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When Theo had arrived at the pool, he'd been so excited to show off his burly physique and his new rainbow patterned swim trunks.

It was the first pool party of the year, and his new job in construction had resulted in him slimming down and gaining some serious muscle.

Ever since college, most of his buddies knew him as the chubby guy, so Theo was super excited to be the stud for once rather than being the butt of the joke.

The pool party was in full swing and Theo had multiple guys from his frat say how great he looked, and he was feeling on top of the world.

As he grabbed another beer, he pulled up his swim trunks again. The rainbow print trunks had been bought a few months before, and with his additional weightless, Theo hadn't factored in that they might be a little loose.

Not that it mattered as long as he kept pulling them up, he thought.

After he'd finished his beer, the sun was getting a little too warm for him, so Theo dived into the pool. The water was cool and refreshing, and he couldn't remember feeling so good in a long time.

"Hey Theo," one of the guys yelled in his direction. "We're gonna do a cannonball competition. You in?"

"Hell yeah," Theo yelled back as he made for the ladder.

Theo pulled himself out of the pool and immediately blushed when he realised that his trunks had slipped down at the back and his butt was fully on show.

A couple of guys laughed, but Theo quickly pulled them back up, and joined the guys doing the cannonball competition at the deep end of the pool.

"Biggest splash wins," one of the guys said.

The competition kicked off and Theo was confident that he could win this. He was still a big guy, even if that was more from muscle than fat these days.

By the time it got to his turn, Theo had been stood around for a while, and was unaware that his shorts had slipped down to the point that his furry butt crack was showing.

Theo did a couple of stretches to show off, before jumping into the air, hugging his knees and splashing down into the pool. Theo went straight down to the bottom of the pool, his feet hitting the tiled floor before he pushed himself up and swam to the surface, kicking his legs.

Theo broke the surface of the water, wiped his eyes clear and looked at the guys.

"How did I do?"

"You had the biggest splash by far and . . ."

One of the guys fell silent as he looked at something behind Theo.

"Dude, are you missing something?"

Theo frowned at him before turning to look at what had the guys' attention.

"Oh fuck!"

Theo's swim trunks were floating halfway down the pool. He put one hand down to his crotch and was unsurprised to find his dick and balls floating free in the water.

Theo blushed furiously before heading to retrieve his trunks, and praying that he'd get them before someone else did.

Maybe he wouldn't escape being the butt of the jokes after all - especially when he was furry butt was exposed to all of his frat brothers as he swam to get his trunks.



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