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For March's story, you voted for a new Matt story and here it is.

In this story, Matt remembers the first time he got aroused at his accidental exposure.

I hope you guys enjoy this one, and don't forget to submit ideas for April's story. 

Matt Butler was a successful architect with exceptional good looks, a smoking hot bod that was part genetics and part gym routine, and he lived in a beautiful penthouse apartment.

And yet, despite this impressive resume, he found himself wearing an old suit, that was a size too small, as he waited outside the gates of his latest development project.

Kit West, the contractor that had hired Matt, had discovered how accident-prone Matt was, not to mention how much he got off on his accidental exposure. So, Kit had taken the opportunity to blackmail Matt into keeping the contract by doing exactly as he was told.

So far, this had resulted in Matt getting a bus home covered in his own cum, which had been an uncomfortable combination of mortifying and horny as hell.

Matt had no idea what Kit had in store for him next, but as he waited for Kit to arrive, Matt couldn’t help but think about when his arousal over his accidental exposures had started. He’d always been accident-prone, but the insane arousal over his predicaments had only recently come into being in recent years.

In fact, it had probably started when he’d visited the building site for one of his first solo projects.

Matt had designed a refit of an office building that was halfway through completion when he’d gone along to do some redrafts on one of the conference suites.

And that day had definitely not ended the way Matt had imagined . . .


It was a warm September afternoon when Matt arrived at the building site. He’d been in meetings all day and his shirt felt and suit pants felt a little damp against his skin. He’d wanted to just head home, but one of his main projects needed a meeting about a change to the conference room suite, and he didn’t have the time to do it the following day.

A young guy in the reception area gave Matt a hard hat and a security pass before sending him to the elevators and up to the fifth floor.

As the elevator doors closed behind Matt, he had the opportunity to check himself out in the floor length mirrors. His tailored navy suit looked a little snug compared to when he’d bought it. The jacket was a little too tight on the shoulders and the pants a little too tight on the thighs. But despite the long day of meetings, Matt couldn’t deny that he looked good; his dark hair was still styled, and his blue eyes still sparkled. Yes, his shirt was a little wrinkled under the jacket and he could feel the sweat under his arms and at the top of his ass, but he still looked like a smoking hot professional.

In typical style, Matt was nearly an hour later than when he said he’d arrive, so he wasn’t surprised to see no one around when the elevator doors opened.

It was as Matt was wandering down the corridor towards the conference suit that a guy in his early forties wearing jeans and a tank top appeared. He was covered in streaks of black grime.

“Ah, Mr Butler, so glad you could join us. Unfortunately, we’ve had an issue to deal with, which needs some urgent attention. We know you’re busy, but would you mind waiting in the conference suite? We’ll be with you as soon as we can. It may be about thirty minutes.”

Matt felt a little disheartened that he’d have to wait around, but he was late after all, so he just smiled and said there wasn’t a problem.

The guy thanked him and dashed off towards the elevators.

As Matt made his way along the corridor, most of the walls were covered in plastic sheeting and the floor was covered with dirty sheets.

When he entered the large conference suit, most of the ceiling was a tangle of cables and there were various pieces of building equipment and power tools littering the space.

“I guess a coffee and a sofa isn’t likely,” Matt said with a chuckle to himself.

Deciding to catch up on some emails, Matt found a large cannister to sit on and pulled out his phone.

Matt wasn’t sure if the cannister was damp or if the metal was just cold, but he readjusted his position, so he was fully sat in the centre, before giving his attention to his emails.

It was after about twenty minutes that Matt pinched the bridge of his nose and put his phone into suit jacket pocket. It was just after 6pm and he had definitely had enough for the day.

Deciding to stretch his legs whilst he waited, Matt tensed his core to stand up, but as he went to move forward, he stayed resolutely where he was.

“What the?”

Matt leaned forward and tried to get up off of the metal cannister, but he was well and truly stuck. It was then that Matt noticed the label on the side of the cannister.

“Industrial Solvent”

“Oh fuck,” Matt whispered.

He tried in vain to prise himself off of the cannister but no matter how much he wriggled back and forth; his trousers had well and truly stuck to the lid.

Pausing his efforts, Matt tried to consider his options. If he tried too hard to free himself, he might rip his pants, but if he stayed where he was then the builders might find him, and he’d look like a complete idiot.

Matt checked his watch and saw that he only had around five minutes until the builders might return. Whatever he did, he needed to do it quickly.

There was a stack of crates behind Matt that were a little higher than the cannister he was sat on. If he undid his pants, he’d be able to pull himself up on to the crates and out of his pants. Then he could try and free his pants and get out of there.

Deciding that was his only option, Matt quickly removed his suit jacket and tossed it on the floor in front of him, to avoid catching it on the crates.

