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Choose Your Own Adventure - Part 9

  • Bobby makes Oliver jerk off in the hallway 6
  • Bobby invites more colleagues into the office 10
  • Bobby agrees to let Drake and Oliver leave, but they have to report back tomorrow 6
  • 2023-10-11
  • —2023-10-18
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Choose Your Own Adventure - Part 9', 'choices': [{'text': 'Bobby makes Oliver jerk off in the hallway', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Bobby invites more colleagues into the office ', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Bobby agrees to let Drake and Oliver leave, but they have to report back tomorrow', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 18, 22, 59, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 11, 17, 24, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


You choose for Oliver and Drake to get each other off, and here it is! 

Vote below for what you want to see happen next. 

Bobby laughed as he gathered up their discarded clothing. “You wait here, and I’ll be right back.”

Oliver’s eyes bulged as he watched Bobby walk out of the room with all of their clothes.

“What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Oliver asked, torn between his panic at being naked in the office, or his overwhelming arousal at seeing Drake butt naked.

Drake turned to look at him, and the heat in his eyes was almost hot enough to feel against his skin.

Without even thinking, Oliver closed the distance between them and placed a hand on Drake’s bicep. “Drake, what do we do?”

“We . . . uh . . . we . . .” Drake could barely get a word out, so overwhelmed by the humiliation of having to strip naked in his office, not to mention the proximity to a very naked and very sexy Oliver.

The door flew open, and Drake and Oliver immediately jumped apart, but it was just Bobby who laughed at the sight of the pair of them.

“You boys look a little nervous,” he chuckled as he closed the door and locked it behind him.

“Look, what is it you want? You’ve got us naked and stolen our clothes.”

“Ollie, that tone hurts me,” Bobby said, still grinning. “I want to help you guys. You’re both hard as a rock, and I want you to have some relief.”

Drake immediately stepped in front of Oliver. “I’ve already told you that you aren’t touching Oliver.”

Oliver blushed and couldn’t stop himself from smiling at Drake being so protective of him. Who knew he could be sexy, dominant, and sweet.

“I didn’t say I was going to. You’re going to get each other off. You can use hands or mouths, but . . .”

Bobby looked at his watch, as Oliver and Drake exchanged a nervous glance.

“You guys have three minutes until lunch. You both need to cum before the three minutes is up, and if not, there’ll be consequences. Get to it.”

Bobby threw himself down on the small couch at the side of the office, whilst Oliver and Drake just looked at one another.

“Two minutes and forty! Tick tock boys.”

“Fuck it,” Drake cursed, before moving Oliver’s hands and grabbing hold of Oliver’s cock.

Oliver moaned before reciprocating and gripping Drake’s thick, meaty dick in his own palm.

“This really isn’t how I imagined this happening,” Oliver whispered to Drake as he rolled his wrist at the end of each stroke of Drake’s cock.

Drake hissed through his teeth, already close to the edge after the tease of Oliver ripping his suit pants and getting off in his office.

“Me neither, but I promise you that we’ll do this properly.”

“Two minutes,” Bobby yelled behind them, breaking them free of their bubble.

“I’m close already,” Drake said breathlessly. “Keep going.”

Oliver grinned and increased the strength of his grip and the speed. Despite the situation, he couldn’t deny how incredible it was to have Drake naked and hard in his hand.

Wanting to really bring the pleasure, Oliver placed a hand on Drake’s ass and gently groped his cheek, before leaning in and kissing him. Drake growled low in his throat as he pushed his tongue inside Oliver’s throat.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he whispered against Oliver’s lips, both of them panting for breath.

“Cum for me, Drake,” Oliver said, feeling Drake’s dick get even harder in his hand.

“Fuck,” Drake yelled before his cock shot its first rope of cum over Oliver’s hand, splashing against his stomach.

Oliver milked Drake’s cock, cum flying over both of them as Drake moaned and grunted through his orgasm. Oliver’s cock was forgotten as Drake braced himself by gripping Oliver’s shoulders.

“Thirty seconds,” Bobby said, reminding them of their time limit.

Drake’s brain had almost shutdown from the intensity of the orgasm. Why was there a time limit again?

“Shit,” Drake hissed, before gripped Oliver’s cock and starting to jerk him off again.

Drake’s hand felt incredible on his dick, but Oliver knew that he wouldn’t get off in time. He never coped well with pressure, and he’d only cum in the last half hour.

Panic set in for both of them as Drake increased speed and Oliver bucked his hips, both desperate for Oliver to cum and Bobby to disappear.

“Time’s up boys! Looks like you didn’t make it.”

“That’s not fair,” Oliver yelled. “You knew I’d only just cum.”

Bobby shrugged as he stood up. “Not my problem, Ollie.”

Drake sighed in defeat. “So, what happens now?”


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