Drake and Oliver escaped the office, and by then, everyone they worked with would have seen them both butt naked and rock hard. Each of them would be groped and teased mercilessly by their colleagues, and Oliver vowed that he would never wear a thong to the office again.

Or would he?


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