Then he prised off his black leather dress shoes with his toes and paused a little as they clunked to the floor loudly.

Comfortable that he couldn’t hear footsteps, Matt leaned backwards and undid the button and the fly on his suit pants. Looking down, he cursed himself for wearing a ridiculous pair of stars and stripes satin boxer shorts.

“Of all the undies to wear today,” he said with a shake of his head.

With his pants undone, Matt pushed them as wide open as he could before putting his hands on the edge of the crates behind him. With a grunt, Matt started to pull himself backwards, his brightly coloured shiny boxers coming into view, along with his muscular thighs.

Given how tight Matt’s trousers were on his thick calves, it was slightly more of a challenge to wriggle his legs free from his suit pants, but after a bit of work, he had his legs free from his suit pants and he was sat on the crates in his boxer shorts.

Matt jumped down from the crates, grabbed his suit jacket and pulled it on, before turning his attention to his suit pants.

The entire seat of his suit pants was glued tightly to the lid of the cannister, but the cannister lid was sealed shut and he couldn’t remove that either.

“Fuck,” Matt cursed under his breath, conscious that the builders could come at any time.

Gripping the sides of his suit pants, Matt tugged as hard as he could squatting down and flexing his muscles with all of his strength.

With a grunt of effort, there was a loud ripping sound before Matt tumbled backwards on the floor, the torn remnants of his suit pants in his hands.

Matt shook his head slightly as he sat up on the floor, inspecting the shreds of material in his hands. He’d managed to free his suit pants, but the entire seat and crotch had been left attached to the cannister. All Matt had in his hands were two pant legs!

“I need to get out of here now,” Matt said to himself, his cheeks blushing slightly at the realisation that he’d have to get back to his car in his boxer shorts.

Matt went to stand up when he felt another tug, but this time, it was the seat of his satin boxers.

“Oh god, no, please!”

This time it wasn’t solvent. It was some sort of tar that was smeared across some of the floorboards.

Panicking about the idea of having to remove his boxers, Matt tried as hard as he could to lift his hips. After a few seconds of straining, he was suddenly able to lift his butt and was relieved that his boxers were still intact, but as he stood up, Matt realised that the back of his satin boxers were covered in the sticky grey tar substance.

Leaving the remnants of his pants, Matt bent down to grab his shoes and put them on. He put the right one on straight away, but as he grabbed the left one, he realised it was in the same tar substance that he’d been sat in.

“Oh, come on,” he hissed through clenched teeth as he squatted down and pulled at the shoe.

At the moment, three things happened simultaneously; Matt heard voices in the distance, his satin boxers ripped down the outer thigh seams, and then his shoe came free, and he stumbled backwards, but managed to stay on his feet.

“Fuck,” Matt said as he inspected the damage to his boxers.

They were ripped up both sides to the waistband so both of his thick thighs were fully on show. What didn’t help was that as Matt inspected the right one, he slid his hand inside the rip, and his hand connected with his cock.

“Why am I hard?” he wondered, discovering that his cock was hard as steel and throbbing against his palm.

Before he could contemplate that further, the voices started to get louder.

Matt pulled on his left dress shoe and ran out of the conference suite and down the hall to elevator.

He could hear the voices coming down the hall from the direction he’d come, and he pleaded with the elevator to hurry up as he waited desperately for it to arrive.

“I wonder where Matt’s gone,” he heard someone say.

They must have arrived at the conference suite.

Matt backed up against the closed elevator doors, jamming his finger repeatedly into the call button as he prayed that no one would see him.

With a stroke of luck, the elevator dinged to announce its arrival and the doors started to slide open. Unfortunately, Matt’s tar covered satin boxers were now stuck to the elevator door and as the doors slid open, Matt’s satin boxers were torn from his body.

“Fuck,” Matt gasped as his hard cock flopped free and smacked against his thigh.

Matt plunged his hands down to cover himself, but they collided with his throbbing dick, and that one touch was enough to send him over the edge.

“Oh . . . not now . . . not . . . aahhhhhh,” Matt moaned as cum erupted from his cock and sprayed over the floor and his thighs and shoes.

The orgasm momentarily shorted his brain, and before he could stumble back into the lift, the guy from before appeared with his mouth hanging open in surprise.

“Mr Butler, what . . . what the hell?”

Matt jumped backwards into the elevator; his face red with embarrassment.

“I’ll explain tomorrow. So sorry.”

The elevator doors closed, leaving Matt to cover his still semi-erect cock, his lower body covered in cum.

And that was the first time he’d ever gotten off on his accidental exposure.

As Matt stood waiting for Mr West, the mere memory had his dick throbbing in his pants.

What was it that got him so horny?

Before he could contemplate that further, Kit drove into the site.




One of my favourite series 😏